Alexa Chung

i hate these manly tailored looks she tries just as much as the long dresses :ninja:
out in SoHo, New York - August 15, 2013
comfortable and cool outfit as always xx



source: dailyalexachung
i think she looks really good in denim cutoffs actually those are her best outfits! i like this one ^ though too!
I'm so into that outfit in #374. It's very laid back but at the same time ubber chic. The dress is great and love those sandals.
Good Morning America, New York - August 26 2013

Alexa Chung in a Kenzo floral dress.
Were these posted already?

Alexa Chung by Driu & Tiago
The high end bag (YSL) mixed with birkenstocks (!) is a kind of classic high-low Alexa mix.

I wonder what her book will be like? It's not something I am itching to have but I am definitely curious!

parisian based store colette, posted a sneak peek on their instagram where you can get a hint of alexa's book; never imagined it to be like this, even though we can only see a couple pages ... I guess there will be a lot of inspirational pictures mixed with her own media


via colettestore's instagram
I don't think those were posted LizzyF - thank you! :flower:

What a gorgeous shoot! :heart:

And thanks for that sneak peek into her book, too, alexandramuse. :)
I hate the cover of that book. Why the tiny little eye in the tiny little square? (I'm a graphic designer, I notice these things.)
Just a wild guess, but I am assuming the title "It" is an ironic reference to her being referred to as an "it girl"??

There are plenty of possible explanations for the eye in a box, too, maybe symbolic. Maybe something to do with being put in a box? Or possibly something to do with paps? I have no idea the real purpose, but I think one could tease out some relevant thoughts on the cover. Personally I think - at least in some ways - it's more intriguing that the typical biography cover - i.e., a big picture of the person.
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It seems odd they would cut off her signature cat-flicked eyeliner, then maybe I would understand the cover image choice, but I agree it's "meh".
i bought the book in colette two days ago.....its ok.....the text is better than the images i think.
Better quality of the cover

Book Signing and Launch of Alexa Chung’s first book, 'IT'

Wednesday 4 September
5 – 7pm

Join us for the launch of Alexa Chung’s first book, IT, where she shares her inspirations, musings and her personal and eclectic style. Alexa will be here in-store signing her book and meeting guests.
A special collection of her writing, doodles and personal photographs, IT offers thoughts on life, love, film and music, as well as her favourite looks and how to decide what to wear in the morning.
With influences that range from Jane Birkin to Mick Jagger, Alexa Chung is a unique style icon. Witty, charming, and with a refreshingly down-to-earth attitude, this full-colour book is a much-anticipated and intimate glimpse into the world of Alexa Chung.

“A phenomenon”
Anna Wintour

“Beautiful and clever… a modern girl”

Karl Lagerfeld

Customers wishing to attend the event should queue via the entrance on Kingly Street and Great Marlborough Street. Please queue early to avoid disappointment.

So, all these images in her IG are really from her book. I was imagin a completely different kind of book ^_^

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