Can you judge a person by his/her clothing?

I think clothes do reflect some aspect of the person. There are definitly reasons behind why people wear what they wear.
i think that very often you can tell a lot about a person by the way they choose to dress...

i met a guy and i noticed that he always wore chunky shoes with a heavy soul...
i commented to him that all his shoes have a heavy soul...
and he said - i have a heavy soul...

* and i think that might be true and there you have it...
a huge insight into this person's psyche...
simply based on his choice of footwear...

It's our right as individuals to wear what we please. And if you were somebody that was going to judge me or have pre-conceived ideas of what I'm like just because of my attire, then I don't want to know you anyway. We're people under the fabric with different personalities and lives. That homeless guy wearing a garbage bag is still a human being and is living life just like me, a less fortunate one, but he is no worse a person than anybody else.

Besides who are we to judge another human being.
^It's just not realistic to not judge someone by their clothes. It's the first thing you see, and well, you can't see into someone's soul just by looking at them, can you?

Of course we need to judge each other in some form to interact. It would be stupid to treat everyone the same, because everyone is different.
sometimes people WANT to tell you something about themselves with the clothing choices they make...

and sometimes they are hiding something...

it's interesting to try to figure it out...
even if you get it wrong...

I try not to make snap judgements by the way a person dresses but instead choose to learn more about them before I judge what they are like. Although, sometimes people do use their clothes to say something about themselves, so then it is more likely you will judge them for it.

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