Live Streaming... The F/W 2025.26 Fashion Shows
There is something to be said about understated elegance. Nowadays dressing like Carolyn is deemed "boring". I'll take her style over any hipster or Olsen twin. She doesn't look like she tries as hard as they do to be fashionable.
There is something to be said about understated elegance. Nowadays dressing like Carolyn is deemed "boring". I'll take her style over any hipster or Olsen twin. She doesn't look like she tries as hard as they do to be fashionable.
I actually sort of disagree with that. For most people, yes, but for certain people, no. If Carolyn were stilla live today and dressing the same way, I think that understated elegant sense of style would still be admired, because it would be on her. She didn't have a typically gorgeous face or fun sense of style, but there was something about the way she looked and presented herself that made it so classic. It kinda of like Carrie on Sex and the City; her style is crazy and on anyone else it would probably look ridiculous but on her its fabulous because its her. Am I making sense? I hope so.
You make perfect sense but I do think people who dress in this classic, understated way nowadays are called "boring" far to frequently here on TFS. It's like everyone is expected to dress like Cory Kennedy to be considered fashionable.