And the new bond is.....

I wonder if Sienna Miller will be a Bond girl so they can have a reuinon on screen AND off! I wanted Clive Owen so badly, but at the same time, he is too good for Bond. My husband makes the Bond video games, so I was hoping to have a lucky run-in with Clive when he does the voice-overs....too bad!!!
Well I finally saw pics of this Daniel Craig guy...i think it was in the british GQ men of the year issue on news stands now. There was a suave pic of him throwing on a suit jacket in the midst of having a cigarette in his mouth. That said, I don't think his image is great for Bond...perhaps more fitting for "Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels" type movies, like really British, nitty gritty heist films would suit him better, but not Bond. Pierce Brosnan was indeed a great example, he was suave and had the mature sophistication in his dress sense to pull it off...perfect guy for dodging bullets and tanks without having a single dent in his $3500 custom made Brioni suit afterwards.
The proof is in the pudding I guess, perhaps blonde is in fashion.

blonde. james blonde. (I'm sure someone else has already made that joke but I couldn't help myself)
I can see why they chose him...but can't say I agree personally. Bond has always been traditionally dark haired. They didn't accept any auditions from non-white actors for the part citing 'it would be against continuity and tradition' so why hire a blond man that looks the complete contradiction of the traditional BOND? Interesting....

We'll have to see how he gets on...but I would've liked to see Julian McMahon, AKA Dr Fit from Nip/Tuck in the role.:blush:
^ I've never liked the new ones.
The old ones rocked because I thought they were hilarous.

Daniel Craig isn't good-looking at all, imo.
his brother has slept over at my house :);)

but that doesnt mean im going to fanny over him, i dont think hes a good james bond :innocent: but im sure he will be good once we get use to a blonde bond...
I'm now warming to the idea only coz I think his competition wasn't all that great....Damien Lewis (aka Ginger Bond?) Julian McMahone and Hugh Jackman (Australian....'nuff said), Goran Visjnic (um...Croat Bond?), Jude Law (too pansy llike) and it turns out Clive Owen didn't even want the role anyway. So had to go to Daniel Craig.
Though Joseph Fiennes was never in the running, I think he'd make a superb Bond!
Tinuviel said:
He looks like a baked potato.:shock: Ditto to whoever said as long as they don't pick Colin Farrell. I hate him with every fibre of my being.
:lol: :lol: :lol: He does kind of look like a baked potato!!! :lol: I think he's a good actor, but he's an odd pick to play Bond. The first time I saw him on a BBC murder mystery, I thought that he looked like he was in the Russian mafia :ninja: So, I do think he would have made a cool Bond villian :innocent:
i thought that orlando bloom would be the new james bond?

Eek! What a disgrace that would have been!

They could have done a lot worse than Daniel Craig. I just hope they don't screw up the rest of the cast (I heard a rumor Jessica Alba was being considered for a Bond Girl :sick: :yuk: )
you must be kiddin me! clive owen would be perfect with eva mendes as the villainess and gwyneth paltrow as the good girl or vice versa.....remember how she rocked in the austin powers spoof?
Daniel Craig !?!? why. he has no appeal. no charm whatsoever.

they couldve chosen robbie williams who imitates bond i his music video MILLENIUM.
Ew Daniel Craig is ugly...looks like a zombie sharpe.

I wish they had gone with Gerard Butler or Clive Owen...sigh..
They should have gotten James Purefoy to play Bond. I would have actually watched the films in that case :innocent:
^Oh I love James Purefoy! He's brilliant in Shameless.
A bit young to play Bond tho doncha think?

Edit: confused I thought you meant James McAvoy. Oh...that bloke from Vanity Fair???? Maybe.....
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to be fair we should give him a chance to make the movie then criticise..

(but given his previous film performances- he's a bit of a charisma vacuum)

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