Blake Lively Rumored fling with Ryan Reynolds

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Jeezus she's a lucky, lucky girl. Leo in the Summer, Ryan in Winter. If she didn't seem so adorable and down to earth, I would totally have no problem hating on her. :lol:

so true! :lol:
they suit for eachother. both of them are very ordinary looking. Blake has a body but thats about it. Never understood the appeal of ryan renolds..
She is a lot like Scar-Jo so clearly his type: blonde + bombshell. I wonder if it will last? They look all cozy and it seems much less staged than the Leo fling.
Who knew there was paparazzi in Utah? Ryan managed to avoid being photographed with his wife Scarlett throughout their marriage but can't seem to evade them with Blakey-poo. Her romantic photos with her A-list men always seem to have perfect vantage points for the cameras. These have perfect lighting:innocent:
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I don't care if this is a fix up or a whatever these two are HOT together. These latest pics are cute.
they suit for eachother. both of them are very ordinary looking. Blake has a body but thats about it. Never understood the appeal of ryan renolds..

:lol: Ryan's appeal is exactly the same as Blake - the body.
Lainey read my mind and answers the question of how could the media possibly know Blake was in Utah.

from Laineygossip:

Throughout Ryan Reynolds’s marriage to ScarlettJohansson, they were photographed together maybe 3 times, maybe, and never all that intimately. I mean, that was his WIFE. Not just some ...girlfriend. They chose a remote wilderness retreat in British Columbia - where I’m headed right now actually (the area, not the resort) - for their wedding. They locked it all down. There has never been a photo. And it’s not like they weren’t in demand. It’s not like Scarjo wasn’t super-famous then. It’s not like they never tried.

From this.

Somehow Blake Lively, with whatever secret gifts she has at her disposal (is it food? Apparently the girl can cook), Ryan Reynolds is not only photographed with her on a quick getaway in Utah, but he is photographed ALL OVER HER. Cupping her face, nuzzling her face, kissing her lips, smiling into her eyes, totally in love. Or LOOKING like he’s totally in love.

How did she DO that?

Other points:

The photo agency distributing these images is Startraks. Startraks usually gets very exclusive exclusives. And very friendly to celebrities. You hear what I’m trying to say, right?

Where were they?

They were at the Johnson Mill Bed & Breakfast in Midway, Utah - as you can SEE ON THE SIGN - which happens to owned by an actor called Bart Johnson and another actor called Robyn Lively. LIVELY, you say?

That’s right.

Robyn Lively is the half-sister of one BlakeLively...

Coincidence or Conspiracy?
This pretty much seals the deal for me on Blake and her relationship-as-PR stunts. She's like a blonde Kim K.
^DAMN she is good! :rofl: Blake that is. Though Lainey's showing practically Sherlock Holmes skills too, LOL
LOL Lainey is just pressed because Blake has proved her wrong several times recently :innocent: During the summer she was the one who said Blake had a crush on Ryan but Ryan wasn't into her like that. Anyway, I don't understand why Blake gets all the heat for PR tricks when Ryan is just as tacky for participating if they are staged photos. This is just another thread for people to irrationally hate on Blake, how boring.
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What surprises me is how the mods can put the kibosh on opening any threads on/talking about Leo's love life whereas it's always open season on Blake talk/hate, and it's related since the embargo on the Leo talk sprang from that thread from earlier in the summer on both of them.

Whatever, it's always been irrational and like ^catalytic said above, it's all boring. I don't think there's anything written/expressed on here that can shock me anymore :rolleyes:

p.s. Spot on about the Lainey stuff, it's so funny how clueless she is about Blake and how many times she has been proven wrong. It's also funny how so many people take her word for it like mindless drones... no wait, it's just sad really.
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I'm surprised the pics are so expensive. Weirdly enough, I think Kim Kardashian has more value than these two combined. I never hear anyone talking about either of these two in life, just randomly discussing celebrities.
What surprises me is how the mods can put the kibosh on opening any threads on/talking about Leo's love life whereas it's always open season on Blake talk/hate, and it's related since the embargo on the Leo talk sprang from that thread from earlier in the summer on both of them.

We have our reasons. The reasons why his threads have been closed down is because they have gone off topic, quickly. Something you can't possibly see due to our moderating of them.

And before you claim that there's an open season on Blake talk/hate you should know that every thread that has turned overly off topic with bashing has been closed by the moderating team. The leo/blake split, the get together, her nude picture scandal, these have all been Blake 'hate' threads and have all been shut down. I personally closed the Blake/Leo thread because of its nature.

While we don't allow excessive bashing or continual negativity, the subjects aren't immune to it, and if this goes any further or anything like the other threads, you will probably see it closed up. But please don't question our process or actions in this form, and if you have any suggestions or complaints please contact a moderator or express it in an appropriate thread.

We don't get paid to do this, and we do our best to keep this forum as good as possible.
the only person in this situation i find fascinating is Ryan, who went from 3 pics with his (ex) wife at the time to being papped doing PDA with a girl he's dating for 2 (?) months. why a sudden change? i mean, it's pretty extreme, no?
^You assume Ryan is in on the staged pics though. I don't think he changed. He just started dating someone who doesn't share his desire for privacy like Scarlett did. There were no PDA pics of Ryan and Scarlett because those two never called up the paps. The only thing that has changed about Ryan is that he is dating the much more media-friendly Blake.
There are lots of pictures of Ryan and Alanis M being affectionate though..
the only person in this situation i find fascinating is Ryan, who went from 3 pics with his (ex) wife at the time to being papped doing PDA with a girl he's dating for 2 (?) months. why a sudden change? i mean, it's pretty extreme, no?

dajrekshn his career took a HUGE HIT this year, "The Green LAntern" was supposed to (believe it or not) be the next HArry Potter for Warner Bros. that is what Rabinov (the head of the studio) wanted for the pic. THe budget on the conservative side was 200 mil!!!! without the marketing cost, this was a huge bomb and then came the comdey with Jason Bateman "The Change up" another HUGE BOMB, he basically proved that he is not a leading man and that Sandra Bullock alone was the reason "The Proposal" was such a huge hit.

I think that is one of the reasons he has agreed to all the PR stuff with Blake, becasue let's face it, like Blake or not, these pics are obviously staged.

Saying all this, I think that they make a perfect couple, I think their media friendly stance will help both of their careers, since and this is just my opinion, neither of them has yet proven to be good actors, they need all the press they can get to stay in the game.
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I thought RR was very good in "Definitely Maybe" and Blake was good in "The Town". They both have potential but neither has realized it, imo. Blake is stuck on that dumb TV show and like kobro22 says both were probably hoping the Green Lantern would be a huge feather in their caps and instead it was a flop.

Staged pics are kind of sad, imo. But whatever works I guess.

To me it would be better to get back on the horse and do a more challenging role. Not big bucks and big exposure roles, But something a little more indie, like the two aforementioned films I mentioned that they were good in.
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