Chanel Pre-Fall 2014 Dallas


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Mar 31, 2009
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Well, I didn't expect Dallas at all... and it really looks interesting so far!
I was wondering if anyone would mention the cultural appropriation.

Isn't that the essence of his pre-collections? Let's travel to some country/city, google about the culture, make themed outfits, wrap it in tweed and voilà.

Anyway, this looks terribly predictable and ugly.
Isn't that the essence of his pre-collections? Let's travel to some country/city, google about the culture, make themed outfits, wrap it in tweed and voilà.

Anyway, this looks terribly predictable and ugly.

Couldn't agree more, nothing about this is beautiful or luxurious in any way, and that Native American headdress outfit is soooo wrong.
So is anyone allowed to be inspired by cultures other than their own, then? :blink:

I take far more offense to the fact that the clothes are revoltingly hideous.

Those headdresses are sacred to many tribes and hold deep spiritual/religious meanings. They're not just meant to be pretty. :rolleyes:
Native American...:innocent:

I hope Karl and Chanel gets heat for doing something so horridly insensitive as parading a "native american" bride.

I wonder whether Vogue US would us that outfit on an editorial.

But now, coming to think of it .. didnt Gaultier kinda did it as well a while ago?

We will see. And this collection is utter rubbish.
The thing about the head dress that upsets me is how it lightheartedly mocks people who were slaughtered en masse throughout the colonial times. The head dress is not like a bindi or a beaded necklace, they signify rank and bring back painful memories of patriotism. "I killed the savage and now I'm wearing their funny hat" is the message this has. I am incredibly disappointed and will no longer support Chanel.
Isn't that the essence of his pre-collections? Let's travel to some country/city, google about the culture, make themed outfits, wrap it in tweed and voilà.

Anyway, this looks terribly predictable and ugly.

I highly doubt that's how Karl Lagerfeld approaches his work, especially the google part.

Is it so wrong to be inspired by another culture ?
One can also say it's a cultural appropriation when models wear cowboy-inspired outfits. Is anyone going to say it's racist ? I doubt it.
I highly doubt that's how Karl Lagerfeld approaches his work, especially the google part.

Is it so wrong to be inspired by another culture ?
One can also say it's a cultural appropriation when models wear cowboy-inspired outfits. Is anyone going to say it's racist ? I doubt it.

Those poor cowboys, victims of anti-cowboy genocide and of course the "trail of cowboy tears".

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