Anne Hathaway

"Les Miserables" actress Anne Hathaway and her husband Adam Shulman land at LAX airport on a flight from Hawaii on January 14, 2014 in Los Angeles, California. The couple were swarmed by autograph seekers as they made their way through the terminal. Anne kept a smile the whole time, seemingly putting her near-drowning scare in Hawaii behind her.

Getting in a post-vacation checkup, Anne Hathaway and Adam Shulman headed over to a doctor’s office in Beverly Hills on Wednesday afternoon (January 15).
I used to love her style!
One year ago, it was one of the best, I loved every single look from hers, but now, I can't find a piece that I truly like :(
I like this outfit, however the skirt should have been a tad shorter and w/ cuter flats.
Grey Goose Hosts Harvey Weinstein Football Party At Waldorf Astoria Park City - Park City 2014, January 19



I cant believe with all the money she has she can dress this bad. She really has no style even through thats not really her job.
I kind of wish she'd grow her hair out. I really liked it short for awhile, but it's not looking right anymore. I loved when she had a chin-length bob, around the time of her Get Smart press tour years ago.