77th Academy Awards Thread

Cyan said:
Your location states that you're in Oslo.
You should know that Renee's mom is from the northern region of Troms, her mom is also of Sami heritage, an indigenous people with slightly slanted eyes. I'm part Sami yet I haven't inherited the eyeshape some people with Sami blood in their veins do some don't it's a matter of DNA bingo. Of course most people aren't aware of this, :innocent:
But now you do.....uhm hopefully:flower: Yeah I care about useless information:lol:

Well, here in Norway, Renee is always mentioned as "the Norwegian Renee Zelwegger" (which is BS if you ask me. lol).

I don't think the shape of her eyes has anything to do with her being part sami, it looks like bad surgery to me...
having known renee loosely since around 94 and remember when she worked her butt off bar-backing at a bar cleaning ashtrays and picking up glasses, i can assure you her eyes have always been this wayB) look at her earliest films if you don't believe this.
^thank you, i was about to say the same thing. she looked like that since she was little, and it does have to do with her Sami heritage. come on now, not everyone in Hollywood has had ps. (even though it's hard to believe :P)
Kate blanchets looked amazing one of the best id seen
loved johnny depp as usual
I liked kristen dunst's dress accept for the top, and she needed some jewelry, White gold and white diamonds
Hilary's dress was pretty but the front would have looked better if it was slightly off the shoulder, the back was GORGEOUS
Beyonce's first red carpet black dress was beautiful it did her figure wonders.
Didn't like Melanie griffins-Just bad, penelope cruz-The big bow in the back, Gisele's dress was pretty but below the boobs it looked like a maternity dress.i didn't like Kate bosworths vanity fair party dress at all too mush lace bad makeup and what was all that stuff hanging off the side
Kate winslet also looked breathtaking
I didn't care for scarlett johansson's look it was blaa
Zhang Ziyi looked gorgeous in that black dress one of the bests as well

I just don't get this dress, its not short or long its a wierd length, the things on the side look like leftover fabric and flowers just stuck on, shoes are ok. theres just way to much lace, the lace should be a thin layer over a basic color like kristen dunst's dress.Hair is bad and sloppy, Makeup is all wrong, is that peack lipstick.OMG
^ i know finalyy someone agrees, she normally dosn't dress TOO bad but thats just awful.Hence though i really think the shoes are cute. Nice and simple but classie
LoveKylie said:
^thank you, i was about to say the same thing. she looked like that since she was little, and it does have to do with her Sami heritage. come on now, not everyone in Hollywood has had ps. (even though it's hard to believe :P)

and not that it matters, especially in a fashion thread:unsure: , but she is soooo friggin' genuinely nice.
It seems as the fashion for awards are becoming more classy and actresses are looking for simplicity...maybe because they are scared of critics....anyways...everyone I though looked beautiful!!!
Orchide said:
and not that it matters, especially in a fashion thread:unsure: , but she is soooo friggin' genuinely nice.

yeah she is and i love nice people. it's not too common i'm afraid.
The best moment of this boring award ceremony was Jorge Drexler receiving his Oscar for best original song "Al otro lado del río"(belong to Diarios de Motocicleta or Motocycle diaries) and it was so touching. That man who wasn't allowed to sing his OWN song because his unknown to many americans... so what?
So glad you had your little revenge, he was a complete gentleman not saying nothing to the terrible behaviour of the Academy and instead of wasting his 30 second of saying thanks, he sang capella the wonderful song!

Animo Jorge!

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