Tom Cruise & Matt Lauer Faceoff

Well, I saw the whole interview. It was hilarious, but kind of like watching a car wreck happen. He came off as completely insane, misinformed, and arrogant - all with dopey Katie Holmes sitting off to the side with a smile frozen on her face - who does that!?
scientology can cure homosexuality in multimillionaires!

:shock: a sleep-deprived celebrity-related idea:

scientology promises to "cure" tom cruise of his troubling homosexuality - get him a wife and make everything okay. in return, they will continue to get millions of dollars from him, assuming he can still make that kind of money after all this.

because i think that, all joking aside, something does seem to have snapped in his psyche. and what bad company to be in if you have need of real psychological care - a cult that doesn't believe in psychology, but DOES believe that you can be "cleared" from your real problem (possession by man loving aliens, in tom's case), if you only donate a few million more dollars. marry a little virgin starlet (who might not notice your lack of passion in the bedroom) to keep up appearances while we zap those homo-aliens out of your soul....

:innocent: just a thought....
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I must say this about Tom Cruise, although a bit OT. You would think that after all these years in the business he would be professional enough to at least try and keep the focus on War Of The Worlds. Steven Spielberg is one of the greatest directors of all time and he has to be subjected to constant Tom/Katie questions at his own movie press conferences and premieres. I was watching one of those Entertainment Shows and they were showing all the international WOTW premieres and all they showed were Tom and Katie. I didn't even know that Steven and Dakota Fanning were at some of them. They hardly showed them at all. There's hardly talk of the movie at all. It gets side mentions in long narratives on Tom/Katie, Scientology etc.

I see why celebrities work so hard to keep their privacy. Tom should not have been the biggest thing at the Batman premiere and the Tom/Katie Showmance should not be the biggest story of the WOTW premieres. We know their together, they don't have to show up at every premiere and put on a gross kiss-fest. We have US Weekly and Star to fill us in with all the details (true or not) of the campaign, I mean relationship. Also Tom's views on scientology of prescription drugs should be done on his time not the movie's time. I can only imagine what Steven, the studio and his co-stars are thinking.
babyjane said:
I must say this about Tom Cruise, although a bit OT. You would think that after all these years in the business he would be professional enough to at least try and keep the focus on War Of The Worlds. Steven Spielberg is one of the greatest directors of all time and he has to be subjected to constant Tom/Katie questions at his own movie press conferences and premieres. I was watching one of those Entertainment Shows and they were showing all the international WOTW premieres and all they showed were Tom and Katie. I didn't even know that Steven and Dakota Fanning were at some of them. They hardly showed them at all. There's hardly talk of the movie at all. It gets side mentions in long narratives on Tom/Katie, Scientology etc.

I see why celebrities work so hard to keep their privacy. Tom should not have been the biggest thing at the Batman premiere and the Tom/Katie Showmance should not be the biggest story of the WOTW premieres. We know their together, they don't have to show up at every premiere and put on a gross kiss-fest. We have US Weekly and Star to fill us in with all the details (true or not) of the campaign, I mean relationship. Also Tom's views on scientology of prescription drugs should be done on his time not the movie's time. I can only imagine what Steven, the studio and his co-stars are thinking.

very well put and excellent points.

he really does seem unprofessional lately and you'd think he'd know better. I think that Tom has been really hurting War of the World these past few months and he will be a detrement to the film's success for sure
^ Agreed with all of the above babyjane & Jennika.

And, my two cents... Tom Cruise needs to get off his high horse! He's just a freakin' actor for goodness sake, not the saviour of society!!

Monday, June 27, 2005
By Roger Friedman

Tom Cruise

Katie 'Home' Schooling in the Future

It remains to be seen how Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' weekend with their families went after Thursday's botched "War of the Worlds" premiere.

I would guess that at this point Paramount and Dreamworks execs are wondering what effect, if any, the bad karma from the premiere itself, coupled with Tom's disastrous "Today" show interview this past Friday, will have on Wednesday's opening box-office numbers.

I wonder how Tom explained to Marty and Kathy Holmes how he picked the famous Carlyle Hotel in Manhattan as the place where the new families should get to know each other.

After all, the Carlyle is where Tom literally lived with Nicole Kidman and their adopted children for months at a time during their marriage.

Certainly Tom's kids — Katie's prospective stepchildren — must have mentioned that at some point along the way.

The kids, Isabella, 12, and Conor, 10, might have also mentioned to their father's new in-laws-to-be that they are home-schooled, not sent to either a parochial school or a non-denominational private academy as are most children of celebrities.

Indeed, Isabella and Conor Cruise, like John Travolta and Kelly Preston's kids Jett and Ella, are home-schooled with an emphasis on the works of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard.

The Cruise children are tutored by Tom's sisters Cass and Marian, who have teaching degrees. The former lives in Cruise's Beverly Hills estate; the latter lives nearby.

All three sisters, including Tom's current publicist Lee Anne De Vette, and their mother Mary converted to Scientology from Catholicism many years ago at Tom's insistence.

Martin Holmes, Katie's attorney father, may want to vet the Scientology Code of Honor that his daughter will have to live by now that she's converting as well.

Katie, after all, is a graduate of Notre Dame Academy, an all-girls Roman Catholic high school in Toledo, Ohio. In order to join Scientology, she would be required to renounce her Catholic faith.

Cruise himself sent me a lavish package outlining Scientology at Christmastime last year after I had a lovely lunch with Lee Anne De Vette in New York.

Among the rules outlined in the Code of Honor, which was part of the package:

1. Never desert a comrade in need, in danger, or in trouble.

3. Never desert a group to which you owe your support.

5. Never need praise, approval or sympathy.

7. Never permit your reality to be alloyed.

8. Do not give or receive communication unless you desire it.

10. Your integrity to yourself is more important than your body.

11. Never regret yesterday. Life is in you today and you make your tomorrow.

12. Never fear to hurt another in a just cause.

13. Don't desire to be liked or admired.

In the meantime, Cruise will be dealing with the fallout from his Friday interview on the "Today" show. It was such a train wreck that no less than The New York Times reviewed it on Saturday.

I do think Alessandra Stanley, one of my favorite writers, did it get it a little bit wrong, however. Stanley found Cruise's ferocious meltdown refreshing because it showed him unfettered by a controlling publicist. She dismissed host Matt Lauer for not being tougher.

That's where we differ. First of all, Lauer had to deal with the fact that, in the creepiest of ways, Holmes was sitting near Cruise on the set. The director cut to her often; she looked mesmerized, with a never-ending frozen grin.

What the heck was she doing there? She looked more like a disciple than a fiancée. It was almost as if Cruise had brought her for insurance, thinking Lauer wouldn't ask him anything tough if he basked in the light of his insta-romance.

Then, Lauer — ever the gentleman — was perhaps more personally invested in this interview than I've ever seen him. As Cruise's guard dropped and he became more unwound, Lauer did not lose his cool.

To hear a major movie star, with no degree beyond high school, rant these words: "There's no such thing as a chemical imbalance," and then proceed to denounce all of psychiatry, must have been delicious for Lauer.

Yet he rightly kept his cool, even after Cruise denounced the attention-deficit-disorder treatment drugs Ritalin and Adderall as part of a dangerous conspiracy to control children's minds.

Lauer pointed out that he personally knew kids — not his own, they would be too young — who had been greatly helped by the drugs.

Lauer: But you're now telling me that your experiences with the people I know, which are zero, are more important than my experiences.

Cruise: What do you mean by that?

Lauer: You're telling me what's worked for people I know or hasn't worked for people I know. I'm telling you I've lived with these people and they're better.

Cruise: So you're advocating it.

Lauer: I am not. I'm telling you in their case, in their individual case, it worked. I am not gonna go out and say, "Get your kids on Ritalin. It's the cure-all and the end-all."

Lauer: Let me take this more general, because I think you and I can go around in circles on this for a while. And I respect your opinion. Do you want more people to understand Scientology? Would that be a goal of yours?

Cruise: You know what? Absolutely. Of course, you know.

I also know children who have benefited from taking prescribed Ritalin.

While there are pros and cons to every medication, especially for kids, it is a fact that Ritalin and other drugs used for attention deficit disorder have been widely effective in turning some bright but unfocused children into excellent students.

Cruise nearly comes apart during the Lauer interview over testing for Ritalin and Adderall. What he may spark if he continues his personal crusade against psychiatry — he has already started a battle with Brooke Shields over her treatment for post-partum depression — is a War of the Words that he may ultimately come to regret.,2933,160756,00.html
i'm really sorry for swearing, but the fact remains that tom cruise is becoming more of a joke with each passing day. he demands respect as though he is the authority on psychiatry and mental disorders, which he isn't. and calling matt lauer a glib? i'd like to see what tom's sources for his argument are. i'm guessing religious propaganda, not medical data.
The kids, Isabella, 12, and Conor, 10, might have also mentioned to their father's new in-laws-to-be that they are home-schooled, not sent to either a parochial school or a non-denominational private academy as are most children of celebrities.

Indeed, Isabella and Conor Cruise, like John Travolta and Kelly Preston's kids Jett and Ella, are home-schooled with an emphasis on the works of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard.

The Cruise children are tutored by Tom's sisters Cass and Marian, who have teaching degrees. The former lives in Cruise's Beverly Hills estate; the latter lives nearby.

:huh: I wonder what Nicole thinks of this.
kit, thanks for sharing.

That is not altogether true actually, ther eis still a very large grey area when it comes to medication.

I too took Seroxat, and it did help for the first couple of months - but after that it made me feel 'falsely happy' - i.e. I felt like I should be depressed, but I couldn't cry or be sad - which made me panic.

It works for some people some times - but I have seen its negative effects in my family and I know all too well how frivolously drugs are prescribed.

i do agree w/ this, from experience also. especially about the 'frivolousness' of prescription drugs. many times they are prescribed immediately as to avoid lawsuit in case of a suicide attempt -- for doctors it is simply not worth the risk.
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travolta said:
kit, thanks for sharing.

i do agree w/ this, from experience also. especially about the 'frivolousness' of prescription drugs. many times they are prescribed immediately as to avoid lawsuit in case of a suicide attempt -- for doctors it is simply not worth the risk.

Agreed that some patients cannot tolerate SSRIs - ' Serum Seratonin Reuptake Inhibitor - like Seroxat , but for those who can , the SSRI adjusts the Seratonin levels in the brain and brain normality is restored over some months .

I did have some problems with the Seroxat , but since I have recently needed an SSRI , I requested my doctor to prescribe LUSTRAL - Sertraline Hydrochloride - made by PFIZER - and there have been no side effects at all . It does its job well , as I had been advised by a friend , which was why , of course I made the particular request for Lustral to the doctor .

The doctor MUST monitor his patients on SSRIs very carefully .
They certainly do their job . :blush: B)
On a lighter note, he looked good during that interview!:woot: :p :blush:
Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise's children are so embarrassed by their famous parents they won't let them pick them up from school. .

Nicole says Isabella, 12, and nine-year-old Conor, who the actress adopted during the couple's marriage , says the children find it hard to deal with their famous connections and have even asked to change their surname so people won't know who their parents are. .

She said: "They're very embarrassed. They actually deny us, which is OK. .

They even tried to change their last name, and they say, 'Don't come to our school. Whatever you do, don't come." .

This is not the first time Isabella and Conor have been embarrassed by their parents.

This is from

I only posted this because it mentions that thier kids go to school. So I don't really understand the home schooling bit, unless their situation has changed since January of this year.
He may be crazy to some, but if I like one of his movies I'll support it. I for one thought he made some valid points (from what I've sene online). I truly believe how prescriptions are given in the US needs to be reevaluated. I have seen friends who are not bipolar or schizo, just depressed be given it like candy. And don't let me talk about the children I worked with the during college who seem drugged to death during the arts program and I may not fun about that.
here it goes:

i believe i really looked at this interview from both sides. im not a huge fan of tom, nor do i dislike him. i have seen his movies along with hundreds of other movies. so when his recent interviews took place, i could look at his actions from a fair standpoint. i really am shocked about his today show interview. while to some it may not have made an impact, i felt disapointed in him.

i wont say that i think his being an actor makes him stupid. i wont say that he should stick to show business. however, i feel that he not only fails to make a clear point, but he comes across as foolish. making matt lauer appear ignorant because he failed to "do the correct research" was unfair. i could see that Tom was trying to prove his knowledge, but Matt lauer was graciously trying to present the information correctly. meaning, unlike Tom, he was attempting to simplify it for the general public's understanding. i am truly let down by Tom's immature interruptions and frantic "explanations". i think he needs to suck up his ego a bit. and i DO realize and agree that he does have research on the topics, but he is still far from an expert. i think he should have been more patient and actually explained his ideals, instead of making it seem as though he found everyone else to be ignorant.

but anways, those are just my thoughts. and what do i know (im only 16:blush: ) haha.
After hearing him understate the severity of a condition so horrible as post partum depression I can barely even watch his movies. My sister and I started watching Collateral yesterday and it was so painful lol.
I feel the same way. Most of the time celebrity gossip doesn't bother me at all (except when someone is cheating, i have a thing against that) and doesn't effect my decision to watch a movie. But considering I'm being treated for severe chronic depression.... well, you can imagine what I think of him. Haha. Its hard to take him seriously, no matter what the movie, because he's so out there about his belief (out there as in publicizes them... I have trouble with any celebrity, no matter what their beliefs who feels the need to push them on others in a condescending way), and because those beliefs especially target me and how i choose to deal with my condition. I can't seperate Tom Cruise from the character anymore.
nycgirl84 said:
Well, I saw the whole interview. It was hilarious, but kind of like watching a car wreck happen. He came off as completely insane, misinformed, and arrogant - all with dopey Katie Holmes sitting off to the side with a smile frozen on her face - who does that!?
haha i saw that too. :lol:

meh. he's a joke.

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