Adrienne Curry on Top Model & Revlon: "They f***ed me!"

liberty33r1b said:
true, but she wasn't even beautiful...

Indeed...+ Heidi Klum insisted that the poor girl got a boring 50s housewife-haircut...:rolleyes: Could there be a more obvious career-killer!?! Anyway, you gotta do something to keep the younger competition down Heidi, huh? :innocent:
Thats getting really old now.
When did she start complaining,hmm,2003?​
This is pretty funny. I mean, if it hadn't been for ANTM she might still be a complete unknown! Its a little annoying that she doesn't seem to have any gratitude for the opportunities the show created for her...:rolleyes:
i hate antm:sick: .i mean if tyra wants a topmodel then pick girls who really fit the standards.dont pick plussize models for the sake of.:blink: ..or pick models who are too old and dont have any model features:yuk: .plus the shoots are over the top.!!!:shock: this is not what fashion is about!!!!:angry: but i do like the show :blush: and the endless drama's...........:blush: :lol:
kisskiss modela:heart: :heart:
She needs to STFU! Other girls from her cycle are working in the industry and aren't complaining non-stop. She needs to get over it!
Heroin_Chic said:
Adrianne Curry on "Top Model": They "F***ed" Me

Well, I`m not surprised. It`s a known fact that all Casting Shows are embarrasing Entertainment only and nobody makes a career out of them.

Our german Topmodel didn`t even get her 15 minutes of fame after she won...(oh surprise, the world wasn`t in desperate need of a mediocre Heidi Klum clone...)

Do not say NOBODY! :p
Suvi Koponen won the top model show in Finland and she's big already and I think, getting even bigger. :flower:

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