Live Streaming... The F/W 2025.26 Fashion Shows
casem83 said:I think the point of the article was: fashion loses its meaning without it's purpose, while other artforms (while they may be functional) have meaning whether or not they serve some practical purpose (art for art's sake).
belletrist said:Art has nothing to do with "beautiful", "nice" "love", "pasionne", etc
Art is about meaning. And suffering (yes, suffering, don't tell me Galliano is suffering and that's why he designs dresses)
And elitism, also, Tarkovski said it. He also said his suffering was so intense so he HAD to make films (an obligation)
belletrist said:The association between art and business is quite new, or have taken a new form in the last decades. Before, that was either you were starving (Dostoïeski) or else you were rich (Goethe) but because you were admired by intelligent people (either way, you didn't have to sacrifice your talent to be popular).
belletrist said:The pop music (as opposed as the classical music) was something new: for the first time people starting to SELL things to people . . . I still believe that popular cinema, popular music, etc cannot be called art).