a christmas interview: antonia wesseloh opens door number 13!
a christmas interview
model: antonia wesseloh
What was your personal highlight from the last fashion week?
The chanel show of course. It is such an honour to work for such a fantastic brand. I think I have done more than 15 shows for them till now, more to come hopefully
Do you enjoy working on shootings or runway more?
I like runways more because you're with a lot of girls and it's always a lot of fun. i love shootings too though!
How would you personally describe your style?
My personal style is simple yet chic with a touch of rock'n roll
If you had to dress head-to-toe with one brand, which one would it be?
Depends on the occassion but if going to school or meeting friends probably Zara. As a model I like Burberry and Chanel very much.
Colour choice: Black or Brown?
Ah not easy

I got to say i like both
Do you get to keep a few looks from shootings or shows as presents?
No, usually after the shows in New York models get some clothes as payment but not on shootings, unfortunately. Sometimes I wish I could stay in these amazing Valentino dresses and just keep on walking
Since you started working as a model, how would you say your view on the industry has changed?
You have definitely learned more about the industry. The rumours about models not eating or everyone in fashion being mean is totally prejudiced. Models love to eat same as any other person and there are plenty of super lovely people.
Are there moments you wish to be just a normal girl with a part-time job and going to school?
Of course there are! When I miss my family or my boyfriend or just staying at home doing nothing.
Vogue Cover or Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, what's your bigger dream?
I would love to do both, it`s hard to compare, because they are amazing in different ways.
Do you get more recognised by people on the streets now that you are an international model?
Sometimes I do but this doesn't happen very often.
Last question, what are you going to do on Christmas?
I am spending Christmas at home with my Family and boyfriend. And of course with my cat

I love Christmas time