The 'Aura' of a Person - Discussion

There are some people who I instinctively turn around and look at just as they're coming into a room, who have great 'auras'... happens a lot, kinda freaks me. So I've got to chalk some of it up to actual energy. These are both caring and charismatic people.

I think the best way to develop aura is to really be happy and kind and somewhat zen - you know, when you're just slightly zoned and delighted? Maybe you're having a comfy, wonderful, stress-free day off. If you can figure out how to bring a bit of that feeling into your regular daily existence, I think you get some aura. (I think some people are born with more extroverted auras than others. But basically I'm saying be a person you'd want to be around, and it will probably show up in your energy field.)
Hmmm...i think its a little of both

Brings me back to the nature/nuture argument we analysed in psychology last year. I think to a certain extent, people are born with aspects of their personality (inherited through genes), but in addition to these innate qualities, life experiences contribute to this 'aura.'

I don't think there is a particular formula to acheiving the aura. Some people have this effect of turning your head, without being significantly more stylish, beautiful or confident than the next. It's an 'X Factor.'
i guess half and half, what u born does take up the most factor, but the enviroment ur in does accntuate/opress a bit.
I agree that it's both born and bred, although I'm more apt to call it "presence"; I feel like "aura" has a more mystical or spiritual meaning.

Like two people of equal IQ's can be completely different when it comes to how smart they are. And a person of really high IQ can go above and beyond, or they can be just as smart as someone less naturally gifted but who works very hard. I think it's the same thing with, um, aura.

There's this one boy who goes to my school, and I find him to be so stylish. It must be his presence, because he really isn't that special at all. He's not outrageously or noticeably good looking, he wears the same abercrombie that everyone else does (I know, it's kinda *gag*). But sometimes when I see him, I'm just blown away by how stylish he looks. Don't ask me exactly how that works. He does the same thing for me that Kate Moss can do.

And more creative dressers catch my eye, make me go, "Oh, that's different," but it's not the same.
first : very interesting thread.
second: I think , yes, aura is something you have from your birth on. But you can learn it. Your life alignement gives you your aura.
In fact everyone has this "aura". It depends on WHO can feel it.
So, I may have something like an aura to this person, but defenetly not to the other. By this, you can say, if you feel them, if they will ever "get you" as a personality. (sure, there are those you won`T come out with anyway, but you feel the aura of this person)
Of course it has to do with sympathie too; but I have to say that there a people arround, who do have an aura, but one that doesn`t blow me away. NO, in fact to me it`s not an aura. It`s just "something strong" that I feel.
I hope this was not too confusing.

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I don't think it's born but I think it's cultivated along with personality at a young age. I have a feeling I don't have it, so it'd be nice to know how to fake an 'aura'.
first :
In fact everyone has this "aura". It depends on WHO can feel it.
So, I may have something like an aura to this person, but defenetly not to the other.

I agree. Some people appeal to others and I just don't get it at all. Others jump out to me and are not noticed by the crowd...
Aura is just your soul, the way you are inside "showing" on the outside..Other people cant see it, they sense it...Be kind, be good and care about other people and you get a good aura..:flower:
This is such an interesting topic! Thanks for starting it.

Some people just have a fantastic energy about them. I'm not sure where it comes from, but you notice them and they stand out in a crowd, even when they aren't interacting with people or really drawing attention to themselves - sometimes they are the wallflower!

I think sometimes this vibrance and energy comes from someone's level of focus and intensity. People who are really present in the moment, and are THERE, wherever they are. Most people are very distracted. Instead of focusing on what is happening in the moment, they look backward or forward. I've noticed that a lot of very captivating individuals live in the moment.

Maybe they are just watching a crowd or observing people, or talking to someone, but whatever they do, they devote themselves to what's happening around them and whatever they are intending.

This makes people more interesting, I think. It's rare to come across people who are living in the moment, most people have a cloud over their heads of chores and obligations. When someone is free from this burden, it's very visible and resonates outward.

Let me know what you guys think.
to Bambam:

I think you are right. I noticed this some times, too.
They are focused, and right here. LIke for example in a chemestry lessons: I sit there, and I do not really wanna think about anything; a boy (who is maybe not more interested then I am) sits on the other side and thinks with the teacher and answers his questions, and asks stuff.
That was today, a moment that made clear how far away I am from all this stuff. The NOW and HERE.
Don`t get me wrong, I am not against daydreaming or dreaming. But everything has to be done at a certain time. And maybe not mixted up to much.

I think I sometimes have a serious problem to live here and now. Which also means not just dream but LIVE your dreams.

What I realized too, is that you just have to be yourself. Be and act what you feel. Do what you want (as far as it does not hurt other people) and stand for it. Not be afraid of really saying and being who you are.

So, tell me how to do this! How to concentrate and just focus on now and what is happening now and no other thing. Can I train it?
Tell me, and you will help me a lot.
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In my opinion, people with great auras are born with it. Auras involve the way you speek verbally and non-verbally, its the way you walk and carry yourself no matter where you are, it is the smile that you give in order for others to feel comfortable around you. And all these traits have to do with personality. And no matter how one can only fake a personality for so long. So therefore an aura cannot be bred.
Although an aura is inversely proportional to charm and charisma, high experience in "practiced charm and charisma" cannot overweigh an aura of one who has it naturally.

i agree totally.. it also has a lot to do with their confidence. i usually find people with high spirits or optimists have a great aura.
Very interesting thread.
It is very remarkable how some people can look amazing, and it is not just the clothes and makeup.
IMO Kate Moss is a great examble of that. She can make a very simple outfit look fantastic, while on others, it would just be boring.
In her case, it is not her personality, since I obviesly don't know her. <it must be the aura.

I don't think, that you are born with it. Of course, the body and face plays a big role, but it is not everything.
Very interesting thread.
It is very remarkable how some people can look amazing, and it is not just the clothes and makeup.
IMO Kate Moss is a great examble of that. She can make a very simple outfit look fantastic, while on others, it would just be boring.
In her case, it is not her personality, since I obviesly don't know her. <it must be the aura.

I don't think, that you are born with it. Of course, the body and face plays a big role, but it is not everything.

I know what you mean with Kate Moss.
But I thinks with her it`s just because of the media, and the image( the media put on her..);

Did you ever met her to say this? Guess not.
Anyway interesting aspect!
I know what you mean with Kate Moss.
But I thinks with her it`s just because of the media, and the image( the media put on her..);

Did you ever met her to say this? Guess not.
Anyway interesting aspect!

Yes, You're right - the media does play a big role on her icon status.
But somnehow, she just has something. I can't put my finger on it, which probably often is the case with aura.
^ to be honest i dont really get kate moss////
i really really dont get her >.< im sorry///
i think it has alot to do with energy a person emits.
i think you are born with something special but its also up to the person to develop it over time....
it's important to be sincere in your life...I think that plays a big part in your energy...because people can feel that....(if they are present and open to it).
i am a firm believer in the eyes are the window to the soul.
you can look certain people in their eyes and feel things...
it's amazing!
There are little things you can do to enhance your presence/aura/whatever. If looking for a cool, serene presence, train your facial muscles to be entirely relaxed any time they're naturally inactive (when not showing outright expression). This seems obvious, but most people are actually tense in the face a great deal of the time (if not all the time) and don't realize it. This can actually take a long time for people to develop, and if you have no confidence, it can truly be impossible, as your face will be stricken with uncontrollable tension in every situation. But anyhow, many people feel this is what develops a sense of charisma, as each facial expression then comes out of complete calm, and supposedly draws people in.

Or feel free to think I'm full of crap. :)
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I get you and to some point you might be right, but have you noticed that women who past a certain age tend to have a tense look on their faces? some of them always have a quirky smile or lock their mouth in a strange exprecion...pressing their lips together. Im not sure why but my theory is that if they totally relax their faces as you say, they display the beginning facial aging that to them at this point is a new and not so cool experience...This is just my personal theory based on the fact that I always look at other people ,studying them... and before you dissagree with me go out and really look at women that are arround that age group its very comon..

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