Alexa Chung

Kate Bosworth is someone who lacks her own personality to come up with the outfits she's been celebrated for over the years. That was all Cher Coulter. However I don't see anything wrong with having a stylist style you for events. What I do find strange is the fact that Cher is the one who styled Kate all these years for Coachella. She styled her just to walk down the street to go to her local Save On store and pretend to shop so the paparazzi can take pictures of her. Without Cher Coulter, Kate would really be vanilla! Kate also appears to have no real friends except the people she pays who work for her. I hear her attitude towards other females in general has never been good. She's very competitive and seldom has female friends. I also heard Kate was very jealous when Alex use to talk to his female friends and he would hug them and kiss them in front of everyone. It's the only time he's ever shown any real emotion to any living thing in public. These are people that he's known since childhood. Alexa on the other hand styles herself for festivals and paparazzi strolls. She has both male and female friends in all walks of life that she's known since forever and still has in her life. She's friendlier and fun and has a great personality. Alexa and Kate are so different in many ways but the similarity's they do have are the pap calling and the love for fame. Which brings me to Skarsgard. Kate and Alexa aren't the only media friendly women he's been with. He dated Evan Rachel Wood. She's a talented actress who has zero shame in calling the paparazzi. He's also been with the ditzy Amanda Seyfried for a short time and she's another with daily paparazzi pictures set up by her no doubt. He has a type. He can act out being angry, throw temper tantrums on the sidewalks and walk 20 feet ahead of his girlfriends but it doesn't erase the fact that he loves the media attention too. If he didn't like it as he claims, he would be dating Betty Sue, the production assistant. He wouldn't be with famous women with a history as Kate Bosworth, Amanda Seyfried, Evan Rachel Wood and Alexa Chung. I wish these women would stand up to him and his stupid ridiculous behavior whenever he sees a paparazzo. I would slap him right in the face if that were me he was disrespecting in front of the world. I'm not good enough to be seen with you? Really? ***%%^&*()**&* ! :censored: :angry: then you're not good enough to share my bed! :angry:

I hope Alexa dumps Skarsgard and finds a good man who isn't ashamed to be seen out in public with her. I'm glad she's not in Sweden with him right now and preferred staying with her friends in New York. I heard from a good source that Alexa had a miserable time the last time she was in Sweden with Alex. Alex ignored her most of the time, his friends barely acknowledge her presence and she felt out of place not knowing the language. She mostly stayed in her hotel room and didn't bother to venture out much. She became friends with a few bar maids despite the language barrier. They were nicer to her then Alex and his friends were. No one deserves to be treated like that.

It's amazing how angry I'm getting and I'm not even dating this man. We would not last two days :glare:
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Vanilla has more personality than Kate.:P

Oi, dont bash vanilla, ardent fan here! :P I'm the guy who bought vanilla gelato once in Buenos Aires (I could even spot the pods in it), in a shop with easily more than 20 different flavours ranging from dragonfruit to liquorice.

@ Rockmuse1969: Evan Rachel Wood and Amanda calls the paps? Oh dear, I'd never have thought that. Quite fond of these two, especially Amanda. Didn't even know they dated Skarsgard.

Alexa deserves better though. It's a pity if they dont make it because their names would be so cool on wedding invitations!
@Benn98 Academy Award A list actors and actresses call the paparazzi. It's something that a lot of people don't know happens. It doesn't mean they do it 100% of the time. There are paparazzo's that just appear and cross the line, but most times it's not like that at all. All press is good as the actor or actress gets what he or she wants and the paparazzo get to feed his or her family. Some are nice and gracious to the paparazzi and then some act like animals. One that comes to mind is Kirsten Stewart. Her PR calls them, she knows it, then she gives them the finger. I love the time she told one group of paparazzi's that they don't deserve to breath the same air as her. It was one time where I say her acting was fantastic. :innocent: Cameron Diaz is another actress that comes to mind. :rolleyes: I love Amanda and Evan and they happen to be up in my top 10 list of favorite actresses. For them calling the paparazzi doesn't bother me at all because it is part of the business they are in. They are both always so gracious around the paparazzi and I've never seen them act rude towards them. Alexander is a caller. His publicist is Robin Baum. He met Kate Bosworth through Robin. After Alex dated Kate for two and a half years and all the rude, angry paparazzi pictures of Alex taken with Kate, he is still represented by Robin Baum as of today. Robin with Kate and Alex set up those paparazzi pictures . If Alex's disgusts for the paparazzi was real he would have fired Robin Baum five years ago. When you actually look at Alex's history with the paparazzi, there are a lot of pictures of him taken alone or with friends in Los Angeles, New York and Sweden. Kate is nowhere around or Alexa. Who's to blame for those? Alex.

So this is why I get really :censored: when I see this man treat the girls he's dating like :censored: He's so :censored:. Alexa can do so much better and I hope she dumps him the same way Kate dumped him. Ladies should never allow a man to treat them like dirt.

And to leave off with a happy note, Alexa on a new magazine cover for Me! August 27, 2015


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So this is why I get really :censored: when I see this man treat the girls he's dating like :censored: He's so :censored:.
lol... I love how involved you are. :lol:

they're celebrities, who cares... as long as they look good exposing themselves and their lifestyle (good-looking celebrities are so rare these days..).
Please don't be so gullible! You guys do realize her and Skarsgard were fake right? As in, Bradley-Cooper-and-Suki fake...catch my drift?

Anyways, her style is going downhill fast lately.
I hope they are a fake couple @Fabulyss because then I can understand Alexa putting up with this man's unnatural behavior. I been hearing for years that Skarsgard likes the other thing, which can explain a lot. I'm too involved I know @mulletproof and I need to stop. :lol:

Speaking of, there's is a new picture of Alexa with Liv last night at the Electric Lady Studios 45th Anniversary Party. Patti Smith was there performing her entire album Horses for the event and celebrating the album. It seems that Alex and Alexa have reconciled from their big fight from vacation a few weeks ago because he came and left with Alexa last night. They were seen together again today at the Bowery House Garden. I guess this fake love story needs to go on. :lol:

I like Alexa's Gucci sandals that she wore last night but I'm tired of her clothes as she wears the same exact thing almost every time she is seen in public. She wears the same skirt she designed for AG with a blouse she designed. I know she needs to promote her line but it's gotten to be to much and she's becoming boring.

Last night



This morning. Same skirt and a blouse from her AG line.



She needs to mix it up a little :rolleyes:
Call it a hunch, but I wouldn't be surprised if Rockmuse1969 is in fact part of Alexa's entourage? She's just so....'knowledgeable' about this entire affair, but I love it! :lol:
Oh btw that story of him playing for a different team cannot be true, surely. Funny how every time a male celebrity has troubled relations with girls he's automatically presumed to be gay.
FWIW there are ZERO stories about him playing for the other team from back home - and this is significant IMO since he's been famous pretty much his entire life because of his father :smile:

Either way they seem to be pretty happy together to me but who knows. She seemed really happy with the other Alex? She a lot less vocal about her private life now it seems.
Call it a hunch, but I wouldn't be surprised if Rockmuse1969 is in fact part of Alexa's entourage? She's just so....'knowledgeable' about this entire affair, but I love it! :lol:
Oh btw that story of him playing for a different team cannot be true, surely. Funny how every time a male celebrity has troubled relations with girls he's automatically presumed to be gay.

I can only wish I was part of that fabulous entourage! :cool: I'm not but I have friends who are in the same circle of friends as she is so I hear good gossip from time to time. :DI don't think Alex is gay either, I just think he's weird with the way he acts towards any girl with him.

FWIW there are ZERO stories about him playing for the other team from back home - and this is significant IMO since he's been famous pretty much his entire life because of his father :smile:

Either way they seem to be pretty happy together to me but who knows. She seemed really happy with the other Alex? She a lot less vocal about her private life now it seems.

She was very happy with Alex Turner. I wish they were still together. She is a lot less vocal but I guess Alex2 doesn't want her to share things. Alex1 was much more relax in that area.
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What Alex needs is an assertive woman that will tell him to stfu and stf down with the whole I don't know her bs when the paps are around. I would be like "you don't know me? F*** out of my face and lose my number!"
From Me magazine promoting Longchamp. ;)







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"When you actually look at Alex's history with the paparazzi, there are a lot of pictures of him taken alone or with friends in Los Angeles, New York and Sweden. Kate is nowhere around or Alexa. Who's to blame for those? Alex."

I do not believe he calls the papz. That he sets out deliberately to be seen from time to time that I agree, he's an actor after all, plus you do not date professional media whores if your privacy is a priority. But anyone that follows his career can tell that he definitely does not insistently court the media in any way or form. He gets papped exactly for the level of success he has, no more no less. It's demand and supply. The demand was big at the height of True Blood,after not so much. No one can accuse the guy of trying to wipe our interest when that interest does not exist. Months would go by without a single pap picture. He doesn't do social media at all and we've been spared inane musings. That's the great thing about him. Let's be fair here.

On another note, Alexa's hair is terrible lately. Where did she got the idea that having it in a middle parting totally limp( and greasy) is a good look? She used to gives us really good hair!
i feel like she just lends her face to so many brands now, that is her problem..she isn't unique anymore. seems like she used to go with what felt right for her now she just needs money so she does anything :(
damn i wish there were more pictures of that dress without the sweater! though i agree it is old school alexa - which is nice.

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