Christian Group Slams Simpson


wiser now
May 2, 2005
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An American Christian group have demanded Jessica Simpson apologise for her raunchy new music video. The Resistance have dubbed the video for her cover of "These Boots Are Made For Walking" as "sl*tty" - and ordered her to shoot a cleaner version. They object to her risque behavior in the video - the song is taken from the soundtrack for The Dukes Of Hazzard - in which she washes a car wearing a skimpy bikini - particularly because Simpson's father is a Baptist pastor and they view her as a Christian role model. The group's representative John Conner says, "It's sad to see her wh*re herself out like this. She's a singing stripper."
Diorling said:
Who do they think they are...PETA? :lol:

:rofl: I'd actually like a cleaner video too... one that doesn't make me wanna pull my eyes out and wash my brain in industrial solvent
:rolleyes: really....

besides, some of us non-fanatical people like sl*tty stuff.
Im sort of torn on this issue. Normally I would say even though the video was frighteningly bad, they have no place to criticize and if they dont like it they should just turn it off. On the other hand, Jessica can be so preachy about her values that to put a video out like that one seems very hypocritical.
I think the rules change when you are a christian role model.
I love smut but it is not for her.
Duleeshab said:

An American Christian group have demanded Jessica Simpson apologise for her raunchy new music video. The Resistance have dubbed the video for her cover of "These Boots Are Made For Walking" as "sl*tty" - and ordered her to shoot a cleaner version. They object to her risque behavior in the video - the song is taken from the soundtrack for The Dukes Of Hazzard - in which she washes a car wearing a skimpy bikini - particularly because Simpson's father is a Baptist pastor and they view her as a Christian role model. The group's representative John Conner says, "It's sad to see her wh*re herself out like this. She's a singing stripper."

Do they own Jessica?:blink:
She is kind of sl*tty in the video but she's a grown woman and can make her own choices. Who are they to tell her to reshoot her video anyways?
lyliloo said:
She is kind of sl*tty in the video but she's a grown woman and can make her own choices. Who are they to tell her to reshoot her video anyways?

I agree that they have no right to tell her to do anything. But on the other hand she can't claim to be a christian or be holy and godly like and do raunchy videos. This is the same girl that critizied Britney Spear, Hooter girls and Christina Aguilera and yet she's doing the same thing.

It's like me pronouncing my vegeterian way to the world and yet eating meat and wearing fur on tv. She ripped what she sewed.
Honestly though, does what she does in a music video really affect her morals? I mean, can't one be a "good, religious person" and be sexy if they want to? I dunno, I guess I can just realize that what she appears to be isn't necessarily what she is.

On the other hand, if Jessica has ever criticized other's for doing what she herself has done then there's also a problem cause hypocrisy annoys me.
She was totally having fun with that video. It wasn't skanky sexy, it was funny sexy.

Whatev. She shouldn't change it.
I don't think they have the right to tell her to remake the video but i also don't think that she should portray herself as a christian girl if she's going to act skanky. I think the door swings both ways. She should be allowed to act sexy if she wants but she shouldn't critisize other girls who act the same way and she shouldn't say that she's trying to be a good role model for younger girls because all the other stars aren't (Which she has said in numerous interviews) she needs to decide what she wants to be, skanky and sl*tty, or a role model
I think being a virginal bride should be proof enough that she's a good Christian girl. If she wants to prance around in a bikini, then hell, she should be allowed to. Not all 'good Christian girls' dress like librarians :rolleyes:
Wayyyy jealous of her body by the way, makes Britney look like a horse (even when Brit was at her best) :lol:
^ yeah I agree but when she portrays herself as a role model to young girls and then goes around and dresses skanky that's when it becomes an issue. I completely get what you're saying though. I mean she did wait till she was married and actually she doesn't dress all that bad when she's just walking around LA. but I just don't think she should or anyone else should act and dress like that if they are trying to be a role model to little girls. Including Britney Spears, Why do you thin we have all these little hoochie 9-13 year old girl walking around showing off their stomaches and in these little short, shorts, it's cause that's what britney did. But again I understand what you're saying.
surferchica said:
^ yeah I agree but when she portrays herself as a role model to young girls and then goes around and dresses skanky that's when it becomes an issue. I completely get what you're saying though. I mean she did wait till she was married and actually she doesn't dress all that bad when she's just walking around LA. but I just don't think she should or anyone else should act and dress like that if they are trying to be a role model to little girls. Including Britney Spears, Why do you thin we have all these little hoochie 9-13 year old girl walking around showing off their stomaches and in these little short, shorts, it's cause that's what britney did. But again I understand what you're saying.

i find this interesting. we put more emphasis on what a married celebrity is wearing when it comes to our children, then how we are raising them. i never knew she was marketed strictly towards little girls?? i know young girls will take to her, because her music is what i would call bubble gum, and of course she has the show on mtv. she is no longer a little girl, in fact she is a young woman. so i don't understand why she's not allowed to grow-up.

i loved madonna when i was younger but nothing she did made me go out and be rebellious or dress a certain way, i suppose it was my parents who instilled, esteem and respect for myself that worked for me. in fact i saw purple rain a zillion times, and still prince and his overt sexuality never affected me in a way that controlled how i presented myself to the world. and i come from a country where a few of our most recognised women wore very little in the publics eye. could it be that in todays world people just don't spend that much time with their children to explain what is entertainment and what isn't? that what works for some will not work for all?

just a thought. :flower:
Oria said:
i find this interesting. we put more emphasis on what a married celebrity is wearing when it comes to our children, then how we are raising them. i never knew she was marketed strictly towards little girls?? i know young girls will take to her, because her music is what i would call bubble gum, and of course she has the show on mtv. she is no longer a little girl, in fact she is a young woman. so i don't understand why she's not allowed to grow-up.

i loved madonna when i was younger but nothing she did made me go out and be rebellious or dress a certain way, i suppose it was my parents who instilled, esteem and respect for myself that worked for me. in fact i saw purple rain a zillion times, and still prince and his overt sexuality never affected me in a way that controlled how i presented myself to the world. and i come from a country where a few of our most recognised women wore very little in the publics eye. could it be that in todays world people just don't spend that much time with their children to explain what is entertainment and what isn't? that what works for some will not work for all?

just a thought. :flower:
I agree. I am in no way trying to defend their demand to make her reshoot a cleaner version of the video BUT I do believe that if you decide to put yourself in the public eye you should be respectful and take into consideration that young girls are going to look at you for influence. I'm more on the celebrities side I think they should be allowed to change and grow without the ridicule of the media but they put theirselves in that position when they decided to enter the business and they need to take responsibility for that. I like Jessica Simpson and I actually don't think her video is that bad, she look like she's just having fun, but younger girls may not portray it as that and see just what's she's wearing and how she's acting and try to immulate it.

I think I can see both sides of the story; I think the media and this christian group needs to lay off cause they can't make her re-shoot the video and I think in general celebrities need to take responsibilities for actions that may have a negative effect on their audience. :flower:

Thanks for you're opinion. I love reading what people have to say. Usually I would freak out but I actually like talking about it rationally and in an adult way. :innocent: :clap: :clap: :D :D :D
evexa said:
I think the rules change when you are a christian role model. I love smut but it is not for her.

in that case i'm glad she made that video.
I think the real issue I take with this is not that the video is skanky (and lets face it, it is), but more that she has blasted girls like Britney Spears for doing the exact same thing.

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