I never thought this day would come but I'm just feeling so bad for Christina lately. She's going through that period right now that all (or at least most) of entertainers go through, where she seemingly can't do anything right. And she tries so hard, but then the harder she tries, the more off-putting she becomes and the more desperate the whole thing seems. As this Bionic non-era proved.
Here are some suggestions I have for her, lol.
1. Adjust that janky attitude. There is no need to be rude to people, ESPECIALLY not to fans. Even if you are a b*tch, hide. People don't want to support someone who deems herself to be above them in interviews, who throws gum at them, etc. Be approachable, relatable, human. That is part of why Britney has been able to overcome so much and remain on top.
2. Stop trying to pretend you're not a pop singer. There is NOTHING wrong with being a pop star. Stop pretending to be this "edgy" musician who puts out some meaningful art. Don't chase the hot trends of the moment, especially since it all doesn't come to you naturally. You have a GORGEOUS voice. EMBRACE IT. USE IT. Record an album full of pop ballads and uptempo songs without any strings attached. You're a 30 year old married woman, a mother, don't sing stuff like "boys suck, I hate boys", "if you don't like it then f*** you". Keep it fun, breezy and classy. No need for insults.
3. DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT TO BE. There is no and never has been a natural evolution with her. First album she's this sweet virginal girl, second album she goes 180 the opposite direction for a full on sl*t mode, third album she's this proper old hollywood starlet, fourth album she's a dominatrix, boys hating robot. And every album she puts it out it's like 'this is the real me', well which one is real you?
4. Get a better team, better producers because frankly the music she's put out has been so old and stale. There'd be one or two stellar tracks on an album (You Lost Me) and the rest sounds like it's been rejected by everyone else working there today. Plus it's all so overworked and obnoxious that not only is her voice not shining, the voice contributes to the whole mess. Plus, don't take 4 years to put out an album. You're not an indie rebel. You don't have to write/produce all your music yourself, so get in that studio and have some fresh material every couple of years.