icicle You must provide sources per our tFS community rules for your pictures or they will have to be removed. The pictures that are tagged are fine but please provide sources for the other images

I can no longer edit those posts, so I'll list the credits here:
Well, the ones with Alpha Images, Getty Images, Rex Images, Image Collect or LIFE are directly from their sites.
The screenshots of them cutting the cake and dancing at their wedding were taken by me from a Fox News Boston video that is no longer available.
The one of her hugging Anthony Radziwill in post 661 is from Carole Radziwill's book, although that particular photo I posted is from Oprah's O Magazine when she did an interview with Carole in 2005.
All of the screenshots of her having her veil lifted I got from the former Ultimate Carolyn blog.
The two fuzzy screencaps of her in black talking to someone in post 663 were screenshots taken by me from a TV Guide special called Tribute to John.
In post 666, the screenshot of her kissing John was taken by me from a video where they interviewed RoseMarie Terenzio for her new book.
In that same post, the one where she has her back to the camera is from Wire Images.
I hope these were OK. I can't give you the link to the Fox news video where the wedding screencaps I took came from, and the Ultimate Carolyn blog was deleted awhile back. I can't remember which interview with RoseMarie Terenzio the screenshot of them kissing came from, but I can try to find it if you need it.