Alex Turner

I think that second-to-last one is great. What I would not give to be able to sit in on a conversation with those two.
i would talk about power rangers & the adventures of pete & pete or some silly thing like that. i bet they are tired of talk about music and stuff.
(pete&pete were AWESOME btw)
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I was sort of kidding about "music" and "being artsy". He is massively talented and she lives a fabulous life. I'd talk about anything they wanted to hear.

Does anyone know if Alex goes with Alexa every time she goes to London? I imagine most of his friends are there too, but we never have pictures.
Yeah, I believe he usually goes with her to London, of course when he's not touring with AM ;)



Well, it's not one of my favorite songs from the album, and I have to say I'm not really liking the video. I just don't think it goes with the song at all, there's so much they could have done with it imho.
I love the Cornerstone video, it's one of my favorite songs from the Humbug, and the fact that it's only Alex in it makes me love it even more.
I giggled like like a little girl watching it :p,
I :heart: Alex. :blush:
The video is hilarious :lol: But I'm with you, Cornestone is now my second favorite song from Humbug, right after Crying Lightning.
Thank you :flower: I think I'm getting used to his new haircut, but I don't fancy him anymore. -_-
Oh dear I'm starting to like his hair. :shock::lol: I went on for so long about how much I hated it too, ahaha. He still looked better before though. :judge:
are those pictures new? his hair doesn't look so long. i still love him, he's just got such intense personality
No, I think they're from May, I'm not sure, I read that somewhere. Anyway, they're definitely not new ;)

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