I can't get over the price increases on Chanel fine jewellery. On the 31st of December, I was eyeing up a medium chanel geode (star) pendant necklace - a very pretty diamond encrusted star in white gold with a fine chain - its something I've been meaning to purchase for a while. I think when I last checked it out in 2006 - it was 2800 Euros, well on New Year's Eve here in Paris I was told that the price was 2950 Euros. I was okay with that price increase over a one year period. However, yesterday a mere 2 weeks since I last checked out the geode pendant, I was aghast to discover a massive price increase and that the same pendant is now priced at 3300 Euros!!
Do any of you guys know and like the Geode or star pendant! It's a super piece. I just find the increase in price rather huge!