Ben Barnes

nice to hear what he;s up to. but i really want to see "locked in" like NOW!
^ Is that the movie in which he has a beard? I dont like to see him with beard, he looks much prettier without it :lol:
sanrio, I envy you a lot. I wish I saw him walking by at least once in my life :innocent:
^Thanks :)
I like him better with long hair but he looks really good with a shorter cut.
His eyes always freak me out, they´re so dark!
I like that he works with that kid from Misfits.
That looks like it could be a fun little flick. I love to see actors that usually do serious stuff doing comedy.
I saw the movie a couple of days ago, but I haven't read the book.
And now I'm curious - why did you like the book better? What's different?
Well, I was so bored that I stopped watching it :innocent: like in the middle. But the parts i saw had nothing to do with the book.
I saw the movie a couple of days ago, but I haven't read the book.
And now I'm curious - why did you like the book better? What's different?

The different aspects of the movie in comparison to the book is the whole section about Lord Henry's daughter, none of that happened.
I'm not usually a facial hair fan but Ben pulls off the scruff really well! :blush::heart:
Both the book and movie of Dorian Gray are just Briliant ! I hope that this Narnia movie will the good because the first ones were not interesting ...
I just recently found out he's 29 and I was like :blink: Never in a million years would I have guessed that, he looks 21 22 tops!
I've been waiting forever for "Locked In" to be released. It so annoying waiting for almost a year since I've seen the trailer
Alright, his thread's been a little lackluster lately, so here are some of Ben's latest pics:

Birdsong Portraits


omg, for a second there i didn't think that lady had feet!

Ben's a total cutie, love the way he dresses.

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