yeah cellulite doesn't go away by slathering a cream all over you, as i have found out. i tried the nivea goodbye one and that other green silhouette thing and it just made it feel like it was tighter but it actually wasn't.
what did get rid of it 60% was carboxytherapy it hurts like a b*tch but totally worth it (really tiny injection, you can't even feel it sometimes, of co2 in diff points of the thigh that burns localized fat, that's where the pain and bruising comes in), but you have to use it with 40 min lpg massage to see results or else your skin will just be flabby.
i don't know where in the u.s. it's available since i got it done in colombia and i don't know the exact price either, but it was around $1000 dollars in a package for 10 sessions (including lpg 40 min and carbo 30 min). by the way i'm 18 with a lot of cellulite to the point where it hurts it's extremely visible on top of the knee and don't even get me started on the back/sides

my skin is very soft and it doesn't help that i'm naturally pale lol i'm also 5'7 and weigh 140 (with all the weight on my thighs obviously). i have cellulite also on my calves and stomach prob even arms when i squeeze the skin. and i've been dealing with this since i was 16 (haha i'm making it sound like it's a deadly disease or something right).
i'm pretty sure exercise will help the appearance and all, but idk since i can't exercise so i can't give an opinion.
a friend of my cousins' did 20 sessions and she literally has like one tiny line on the back of her thigh (her thighs are much bigger than mine and she is much heavier/shorter/darker than me). that is what really motivated me into doing it and i am pleased (at least the back of my thigh doesn't resemble a freaking mattress, but it still isn't tempurpedic). when i go back i'll do it again for sure. i am also going to try cavitation so when i am finished with it i will write again in this thread (but that won't be for a while). my cousin did one session and she said you don't feel anything only a tiny sound in your ear. she also said that it's one session every 15 days and you see results by the third or fourth.
wow this was as long as my senior english term paper jk lol my term paper was longer ahaha, but i just wanted to let you guys know another option if you want to ask me a question i will be glad to answer. excuse me if their are any mistakes it's 6:00 am and i still haven't gone to sleep