Chris Klein is a Jerk

i thought he was nice.. dammn.. we really don't know what goes on behind the doors.
Yeah, I just read this in December's Elle (the one with Joss Stone on the cover), I didn't know it was possible to be such an ***. I don't find him attractive at all (inside or out) so I don't know why he acts like he's the best think ever.
Anastasia said:
fezbatik said:
But I can't help but speculate that most would be celebrating these comments if a woman had made them. How empowering to hear a woman say she would only let her guard down once someone desreves to know her completely...

arrogant, perhaps...but I think plenty of women think like that, and aren't stigmatized by it.
I didn't have a problem with that - I think that's a good thing, for men and women. I mostly had a problem with the "I don't placate" part, how he worded it, and misogyny behind the whole thought process. He obviously doesn't love, or even care about, the women that he's with to choose some kind of it's-all-about-me-tough-love over another person's feelings. What does it hurt him to say, "You're beautiful" when the woman he's intimate with needs some reassuring. Sure, SOME women constantly fish for compliments by putting themselves down, but that doesn't sound like what he was describing. And that he doesn't put up with a couple pounds gained? I don't curse often, but #*#^ you, Chris.

Also don't talk about periods until you've had one :angry:

I agree - I just wanted to throw the thought out there b/c I wondered as much.

My boyfriend placates...sometimes a girl needs it - who the hell cares Chris Klein?

Maybe he wanted to be outrageous for celebrity sake, to get in the mag and ruffle some feathers...
I wish Katie would give us her thoughts now...
I find it VERY weird for him to say all these insulting things, knowing that they will end up in a magazine and millions of readers will read it. Celebrities always try to put themselves in the best light, not the worst light.
PrinceOfCats said:
As much as it would be fun to believe that Chris Klein is a complete jerk, this interview seems totally out of sync with what he's said previously.

I also agree. He was with Katie for how long? And she was still a virgin... Doesn't add up, really.
Meg said:
yeah I agree with PoC on this one. It doesn't match up with other things and honestly, even if you really thought that, he would know better than to say that in an interview to Elle, no less
yeah i agree as well. it doesn't sound like the other interviews he's had and the interview sounds really bad. sketchy
Would a publication like Elle really fabricate something like this out of whole cloth? I guess we'll see if he sues, which he should, if he didn't say these things.

As far as it not being like anything else he's ever said....Katie used to present herself as a demure, intelligent, chaste, serious actress with a strong attachment to friends, family, and her faith. Now look at her. "Pod person" doesn't seem too harsh a term. She's given up everything she once swore mattered to her, including best friends and religions, to be Tom Cruise's Super Scieno Stepford Bot. People change, and not always for the better.

If Elle did completely make the whole thing up out of nothing in an attempt to assassinate CK's previously noble character (which unless he prefaced every one of these comments with, 'I believe the exact opposite of _________' and they left the first part out, he can't claim he was taken out of context - it's like when people make ***es of themselves on reality tv and cry editing - editing can make you look WORSE, and often tries to, but you have to give them some assiness to work with) then I apologize to Chris. Otherwise, I hope every woman he could possibly come into contact with reads this article and stays far, far, FAR away from such a loser.
I think he's doing it for the publicity. He's merely trying to milk the Katie Holmes connection for all of its worth, and the only way to do that is to act bitter.
eternitygoddess said:
I find it VERY weird for him to say all these insulting things, knowing that they will end up in a magazine and millions of readers will read it. Celebrities always try to put themselves in the best light, not the worst light.

I'll bet he's just so self-absorbed that he doesn't know better :innocent:
yeah, I find it hard to believe that someone in the public eye would say all these things. i'm sure most people would want to sound as likeable as possible.
He's just pissed off because he's going bald and he can't act.....he's
going "Nucking Futs" and he sounds like a "Brass-Pole" :p :D :innocent:
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