Amanda Moore

ysl said:
hm... yeah, you're probably right. i didn't really look at the picture, i just remembered what was written on the website. my mistake. B)

thanks for the info snow cherries :D good for her if she's probably looking to music after modelling.
Spot Amanda:


min-SH said:
Spot Amanda:


Thanks Min-SH (and hfgl):flower: ,

The other pic that is included in same ed shooted by Jullgen Teller can be seen hard-cover photo book of Dolce & Gabanna,(one that Amanda with bared)
Making music? :shock:
I am not sure how I feel about that but far be it from me to stand in the way of artistic endeavors.

That said I hope she returns to her other (incredibly profitable and lucrative) talent full time though, modeling isn't the same without her there every season.
Bebe_86 said:
was this recently? i think the last thing with her in it that i saw was the lanvin stuff and that was last year.

It was something saying amanda moore/next Loreal Pro vive :woot: :heart:
kristina_zhou said:
It was something saying amanda moore/next Loreal Pro vive :woot: :heart:

Where/when did you hear this? Magazine? On TV? :blink:

And I thought she was with IMG now, not Next? So... maybe your info is from an old source?
Snow Cherries said:
Amanda is not in a band with Tasha Tilberg, who has music up on her myspace account, from what I have gathered she is making music on her own and was in LA. Do not know if she is still there, but she had posted on a website that she might release the cd or she might not.
Making music on her own? I am wondering what kind of music. She has a good connection now in the music bizz. It would be stupid if she's not making use of that :rolleyes: . So, maybe it was AM at Starbucks last winter. I hope to see her this summer then.. :p
Alber Elbaz on the Lanvin fragrance campaign
Beneath the Skin
"Our ad is a little bit dark. Why does a perfume ad have to feature a blonde lying on a couch and kind of fainting? Is the smell that bad? We were working on our campaign with Steven Meisel and Amanda Moore. She told me that she gave all her savings to her brother when he came back from the war so that he could buy an apartment. And I found that so generous that she became even more beautiful to me. You know, today with computers, you can change the color of eyes and hair, so it doesn't matter how beautiful you are, but what you reflect."

In recent I am so sad because I have much time to see Kate Y in some of Japanese fashion magazine in spite of almost no chance to see Amanda,:(
cosmocat said:
Alber Elbaz on the Lanvin fragrance campaign


Beneath the Skin
"Our ad is a little bit dark. Why does a perfume ad have to feature a blonde lying on a couch and kind of fainting? Is the smell that bad? We were working on our campaign with Steven Meisel and Amanda Moore. She told me that she gave all her savings to her brother when he came back from the war so that he could buy an apartment. And I found that so generous that she became even more beautiful to me. You know, today with computers, you can change the color of eyes and hair, so it doesn't matter how beautiful you are, but what you reflect."

Thanks for share these info!:flower: Amanda seems cool tomboy than I imagine,^_^
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Teratel said:
Making music on her own? I am wondering what kind of music. She has a good connection now in the music bizz. It would be stupid if she's not making use of that :rolleyes: . So, maybe it was AM at Starbucks last winter. I hope to see her this summer then.. :p

Quite a while ago, Amanda said that she was working on music. I told her that she should put it out (only because I wanted to hear it, of course) but she said she didn't think so. But now that she's hanging with Linda Perry who knows what will happen. She told me what kind of music but I was like country mixed with something...very uninteresting to me.

PS I don't think she'll be modeling again either. Too bad.
Buying an apartment for her brother is more then being generous. She has her heart on the right place. I dont think the music bizz would be something for her (although i heard from someone that she has a lovely voice). But if she's good, i hope it will be more then hanging around with musicians.
She should go the Indie route if she releases anything, which would be good for her. I don't believe she will be lacking in fan support if she does that.
All pictures need crediting in accordance with tFS Guidelines else they will have to be removed. Thanks.
you guys deleted even the pic with the writing 'getty' on it!

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