Chloé "Chloé" Fragrance : Anja, Clemence Poesy, and Chloë Sevigny by Inez & Vinoodh

Anja looks great to me. This woman could never take a bad picture for me. :p
I love Clémence's ad the best... to me, she's the perfect Chloé girl :heart:
I don't like it. The way that the B&W is contrasted with the colour of the text and perfume bottle...they don't really blend in well together...there's no sort which I think the colour of the text and bottle are meant to express . I'm not sure how to explain it but all I'm trying to say is...I think this is incredibly dull...
I'm so agreed. :flower:
those b&w pics could be from that V ed.. I was hoping something better.
i personally like chloe's ad the best. even though i usually hate when celebrities are in fashion campaigns. i'm still not loving this.
i think chloe's is the best...
i don't like the way anja's mouth is open...
she looks surprise, like she turned around and there were photographers there...
Clemence looks the best imo. I thought Anja had the best pose when I saw that b&w picture on the screen with all of them, but the final result is a bit dissapointing... I must say I really think Anja looks boring- they could have chosen a better shot! :unsure:
Clemence is the best ~
I dont like the ad....It's so photoshoped...
It's so weired...and It's just wrong~
Like A Homework that I can do around 5mins
every girl is perfect, and the shoots are so positive to them, i mean in the way they all looked the best
Anja with long hair!!! come on! why did she cut it all out??

The thing that for me is contradictory
is that this campaign is extremely sexy, totally good healthy looking,
but their collections lately it's just about sick looking girls, an image that is not too polished, or anything...I yearn for those days where the Chloe girl was happy in a way, now she looks depressed​
I think the pictures are beautiful but I agree that there's something missing. It doesn't really stand out. Change the name in the text and you could stick any perfume on the corner. The ad doesn't really express anything, any idea or story. I don't get a feel for what it will smell like from looking at the picture. Really it could be an ad for anything, not even perfume specifically. I think an ad should give you a better idea of what they're trying to sell. And not just the perfume but the image it represents. I don't get that in this ad and therefor I don't really want to buy it (based on the ad, I do want to know how it smells though).

And the-Ida, I thought the exact same thing, it looks like those before and after shots in V #47.
i would think that kimair's avatar is actually more appropriate for this advertisement than those that have been done. :p
Clemence looks like Kim Noorda

Mmm she does, actually, I like her the best but Anja's picture is disappointing... Why they used Chloe is beyond me. I still want to buy the perfume though the bottle's gorgeous ^_^:heart:
HQ of Anja's ad

Scanned by me from Vogue Paris December/January

The others should follow soon :woot:

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