Chanel Accessories / Jewelry

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madem0iselle said:
yeah i toptally get what u mean by it may look a bit costumey in fact in the costume jewerly categyor of chanel ive seen their gold camelellia with studded crystal and it wasnt that bad.
also now i think of it the black may look plasticie as it may be too shiny and too "anna sui rose ligpgloss ring'' haha

is the workmanship really that good?
ive never tried it on ive only seen the larger version and tried it on as it was hell too big on my hand but ive never tried the smaller version and if i remeber clearly it wasnt very white but a bit creamie

The smaller ring is much nicer IMO - easier to wear too. I have smaller hands though, not super small, but I'm a ring size of about 6. Its a nice ring, I know what you mean about the Anna Sui Lipgloss ring though. Because of that I've been looking for a costume Chanel ring as a possible replacement. Then again I did like this ring and it is photographed very often in fashion spreads and on celebs.

The workmanship is good but I don't think its super fabulous - I just love the design. The smaller version is a bit creamy looking.

Do you know the price in dollars for the ring now? I tried it on in Paris and I can't remember the price in Euros.
I really loved the Chanel accessories that the girl was wearing in 'the Devil wears Prada'... She totally rocked all those Chanel necklaces!
samoemelovejones- i belive i CAD if i rember clarly around $2590 i bet its like 30% cheaper i paris yeah im still stuckthinking wheter to get it or not the workmanship really that good?............

No, it's not!
but I still love the Chanel costume jewerly:heart:
madem0iselle, i don't think white stones yellow... but regardless it is a beautiful ring. if anything, the yellowing will give it a nice vintage feel! lol

^yeah, chanel costume jewellery isn't famous for its workmanship, but i still love it!
I actually like the new chains, but I preffer the old ones with pearls

random pictures from
I really love this Chanel necklace Nicole is wearing! Simple, but classy.


sometimes the interlocking c can be plastered all over it and make it look tacky ::::::(
Those rings are cheap looking. Sorta like something that would pop out of one of those coin toy machines in the supermarkets.
i don't like the ring. is looks trashy to me.. but i love the necklass that nicole is wearing
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