Chris Klein is a Jerk

If this is a real case of being misquoted, I'd quickly be suing like there's no tomorrow. This COULD affect a career.

If it's true, what a bastard.
I never though I would say this.... but Chris Klein is even more of a jerk than Tom cruise :blink:
I'm sure it's a fake. no one is that stupid to give that kind of an interview
^ me it sounds really made up and too obviously obnoxious to be real...
Well he is hot, but with a mouth like that...He might ruin the ambiance...
dont have the whole interview. the msn thing is all i have, but msn is a pretty big site...
IF it is the truth- there was a real good reason why Katie was a virgin for so long. B)
My favorite part is that he doesn't keep up w/ katie and Tom because he is "too busy playing fantasy football"! Would anyone seriously say this in RL or in an interview?
I was like "brass pole, brass pole...what rhymes with brass pole"... for like a good minute.
Oh ... so that's a pompous pr*ck!

Hum .. I volunteer myself to sell my story to a tabloid of how he was my boyfriend and how he's gayer than me!

*evil grin*
truebluejen said:
He nearly makes Tom look good - I said nearly!:lol:

How did she stay with that for 5 years?? The girl deserves a medal - i think:doh:

made my day!!!! :rofl:

Unless he was drunk, I am sure they took the words out of context....
Somehow I would have guessed that's the way he is.
The story is true, I was looking through Elle before (october or november, can't remember which) and on the last page where they always do a q&a with someone was the interview with all the same answers. And while I find it hard to believe that Chris Klein is really like that, I find it even harder to believe that Elle would fabricate something like that....they're not the Enquirer after all.

The few bits posted here were verbatim, the 8-10 remark, the predator-prey was all there.
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wow. i find it really surprising. i always thought he seemed like such a genuine, down-to-earth guy. but he's nothing more than an arrogant ****hole*.

oh well. at least his career is sh*tty enough that we won't need to hear from him again. :)
fezbatik said:
But I can't help but speculate that most would be celebrating these comments if a woman had made them. How empowering to hear a woman say she would only let her guard down once someone desreves to know her completely...

arrogant, perhaps...but I think plenty of women think like that, and aren't stigmatized by it.
I didn't have a problem with that - I think that's a good thing, for men and women. I mostly had a problem with the "I don't placate" part, how he worded it, and misogyny behind the whole thought process. He obviously doesn't love, or even care about, the women that he's with to choose some kind of it's-all-about-me-tough-love over another person's feelings. What does it hurt him to say, "You're beautiful" when the woman he's intimate with needs some reassuring. Sure, SOME women constantly fish for compliments by putting themselves down, but that doesn't sound like what he was describing. And that he doesn't put up with a couple pounds gained? I don't curse often, but #*#^ you, Chris.

Also don't talk about periods until you've had one :angry:
Spike413 said:
The story is true, I was looking through Elle before (october or november, can't remember which) and on the last page where they always do a q&a with someone was the interview with all the same answers. And while I find it hard to believe that Chris Klein is really like that, I find it even harder to believe that Elle would fabricate something like that....they're not the Enquirer after all.

Ok so Chris Klein has OFFICIALY gone nuts!!!

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