I saw some of the publicity around her apartment in the past days, not sure it was AD but anyway, it sounded like years of hard work and like she put a lot of thought into it.. obviously everyone will advise you to sell your property after a handful of years to get richer and richer but it just sounds like such a waste really... owning/preserving isn't bad business either.
The decor is a little too trendy for me but I like how everything, from the furniture to the way she ordered her bf's books down to the bright accents, is all hers and like she really has firm opinions and an understanding and appreciation for everything that's in it. With Hollywood celebrities you can tell they're really.. plain and it's an interior designer going crazy with a credit card and trying to collect 'one-of-a-kind' trendy s*it to create enough buzz to get published somewhere.
I liked her bedroom but frankly, perhaps because I've lived in a similar space/building, I find these type of spaces suffocating, you feel like you're barely getting any air (especially in any city's downtown) and then there's the lack of privacy and being exposed to your neighbor's sounds through their windows. In a way I can understand why, having been through the lockdown in a space like this, she would want to sell..