
Aww, Mellow :p !

I was just wondering if this particular symptom is a sign of increased circulation in areas which had been hitherto deprived...

...personal preferences, hopes and fears aside...;)
Melisande said:
Aww, Mellow :p !

I was just wondering if this particular symptom is a sign of increased circulation in areas which had been hitherto deprived...

...personal preferences, hopes and fears aside...;)
Well, yeah, I think I mentioned that in the other post, "Interstitial fluid" and whatnot?

"Hitherto deprived," I'm not sure. Gangrene sets in, you know, after a certain level of deprivation. I don't want to come across as the cellulite troll--the false prophet of endermologie, leading my stumbling brother astray--but maybe someone needs to host a "Rate my Cellulite" (a la Hot or Not) page? Then we could get the important opinions of the greater mass of people, rather than one self-appointed cellulite expert, so as to determine if you really have a problem with cellulite. Endermologie actually has a three-tier system of evaluating the severity of the problem. You will have to google it, because I've forgotten: very slightly bumpy, quite bumpy, altogether bumpy. And the gradient changes if you're standing up, clenching your buttocks, lying down, not clenching your buttocks, on hormones, off hormones, pre-menopausal, post-menopausal, with or without varicosities, spider veins, a fear of spider veins, etc. It's a syndrome rather than a disease, actually a cluster of symptoms, signs and wonders with no real diagnosis, prognosis, or treatment possible.

You will suffer interminably.

As for my proposed "Rate My Cellulite" page: the additional interface of adding your place of residence's elevation in feet above sea-level would enable your local physicist/endermologist to calculate the right vacuum in lbs./square inch to most efficiently and least painfully eliminate your cellulite.

Lest we forget, there's always kelp products, internally & externally, with vitamin B-6; lemonade, cayenne, and maple syrup fasts; caffeine, nicotine, guanine, thymine, adenine, and cytosine; Kabbalah water, holy water, Masaru Emoto water, tap water, tap dancing, swearing, and sweating.

I'm going to bed before 2 AM tonight, I swear it.:heart:
Interesting topic. I'm 18 and have it too, I think it has sth to do with the pill as my mother hasn't got any, although she eats a lot healthier as well. I have a question about the coffee-thing: how exactly do you do that? After you made coffee, you take the coffee 'powder' out of the little bag? And then you masage it into the skin and leave it on for how long? Then rinse? Thanks!
Evil cellulite! hehe... funny how some REALLY skinny girls have it, while some plumper girls don't have any at all. the mystery of cellulite...

i have read that taking grape seed oil suppliments (or i guess just drinking the stuff, too) helps w/ cellulite. Then, on the other hand, i just researched and found this on google:

"Although herbal extracts have been promoted as anti-cellulite agents, a recent study found that a proprietary herbal product containing grape seed oil, evening primrose oil, ginkgo, sweet clover, sea-weed, and lecithin was no more effective than placebo in getting rid of cellulite."
katrien - I might be wrong but I assume you use the coffee powder like you would a scrub - rub to your sink then rinse off. I might be wrong though
my bum looks like an orange . i HATE it . If theres one thing i could tone up and change is my bloody *** lol
estherlouise said:
my bum looks like an orange . i HATE it . If theres one thing i could tone up and change is my bloody *** lol

SAME lol
(and my thighs)
Cellulite Article from Allure mag, July 2006

Extra! Extra! The David Geffen School of Medicine cures cellulite!

"The waves penetrate the skin deeply, heating and breaking up fat, says Ronald Moy, professor of dermatology at the David Geffen School of Medicine."

from July 2006 Allure Magazine

Talk about Dreamworks SKG! David must've taken another ponderous cruise, and after wrestling a large angel there on the main deck, decided to research and find the long-awaited cure for the horrible scourge of cellulite. God bless you, Mr. Geffen! The interminable suffering will end!
When I sit down, it's like the veins/fat/muscle on my legs is being displace and so I get weird (it would be gross looking if it wasn't so funny at the same time) basically lumps but it's not cellulite as it's not there when I stand up or shift my legs around a bit and take the pressure off my thigh (but this thread still seemed the most appropriate). Does anyone else get this? It just seems to have gotten worse lately.
I was watching E! News I believe when they were doing a "celebrity beauty secrets" segment & they mentioned that Tyra Banks uses ground coffee to rub on her bum and the backs of her thighs to help with her cellulite. Has anyone heard of doing this before? I found it quite shocking. Another secret was that some celebs use KY Jelly for a really close shave. lol
It is said that caffeine decreases the appearance of cellulite so it seems a logical and frugal choice to rub ground beans directly of affected areas.

I say, let's just make society accept cellulite beautiful and then we won't have to stress about it any more.
even though i'm not fat at all (wearing european size 34 to 36) i do have cellulite, too, and it's the thing i hate most about my body.:(
the most annoying thing about it is that i've tried anything possilbe to combat it, but i can't get rid of the dimples spread all over my thights right down to my knees!:cry:
i'm a vegetarian, drink a lot of water, no alcohol, no nicotine and i work out four an hour or more at least three times a week (running, step aerobic and a little toning). i've tried a lot of lotions, scrubs, coffee, oils, ... - nothing works!

i do not wear mini skirts or hotpants anymore even though i love the look on other girls, bermudas are my favourites for summer!:blush:
Mine improved a lot when I was working out a lot and eating healthy and not drinking. I am not 100% sure it is cellulite though because soetimes its there others it isn't. I think it may just be fat!

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