Blake Lively Rumored fling with Ryan Reynolds

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well they do look cute together..

and well...when Lainey is right, man is she right! that's kind of sad.
I thought RR was very good in "Definitely Maybe" and Blake was good in "The Town". They both have potential but neither has realized it, imo. Blake is stuck on that dumb TV show and like kobro22 says both were probably hoping the Green Lantern would be a huge feather in their caps and instead it was a flop.

Staged pics are kind of sad, imo. But whatever works I guess.

To me it would be better to get back on the horse and do a more challenging role. Not big bucks and big exposure roles, But something a little more indie, like the two aforementioned films I mentioned that they were good in.
for me, it was Buried. IMO, next to Gosling, he was totally overlooked by the Academy for the last Oscars. it was an indie flick in spanish production and he was so good in it, it really made me change my mind about his abilities (also, he was the only actor in the whole movie which gives it even more weight). i do think that TGL really made him go 2 steps back as the hype about him nowadays is nowhere near the one he had a year ago at this time and it, as Kobro said, really got the industry thinking about him boxoffice abilities in the end, so that might explain a change in appearance strategy. Blake should be fine if The Savages movie goes well and her role memorable (cus while The Town got the needed recognition, she didn't get much opportunities after that).
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There is NO WAY Blake doesn't have something to do with these pictures. I mean, other than being in them, lol. It's so obvious. Maybe if it were a one time thing then I could perhaps reconsider. But given how it's now become a pattern, yeah... Lets be real here, these escapades and those nude leaks are the only thing that have given Blake publicity.
I think Blake is adorable and gorge and she has mad skills to land two hot guys in less than a year.:lol: And as much as I think Lainey is on the inside of celebs and their crazy going-ons, I feel she can be a tad harsh.

As for no pr between Ryan and his ex, I believe it was her doing, she wanted to keep their marriage on the dl.

ETA--Btw, who cares if its a pr stunt/conspiracy or whatever? Let the people who want to, enjoy the eye candy vicariously and leave it at that. I feel people are just so cynical about everything nowadays.
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^Too cynical in general? Perhaps. Too cynical toward Hollywood? No. In fact, I'd say people are and have been extremely naive to all the Hollywood business. It's only in the last few years or so that more people have been able to look through the facade and what the PR people want us to see. Before, when people used to get all their Hollywood gossip from a handful of magazines, it was easier for the PR people to control what goes out. Now days, with the internet and the explosions of the gossip blogs and 'inside' information, the set ups and the fakeness in it all is more obvious.
dajrekshn: for me, it was Buried.

I haven't seen that film so i guess I should check it out. I just think these two would be better off looking for some edgier, less mainstream roles, and getting to WORK, rather than posing for planned photo-ops etc. It's so cheesy and it's certainly not going to garner respect by industry insiders. You just don't see a lot of the best actors and actresses out there doing this sort of desperate PR. Why not develop your skills and talent instead? I honesly don't get it. Even people like Marilyn Monroe, who could have traded solely on her looks, went to acting school and worked hard to be taken seriously. Why can't Blake do that? Why does she belittle herself with schemes like this? Who are her managers? They are dolts, whomever they are. She needs better advice if she ever wants to be taken seriously. But then again, maybe she doesn't? Maybe she just wants to cash in and that's good enough. For some, certainly all they want is the fame. To me, that seems empty.
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I meant cynical in general, not towards Hollywood. The hopeless romantic in me can't help but think the pics are genuine and cute. But the realist is not sure. A for Hollywood, I think it gets a away with way too much, wants to control way too much. And frankly some of the "stars," and I use that term loosely, are not that fascinating.
^Too cynical in general? Perhaps. Too cynical toward Hollywood? No. In fact, I'd say people are and have been extremely naive to all the Hollywood business. It's only in the last few years or so that more people have been able to look through the facade and what the PR people want us to see. Before, when people used to get all their Hollywood gossip from a handful of magazines, it was easier for the PR people to control what goes out. Now days, with the internet and the explosions of the gossip blogs and 'inside' information, the set ups and the fakeness in it all is more obvious.
spot on. :flower:
^Too cynical in general? Perhaps. Too cynical toward Hollywood? No. In fact, I'd say people are and have been extremely naive to all the Hollywood business. It's only in the last few years or so that more people have been able to look through the facade and what the PR people want us to see. Before, when people used to get all their Hollywood gossip from a handful of magazines, it was easier for the PR people to control what goes out. Now days, with the internet and the explosions of the gossip blogs and 'inside' information, the set ups and the fakeness in it all is more obvious.

Well said. And thank goodness! The studios used to control the actor's and actress's private lives to a T, have them on a veritable string. Many suffered as a result, because they had to be "fake" all of the time, not just for their roles. Let's face it, these people are human and have flaws. Why do people even post these sorts of pictures, and why do they matter in our society? That's what I don't get: why does this PR crap work in the first place!? The fact that people can arrange PR stunts like this says much about the SAD Hollywood system! it's all about "exposure" with a capital "E"!
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To say they should both look for edgier work and stop "posing" for cheesy fake pictures, I find kinda funny. I mean, its not up to you what they do, and the roles they are getting are perhaps offers they are receiving. Also, whose to say the "industry" doesn't respect them?
p.s. Spot on about the Lainey stuff, it's so funny how clueless she is about Blake and how many times she has been proven wrong. It's also funny how so many people take her word for it like mindless drones... no wait, it's just sad really.

I never gave much credence to Ms. Lainey, but I gave up on her completely for Blake / Leo news after she claimed Blake had skipped out on the Toronto Film Festival without notice to head down to Australia when in fact the TIFF organizers had announced she wouldn't be able to make it due to a change in her shooting schedule and there were pix of her on the set of Savages.

As for Ryan, she's definitely wrong about this "only photographed three times with his wife" stuff. I've seen many vacation and airport pics from all over the place. This from a couple who's rumored reason for splitting was that they rarely saw each other due to work commitments. And there are many of him with Alanis. He was very affectionate with her. Watching them together makes me kind of sad they split up. :p

With Ryan and Blake, the only pics I've seen up until now have been those taken outside his apartment in Boston and a couple on set. He was snapped in the same locations many times by the same photographer before he started dating Blake. They've managed to avoid the paps in NY completely.

FWIW, I knew they would be spending the holiday in Utah from tweets from kids hoping to meet Ryan on Thanksgiving, airport sightings, and neighbors of Blake's in-laws.
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I'm closing this thread for now. It has gone off topic and is steering in the same direction as the previous ones, which is nowhere.
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