The Blonde Hair Thread

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My hair (never coloured it), straightened on left, natural on right.
I've been told it's a cool toned, ash blonde. Was white when I was a child:wink:

Lapin de Lune, your hair is amazing! Very beautiful shade of blonde.

Girl About Town, you can try Blonde sprays and shampoos. A friend of mine uses them and they're really good (depending on your natural shade). Also, using lemon juice on your hair can lighten it, too.
I like to use something called "Natural Instincts" by Clairol. Technically you do "dye" your hair, but it has no bad chemicals in it and the color is very very subtle. I basically see it as a hair brightener rather than dye. It makes your hair grow fast too actually. It's perfect for my light brown/dark blonde hair which gets quite dull without any blonde in it. I'm not sure if they sell it in England, but I would recommend it if so. :smile:
^There are sprays that work with heat to make your hair lighter. They can be very drying, though. I've never used it myself but the one from Schwarzkopf is supposed to be good.
This is Jennifer Hawkins, not completely sure who she is to be honest..

but i LOVE this colour SO much, it's gorgeous!


found the picture on
Jen's hair is gorgeous!, she won miss universe a few years ago, she's huge here in australia model, tv presenter, brand ambassador etc etc


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Lapin de Lune, nice color! ^_^

Psylocke, the color looks good for DIY! :woot:
but it looks like i won't get to try lavender after all...

last photo of me as a Blonde
my long time hairdresser f*cked up on my hair so now i'm back to Brunette -_-


How did your hairdresser fu*ck up you hair kissablekae :ninja:? Sounds scary :shock:
Oh no, what happened, Kae? Will you try to go back to blonde?

BTW, I love your eyes and the eye make up is awesome in that pic ^_^
^ thank you dearie :kiss:
have you been having a lot of fun with your hair? ^_^

no worries ladies, my hair isn’t green or anything but still, just damn!
* covers face and shakes head, muffled scream * :rofl:
here is my ~ four page letter~

I went in to darken my blonde just a touch, going for a medium to dark ash blonde but I emphasized the medium more because I was scared of it going too dark because bleached hair can be so porous. My hairdresser has taken me from light ash blond to medium ash blonde before(the first time I went blonde with her) and it was beautiful, so I trusted her to know how to be modest with the color. I showed her pictures as guidelines, we looked through hair color samples, I asked her to pick which swatch would give me the look I was going for. The color she picked I felt was way way too dark. so I went for something much lighter than my initial swatch pick to ensure I wouldn’t turn out too dark. If my hair came out lighter than expected, I would've still been happy because I can always darken later on but once It’s too dark, I’m screwed.

My hair ended up a medium brown! ashy because of my blonde base but all browns are red based which is what we been working so hard to get away from! all this work of bleaching past the red tones. How does a light ash blonde swatch translate to medium brown? I don’t even know, now it’s like I’m back at square one! * looks at the swatch & pictures, looks at my hair * HUH?! :yuk: When I saw my hair I was in shock, told her it was way too dark, expressed I wasn’t happy with it etc. I didn’t say too much because like my mother tells me : when you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say it, don’t make me go off in public. Anyways, I could probably scar a person for life just with my b*tch face…mmhmm.

She’s my long time hairdresser, been through a lot of transformations with me, always been very good to me and I respect her as a person so I wasn’t going to really chew her out. I’m not one of those crazy b!tches anyways, gotta keep it classy. Because the thing is, it didn’t matter what excuse she may have had, it wasn’t going to fix the color. And I wasn’t looking to walk out without paying because she worked for 2half-3 hours on my hair. What’s that little bit of money gonna do for me? I’m thinking about the cumulative work(5 months) & scrilla($) put into it. Overall I look fine, it’s just nowhere near the realm of what I asked for. There is no way I can get back the 5 months of work on the blonde, without doing another 5 months. who knows if the third time(this was my second) I go blonde won’t absolutely fry my hair. last time i waited 10 months before going back to blonde. my hair is still in good condition. I don’t have any plans in the future for another major change, I’m just so tired of the "Work in Progress", I was supposed to be finished and just enjoying it right now.

When I first saw how my hair turned out, I had already decided I wouldn’t go back to my hairdresser. So it was basically me saying my good bye to her, cordially. I’m not going to be able to trust her to 1) listen to what I ask for 2) not use bad judgment on my hair. This was just too much for me, I’m not risking it with her again.
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Thanks for the info about Taz salon..havent visited the blonde hair thread in a while lol Taz was actually one of the places I considered going to, but never did because I heard bad reviews about it. People being really stuck up, rude,looking down their nose at you etc that type of thing. Typical Yorkville attitude. Not my type of scene anyway.
I actually ended up going to a Russian salon in a totally different location, and my hair came out better than I've had it before. Not expensive at all. No sessions or anything for me.
Some thin highlights concentrated on the ends of the hair, and I'm blonde again! It was so quick too, I only had the "lightener" as my stylist said " it's not bleach, we say lightener" haha put on for about 15 minutes.
It's started to grow out now, as this was a few months ago, but it looks better now than even when it was first done.
vary natural looking.

Hey kissablekae, I read your post just a moment ago.
I know you really loved your blonde hair, but I must say the change can't be THAT bad. Your hair is naturally very very dark basically black (as everyone will see it as black colured hair even if it is as you say, dark brown) and your natural colour is probably darker than even what you have now maybe like a level 1 or 2 so I dont know how the new change wouldn't suit you. It's still lighter than your natural colour. It'll lighten up after its been washed a few times anyway.

Personally prefer you with darker hair from your previous photos in the brunette thread, goes with your jet black eye colour and dark brows. You have a very exotic look. Embrace it I say! :P

Maybe it's not what you wanted, we've all been there, but it probably looks nicer than your giving it credit for right now. Plus, it'll fade after a few washes and may lighten up to be the colour you wanted initially. Then by the time the new roots come in, it'll be ok to be lightened again, if thats what you want when the time comes.

I know this isn't your opinion, as youve stated before you dont care, I personally think and I think more people than not would agree, that your skin tone and hair/eye colour in fact is more suited to darker colours. Which is maybe why the hairdresser screwed it up.Its just a thought.
I mean the pictures of these nordic/russian type girls you keep posting photos of do have gorgeous hair, but they have very different skin tone, facial bone structure, eye colour hair colour, hair type, etc from you, so comparing yourself to them must be frustrating after a while, because your looks are just totally different.
Dont think you suit or pass off the "cool swedish blonde" look as you do darker shades of colour, even yes the dreadful RED! :P
The blonde didn't look bad or anything,your lucky you have naturally thick, coarse head of hair that protected it from being fried!
just think it would look nicer if it were more believable, less circus-y.
You just have a very exotic ethnic look , and I find that going that light, sort of takes away from it, i dunno the blonde just isn't right. Even when you had it your 'ashiest" it still just looked like it was yellow/light orange(still many yellow tones) with a purplish/sort of grey dull overtone, but still not "ash" coloured.
Not shiny like your natural colour. You have good skin with no acne, marks, scars, so dark hair really emphasizes this. Sort of like the Geisha look.
I've seen many east asian girls here in Toronto who have blonde hair, but it just never to me, looks as nice as black or a dark shade of brown or red, or even blonde highlights, or anything but all over solid blonde lol I know I'm not the only one who agrees either because I've seen more than once a dyed blonde asian girl get harassed or teased by someone passing by.
Anyway hope you dont take offence to my opinion, it's just an observation.
Not trying to get anyone mad or anything. I'm allowed to speak my mind too.
Who knows, maybe the darker hair colour will end up being a good thing. :smile:
Take care
I'm so sorry, Kae, that must be so frustrating! I know how much work it was to get your hair blonde and that sucks majorly that your hairdresser whom you trusted completely messed up so bad! I don't understand how this could happen. She should know best how much work it is to get your hair that light, why didn't she gradually go darker instead of putting in a color that is way too dark and will ruin the whole look you were going for? :angry:
Wouldn't it be possible to use something like ColorZap or ColourB4 to slightly lighten your hair again without damaging it?

I actually disagree with naturelover, although I haven't seen pictures of your whole face I think the blonde suits you well and it was such a lovely shade, too. You've probably had dark hair all your life so I can definitely see why you want to try different colors now. I think it's too easy saying blonde hair won't suit Asian and Black girls, it depends so much on what kind of person you are, how you dress, your skin color, etc. For example, I think Beyoncé looks amazing with blonde/light brown hair even if she has quite dark skin and eyes. But I guess I'm kind of unconvential in that sense anyway, I barely ever think a person suits just one hair color, I always like when someone tries all kinds of different looks ^_^
^Yep, I agree with Psylocke too. Kissablekae imo looks way better with very light brown and blonde hair. Her skin is like porcelain and the black hair gave me a gothic vibe, too dark for our sunshine girl :heart:. And I think Beyonce looks horrendous with black hair! Light honey or light brown suits her so much better!
Naturelover, I enjoy experimenting with my hair depending on my mood or style at the moment. It’s not really about finding what’s subjectively ‘best’ and sticking to it forever. I like trying different things out because I can…Lighten Up! It’s Just Fashion! I’m quoting Project Runway ^_^

Like I said, I look fine, my hair isn’t green or anything. It just ended up in the wrong direction by a lot. I’ve just got to abandon everything we worked on before, which is frustrating because I’m back at nearly square one and it means I needed to find a new hairdresser lol

When I say I don’t care I mean that I’m okay with hearing people’s opinions but I don’t get influenced by them. I’ll see pretty hair and I’ll think : hmm I haven’t tried that shade before, I’m going to give it a try one day.

My hairdresser admitted my hair did turn out much darker than I asked for. I don’t take it personally, just a mistake…but too big of a mistake for me to really trust her judgment again. If we went with the color she choose originally which was a lot darker, I would be even worse off so I’m taking that as a cue to cut ties and find someone else who can be on point.

The race / ethnicities, facial structures, coloring of the women in the photos I post have nothing to do with me, I just like their hair. No need to read into it. You can cover up their faces, it wouldn’t make a difference to me because I just like the color and composition of their hair. though a lot of the photos i post, i don't even want that hair color...i just post because it's pretty and i know the other members would appreciate it. i've posted non-Caucasians too but i didn't get much feedback so i honestly don't know if those apply to anyone reading this thread. if you guys want more variety, i can do that too!

the real catalyst the first time I went blonde was because I had bad skin, ironically :lol: I had clear skin but 3 years ago, I got a really severe sunburn that left me extremely broken out, hyperpigmentation, the works etc. I lightened my hair so there would be less contrast and it helped a lot to camouflage my skin problems, along with makeup but it could only do so much on it’s own. I always wanted to try blonde so I figured why not? This second time around was for fun and because I wanted to try a darker blonde shade because I haven’t tried it before.

That’s crazy that people in Toronto would harass someone based on the fact that they changed their hair color. i still don't think it's the Blonde Asian girl who needs to change anything but the people who are harassing her need a swift kick in the *BEEEP*!

I’ve never had it happened to me but it might just be racial issues in certain areas of Toronto. I live and grew up in one of the most diverse cities in the U.S. Blonde Asians aren’t even rare over here :rofl: no one would bat an eyelash when they see someone with different hair, I think they understand it’s just girls keeping up with trends or experimenting, it's not like they aren't just going to change their hair color again in a few months

I personally don’t believe people should limit what they do to their hair based on their ethnicity. It crosses the opinion territory and into : you shouldn’t do your hair this color because you are __________<-fill in ethnicity. Not everyone of that ethnicity looks the same(I’m not saying that you said that but it can come off that way when things are generalized), not everyone is trying to be someone they are not, not everyone feels the need to live within other people’s social constraints…clearly I don’t. I'm well aware of how people judge others just based on their looks but I’m not going to cater to them. I’mma do me.
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Psylocke, I think my hairdresser could see how unhappy I was with the turnout. not because it’s ugly but just because it’s not even close to what I was shooting for, like :shock: <- lol.

I haven’t tried ColorZap or ColourB4 before, I’m not sure how stubborn my hair would be since we didn’t use a filler. but to me, it looks like it’s going to be a challenge. I feel too tired and defeated to keep going * melts onto the floor * :rofl:

Also my life is just going in a different direction so my focus is on other things right now, I don’t know if I wanna go back to being in a “Work in Progress” hair stage anytime soon.

Thank you dearie :kiss: I think we’re similar in a sense we just like doing different things to our hair all the time ^_^ I have no interest in finding a ‘best’ color.

I prefer Beyonce with lighter hair as well, it suits her style and personality

MeBelle, thanks Love :kiss:
“Gothic” is pretty spot on, some of my family and friends call me “geng-schee” when I have really dark hair…it means “vampire” in Chinese :lol:
all i need to do is paint my nails blue and hop around then i will really be channeling a true Chinese vampire :rofl:
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Kae, I'm sorry to hear about your hair! The colour will probably fade in a major way though, so maybe all hope isn't lost? A few times I had similar happen to me, asked to have my hair slightly darkened but instead it ended up with a lot darkier/ashier than I had requested so I would scrub my hair with a dishsoap (think like Palmolive) because it supposedly helps the colour strip away faster... not sure if you'd want to put your hair through that, but like everyone said it seems so lovely and thick and healthy!

I also hate salons with a rude or snooty attitude.. at the end of the day I'm only 23 years old, I'm not made of money, and quite frankly the hairdresser likely isn't either! It's the same attitude of people who work at places like Holt Renfrew.. giving you dirty looks when you look at things, assuming you won't buy them because you're young or a student.. well hey, I still like to buy myself things and I do splurge on certain items, but with THAT attitude it's not likely that I'll be spending any money in your store now! Whew, bit of a rant there but it is incredibly annoying. At the end of the day just have to brush it off, and not let strangers condescend you :smile:

I'm currently rocking an unintentional ombre.. haha just have been letting my roots grow out for the past few months. Not TOO bad since my hair isn't all that dark naturally, but not the prettiest sight when it's up... but I'll live with it for now. Luckily I'm going to start working fulltime soon and I will have more disposable income to drop on my hair. Actually stumbled across this name for a salon in Toronto, and they have a blog and twitter they keep updated as well.

Thinking about going there eventually, one turn off is they charge $25 per consultation (however if you go through the colour process they apply that $25 to your services so I guess it's not really bad)

I am just looking for something a little less maintenance and closer to my natural colour... just enhanced :wink:
Oh and hair is all about experimentation and playing with it! I WISH I had a huge collection of awesome wigs because there are SO many colours I'd love to try but don't want to mess up the health of my hair ever again! I've gone quite dark brunette before and a lot of people LOVED it on me and told me to keep it, but to be honest I didn't feel so much like myself as I do when I'm blonde silly as it sounds.

I'm looking at Lauren Conrad as a hair inspiration yet again, because when she was younger she had some pretty unflattering blonde hair


Source: BuddyTV

and she has since gone to WOW! by choosing a darker, more natural colour. Her and I have a very similar natural (from what I can tell) I just wish I had her California girl tan. Now it's just a matter of find that stylist I trust, because everytime I've attempted this type of hair colour it has mostly failed.


(source: DailyMakeover)
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teenagexvanity, i've heard of the Palmolive trick too! :lol: :flower: sometimes i use warmer water to make it fade faster but i'm scared of drying out my hair too much. i think i'll just wait and see how this fades and when my roots go out control then i'll decide what my next move will be.

i have a lot of friends who are professional hairdressers, who offer me discounts and some offer to do work for free (depending on the service, i just have to buy the products). but i don't want to mix friends with hair lol! if they mess up my hair, oh my! and yes, it's so expensive to get hair done professionally that it's hard not to get down when things go haywire. plus the more you do to your hair, the weaker it becomes. i can't be fixing mistakes all the time, it hurts my hair and my wallet :cry:

real talk, whenever i go to costume shops and see mannequins with beautiful wigs, i'm like "can i has that?" if only wigs were more socially acceptable and i can't whip my hair back and forth with a wig without having to look for it later on :rofl:. i'll leave it up to my girl, Nicki Minaj :winkiss: she can rock any color :heart:

your Brunette story reminds me...i've been a redhead and had reddish brown hair several times. as cute as it looked, i just felt like it didn't go with my personality. and at times it clashed with my style. some people have said i look more intimidating "why so serious?" with dark brown or jet black hair till they get to know me and i'm a silly goose. for the record, i still do like dark hair, it can be very mysterious & muy caliente :brows:. maybe just not at the moment, could be the season too...

i used to watch Laguna Beach too, oh lawd her hair! yeah it was pretty bad back then but it's gorgeous in that second photo you posted of "LC" :wink: maybe you could do some fine lighter highlights at the bottom half of the hair to break it up. i think it would bring in more light to your face and without changing the overall look. lighter pieces always brought out my natural blush more so i didn't feel as washed out.
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