Finally the interview from Cinco Magazine mes cheries.
Your started off very young in the world of films when a friend of your mother's, helene Lazareff, the founder of ELLE, used you as the image of the magazine; that's how you were discovered by the film director Marc Allegret. Do you remember how you felt the day they gave you your first part?
I have a very negative memory of my first shoot because they treated me as though I were less than nothing. I was young, innocent and shy then; people shut me out of everything, but revenge is a dish best served cold.
In 1958 you shot the film "Les Bijoutiers du Clair de Lune" in Spain, which in the end wasn't shown here because of censorship. What do you remember of that time?
Marvellous! I still hear the sound of guitars in my head.
After becoming one of France's most profitable brands (de Gaulle went as far as to say that you brought in more foreign exchange than Renault), you found one of your best refuges, where you could forget everything and keep your private life away from the paparazzi lenses. When you were young did your house "La Madrague" play a very important role?
Yes, it was my first house and I still live there. It is covered in foliage and practically in the sea. It's in a little town and when I bought it no photographers made it there, although that didn't last very long. . .
Now you spend all of your time and energy fighting for animal rights. When and how was your passion for animals born?
I've always felt like that. It is part of me.
What would you say to someone who goes to a pet shop?
Animals are not to be bought; they can be adopted at stray animal pounds. Buying them leads to mass breeding and a horrible trade where only profit matters. Adopting a dog or a cat is a wonderful thing to do, it means saving them from a miserable life.
Is there someone who is essential in your life?
My Foundation, to which I have given everything; my name, my fortune and my time. The beginnings, 23 years ago, were very tough but now it is one of m most faithful allies because it is well-known and respected throughout the world.
Not so long ago you were able to have a meeting with Mr. Sarkozy to talk about your foundation. Have you ever considered going into politics?
Never! I hate politics, of whatever party. It's not my style at all.
You were the image of "La Marianne".
Yes, it was a great honour for me, and also a surprise.
After a 21 year career, being the greatest sex symbol of the 60s and having made the initials BB one of the most profitable brands in the country, Brigitte Bardot tried to commit suicide when she was just 26 years old. Do you remember what you felt when you announced you were leaving show business?
A feeling of liberation and that it was an irrevocable decision. It was a very difficult transition because I went from having a jet set lifestyle to feeling completely alone.
On 20th January Serge Gainsbourg's biography was launched, one of your loves, and with whom you recorded "Je T'aime Moi Non Plus". In the film, Laetitia Casta plays the role of Brigitte Bardot. Is it true that she phoned you to ask your permission to play the role?
Yes, and we talked for hours. I am really happy that she represented me, I think she's great.
What has been the greatest achievement in your life?
My Foundation. It's the best thing I've done in my life.
Do you have anything else left to achieve?
I've survived, that for me is already a privilege.