
I'm not sure if it's because of the pill (been on it for 1.5 yrs) or hitting a certain age (my sister always told me that everything goes downhill once you reach 25), but I've recenetly discovered I have cellulite all over my thighs - I think even on my calves!

I can't go off the pill at the moment, but I will buy a body brush, and try to cut back on the caffeine I drink (or is caffeine supposed to be good for cellulite? argh confused). I'm not overweight, I'm actually bordering on underweight at the moment, but I'm going to try lose some weight to see if that makes any difference - exercise, more water, more fresh food. I'm kinda in a mad panic at the moment :wacko::cry: Not sure which cremes, etc, to invest in...
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Exercise is good, healhy eating and body brushing, more water- but don't lose more weight, especially considering you are already bordering on underweight!
You and I have the same problem, but I joined the gym to tone up, and it helps.
About caffeine, I don't know either! But I doubt it's really that big of a deal, and even if you give up coffee, green tea is very good for you and has quite a lot of caffeine in it- so I say don't stress over it as much ^_^:flower:
I've started to use Dior Plasticity today. I'm also doing the body brushing thing for a while. I dont drink coffee but I gave up the coke:( I swim a lot so I'm trying to be hopeful that I'd get rid of cellulite. I declare a war to birth control pill:(
So...this Dior product, I guess it's quite expensive? Are any of reasonable priced products good?
I've tried a few anti-cellulite products - Christian Dior Dior Svelte Reversal Gel, Clarins Body Shaping Cream, Collistar Anti-Cellulite Night Cream + Day Cream... - trust me, they don't work. If the products really did sink that far into your body, you'd be f*cked. It's the massaging you're doing that works. Ever wonder why anti-cellulite products claim to only work if you massage your body with the products? Yeah... :(
Yeah I know it's probably all scam, this is just the one of those things when hope goes over the brain:ninja:
i use this YSL creme for cellulite... AMAZING!

* Is it true carbonated drinks such as soda cause cellulite?
Mine is not that visibile (for now!), only if I squeeze the skin I can see that orange plantation.:ninja: But I'm afraid what will happen later, because I'm taking birth control pills.
I use wooden body brush from L'Occitane every time I take a shower. I also use Amai anti-cellulite gel with microcapsules. There's nothing better for smoother skin!:woot: The ingredients are very good, but unfortunately the company cancelled the whole Body Action line, so I had to make supply. I still have 4 of them.:lol:

I have to force myself to drink more water and I'm about to start with Pilates again, or at least walking more (I just gor my driver's license and I rarely take a walk now:doh:) or taking bike to university.

I heard many opinions about Dior Plasticity and I asked Dior promotor, who is my acquaintance and she said there were many better things for less money.:huh: She mentioned one our brand, but I don't think it's avalable abroad, so maybe that's not very helpful.

Is anyone else here sucker for anti-cellulite ads? I know there're are no miracles to be expected, but I always fall for Nivea, Vichy, L'Oreal etc.:D I have good experience with Vichy Lipometric though.:flower:
i have a round, big butt and since it's made of fat there is no way there wouldn't be any cellulite, right ? fat = cellulite ?
i also have stretch marks, i gained weight very quickly (in few months) and it's my worst problem.
Nothing works against cellulite, I started seeing the first signs when i was frankly underweight, and now that i'm in the normal range is there for the world to see. I simply gave up on it. I think it's as certain as dead. But we can work around it and that are a lot of anti-cellulite creams that work really well, not against cellulite(unfortunately) but they do make legs way smoother in those areas than "normal" creams. After trying a bunch of them, from the very expensive to the cheapest. I settled for the Nivea anti cellulite gel cream, it won't break the bank so i can use freely and after a couple of weeks tights are indeed significantly smoother and less like orange peel.
yeah, in Poland it would be about 9-10 pounds. i heard it's one of the best, but i've not tried it yet.
yeah cellulite doesn't go away by slathering a cream all over you, as i have found out. i tried the nivea goodbye one and that other green silhouette thing and it just made it feel like it was tighter but it actually wasn't.

what did get rid of it 60% was carboxytherapy it hurts like a b*tch but totally worth it (really tiny injection, you can't even feel it sometimes, of co2 in diff points of the thigh that burns localized fat, that's where the pain and bruising comes in), but you have to use it with 40 min lpg massage to see results or else your skin will just be flabby.

i don't know where in the u.s. it's available since i got it done in colombia and i don't know the exact price either, but it was around $1000 dollars in a package for 10 sessions (including lpg 40 min and carbo 30 min). by the way i'm 18 with a lot of cellulite to the point where it hurts it's extremely visible on top of the knee and don't even get me started on the back/sides :( my skin is very soft and it doesn't help that i'm naturally pale lol i'm also 5'7 and weigh 140 (with all the weight on my thighs obviously). i have cellulite also on my calves and stomach prob even arms when i squeeze the skin. and i've been dealing with this since i was 16 (haha i'm making it sound like it's a deadly disease or something right).

i'm pretty sure exercise will help the appearance and all, but idk since i can't exercise so i can't give an opinion.

a friend of my cousins' did 20 sessions and she literally has like one tiny line on the back of her thigh (her thighs are much bigger than mine and she is much heavier/shorter/darker than me). that is what really motivated me into doing it and i am pleased (at least the back of my thigh doesn't resemble a freaking mattress, but it still isn't tempurpedic). when i go back i'll do it again for sure. i am also going to try cavitation so when i am finished with it i will write again in this thread (but that won't be for a while). my cousin did one session and she said you don't feel anything only a tiny sound in your ear. she also said that it's one session every 15 days and you see results by the third or fourth.

wow this was as long as my senior english term paper jk lol my term paper was longer ahaha, but i just wanted to let you guys know another option if you want to ask me a question i will be glad to answer. excuse me if their are any mistakes it's 6:00 am and i still haven't gone to sleep :innocent:
So...this Dior product, I guess it's quite expensive? Are any of reasonable priced products good?
I had Dior Plasticity and I didn't notice any difference. But my friend said it worked for her. I guess it depends on person to person.:unsure:
yeah cellulite doesn't go away by slathering a cream all over you, as i have found out. i tried the nivea goodbye one and that other green silhouette thing and it just made it feel like it was tighter but it actually wasn't.

what did get rid of it 60% was carboxytherapy it hurts like a b*tch but totally worth it (really tiny injection, you can't even feel it sometimes, of co2 in diff points of the thigh that burns localized fat, that's where the pain and bruising comes in), but you have to use it with 40 min lpg massage to see results or else your skin will just be flabby.

i don't know where in the u.s. it's available since i got it done in colombia and i don't know the exact price either, but it was around $1000 dollars in a package for 10 sessions (including lpg 40 min and carbo 30 min). by the way i'm 18 with a lot of cellulite to the point where it hurts it's extremely visible on top of the knee and don't even get me started on the back/sides :( my skin is very soft and it doesn't help that i'm naturally pale lol i'm also 5'7 and weigh 140 (with all the weight on my thighs obviously). i have cellulite also on my calves and stomach prob even arms when i squeeze the skin. and i've been dealing with this since i was 16 (haha i'm making it sound like it's a deadly disease or something right).

i'm pretty sure exercise will help the appearance and all, but idk since i can't exercise so i can't give an opinion.

a friend of my cousins' did 20 sessions and she literally has like one tiny line on the back of her thigh (her thighs are much bigger than mine and she is much heavier/shorter/darker than me). that is what really motivated me into doing it and i am pleased (at least the back of my thigh doesn't resemble a freaking mattress, but it still isn't tempurpedic). when i go back i'll do it again for sure. i am also going to try cavitation so when i am finished with it i will write again in this thread (but that won't be for a while). my cousin did one session and she said you don't feel anything only a tiny sound in your ear. she also said that it's one session every 15 days and you see results by the third or fourth.

wow this was as long as my senior english term paper jk lol my term paper was longer ahaha, but i just wanted to let you guys know another option if you want to ask me a question i will be glad to answer. excuse me if their are any mistakes it's 6:00 am and i still haven't gone to sleep :innocent:

Thanks a lot for sharing your experience! Cellulite is like a handicap in my life, that sounds ridiculous but I haven't gone swimming or to the beach in years because I'm so ashamed of my cellulite, so I'll be considering the procedure that you went through :)
There are lasers to help reduce cellulite, but they help around 20-30% (Triactive, Velasmooth etc.). The creams help even less if at all.
what are peoples experiences with nivea's goodbye cellulite ?
i kind of want to buy it, but i wanna know what others think of it first.

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