Bee Shaffer

via just jared
Met Ball


^ Most beautiful I've ever seen her look.

Love the wine coloured dress against her complexion. Also loving the shorter hair.
Can anyone I.D. these two dresses?

Sources: bew photo / WWD


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Love this look on her. I'm not usually impressed by her style as it kind of translates that she's not as enthusiastic about fashion as her mother is, even though she does usually look nice. However, she really wears this dress well. Adore those heels, too.
I was wondering if she had a topic here. Even though she really doesn't ping my radar, I liked what I saw of her in The September Issue. I didn't get the impression that she disliked fashion: only that it wasn't for her (and I do agree with her that the fashion world can be too insular and too closed off from the rest of the world).

I like her style and while I think strapless ballgowns are overkill these days, they really suit her hourglass figure. (And I don't think there is anything wrong with her "ample hips.")
This is such a feminine and beautifully whimsical dress, but her accessory for the evening (Mr. Bieber) looks ridiculous...
what does she do for a living? how old is she?

Seems she's not really interested in the spotlight.
^^ Gorgeous, simple look. She really knows how to dress to suit her body-type. I don't find her style boring at all, I think that she dresses like a classy young lady.

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