Celebrity Houses #2

Architectural Digest November 2009
Photographer Harry Benson Flashes Back

Architectural Digest
Architectural Digest November 2009
A Colorful Embrace | Once-Muted Spaces in Manhattan Give Way To Light

Photo Scott Frances
By Amanda Vaill
Interior Mario Buatta

Architectural Digest
Architectural Digest July 2017

In Harmony
Photo William Abranowicz
Stylist Anita Sarsidi
By Lauren Waterman
Subjects Faith Hill & Tim McGraw

Architectural Digest
Architectural Digest September 2014

A Different Stripe
Photo Douglas Friedman
Stylist Carlos Mota
By Mayer Rus
Subjects Tommy & Dee Hilfiger

Architectural Digest

Architectural Digest September 2014
Calming Influence

Photo William Waldron
Stylist Anita Sarsidi
By William Norwich
Subject Francisco Costa

Architectural Digest
Architectural Digest September 2014
Dressing the Part
Photo Oberto Gili, Erik Torstensson (Portrait)
Stylist Carolina Irving
Interior Michael S. Smith
By Dana Thomas
Subject Natalie Massenet

Architectural Digest
Architectural Digest September 2014
Breaking Away

Photo Steven Klein
Stylist Carlos Mota
By David Colman
Subject Steven Klein

Architectural Digest
Architectural Digest September 2014
Bella Figura

Photo Orberto Gili
Stylist Howard Christian
By Marcella Caracciolo Chia
Subject Marcella Agnelli
This is WONDERFUL Cesar, Thank-you! I'm working on a Christmas in July AD wish list let me know when I can send it to you? Hahaha

Architectural Digest
Architectural Digest March 2014

California Dreamy
Photo Roger Davies
Stylist Carlos Mota
By Mayer Rus
Subject Patrick Dempsey

Architectural Digest
Architectural Digest February 2014

Prime Time
Photo William Abranowicz
Stylist Anita Sarsidi
By Brad Goldfarb
Interior Vincent Wolfe
Subject Julianna Margulies

Architectural Digest
Architectural Digest July/August 2023

Finally, Home
Photo Simon Upton
Stylist Sean Spellman
By Mitchell Owens
Subject Aerin Lauder

Architectural Digest
^ I remember her style being in every magazine in the 00s and I just found her to be a walking snooze fest.. something like DC meets PBS meets Stepford Wives, and... I don't know why I expected her home to look better... of course it's going to be an extension of her taste in clothing, duh.

Steven Klein's home is so gorgeous :blackheart::blackheart:.. traditional but not saturated, dark, sexy, but still warm and does look like a comfortable home that smells like yummy food sometimes and not like some insufferable gallery that barely sees people. Love it. And that dining table :drooling:.. I guess a cut-throat is forbidden enough for dining room art but.. it's the fact that it's Kevin Federline what makes it so wrong and scandalous for me lol..
^ I remember her style being in every magazine in the 00s and I just found her to be a walking snooze fest.. something like DC meets PBS meets Stepford Wives, and... I don't know why I expected her home to look better... of course it's going to be an extension of her taste in clothing, duh.

Steven Klein's home is so gorgeous :blackheart::blackheart:.. traditional but not saturated, dark, sexy, but still warm and does look like a comfortable home that smells like yummy food sometimes and not like some insufferable gallery that barely sees people. Love it. And that dining table :drooling:.. I guess a cut-throat is forbidden enough for dining room art but.. it's the fact that it's Kevin Federline what makes it so wrong and scandalous for me lol..
Aerin's home is lovely but very beige, kinda like her.
Architectural Digest March/April 1976

Design Partners' Personal Homes
Photo Jaime Ardiles-Arce
By Interior Joseph Minton, David D. Corley
Client Joseph Minton

Architectural Digest

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