Christina Aguilera (June 2009 - January 2011)

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I can't wait for the full release of Castle Walls...sounds so hauntingly beautiful so far!
But Christina, pleasseeee lay off the clown makeup; you're much better than that!

p.s. Offtopic but I must be the only person who finds Ellen (as nice as she genuinely seems) to have quite pointless/meandering interviews. I probably just don't get her humour...kinda stupid to me.
ahhh, i saw BURLESQUE yesterday! it was such a fun movie. christina, cher, and tucci were a hit! imo, christina really carried the movie and she plays ali so well! i'm going to see it again tomorrow probably with some more friends. the dance numbers were awesome!! i can't even pick my favorite. after everything that happen this year, the movie came at the perfect time. what a great way to end the year for christina. the critic reviews are mixed, but the public is loving the film!

after all this movie promo i hope she takes a break to just record and get herself together. many people don't realize but she's been working nonstop since she went into the studio for bionic in the begining of 09. then reports saying that her and jordan were having issues way before the movie even started filming...she just needs some time...hopefully, then she'll slim down/tone up and get some new weave lol....come back with a fresher look.

i read an interview earlier with her talking about bionic being unsucceesful. she said nothing is ever a set back and that it just makes you want to get back out there and try again. for people who are fans of her music you might be happy to hear that she's been in the studio since august, planning the new album. the actual recording will start in january though.

go see BURLESQUE y'all! :D it's amazing!
^Thanks for that positive post. I'm glad to hear you liked Burleque. Can't wait to see it myself ^_^ And thank you for the info about her work on the new album. I do hope she doesn't take as long to release it this time around. I think putting Bionic back was a mistake because the expectations were so high after this long wait and they weren't really matched. I do hope music helps her get through this difficult time and, as insensitive as this may sound, she will probably get lots of inspiration from what she's experiencing at the moment. I think "Stripped" being her best album had a lot to do with her depression at the time. That's why most good artists are drawn to drama.
awh, no problem! in all of christina's recent interviews, she's said that she has new stories to tell and new emotions to let out because of everything thats happened in her personal life. that's why she's already back in the studio. she said the next album she would be stripping down again...the songs will be very personal.

i'm so excited and i'm sure it will be out late 2011/early-mid 2012. *wishful thinking lol* but i doubt that RCA would let her take a long break after bionic's performance..i think a big problem with Christina (time wise) was Jordan, although i'm very sad they're over, i really think it's due to the fact that Christina has so much drive left in her to do more, whereas Jordan doesn't seem to have much at all. i think now that he's out of her life, she'll be working a lot more. during xmas, she said she'll be reading over a few scripts for new movies and then in january, she'll start seriously recording for her new album. im really excited for this new 'tina. i hope she sticks around for a long time :smile:
ahhh, i saw BURLESQUE yesterday! it was such a fun movie. christina, cher, and tucci were a hit! imo, christina really carried the movie and she plays ali so well! i'm going to see it again tomorrow probably with some more friends. the dance numbers were awesome!! i can't even pick my favorite. after everything that happen this year, the movie came at the perfect time. what a great way to end the year for christina. the critic reviews are mixed, but the public is loving the film!

after all this movie promo i hope she takes a break to just record and get herself together. many people don't realize but she's been working nonstop since she went into the studio for bionic in the begining of 09. then reports saying that her and jordan were having issues way before the movie even started filming...she just needs some time...hopefully, then she'll slim down/tone up and get some new weave lol....come back with a fresher look.

i read an interview earlier with her talking about bionic being unsucceesful. she said nothing is ever a set back and that it just makes you want to get back out there and try again. for people who are fans of her music you might be happy to hear that she's been in the studio since august, planning the new album. the actual recording will start in january though.

go see BURLESQUE y'all! :D it's amazing!

Went to the early showing today and it was FABULOUS! Christina was amazing... the entire Movie was alot of fun, Christina, Cher and Stanley..bravo!
Christina out in NYC


Thanks for the pics, Elielle. She looks really cute in those! And thanks for the Conan video, black lace! :flower:

awh, no problem! in all of christina's recent interviews, she's said that she has new stories to tell and new emotions to let out because of everything thats happened in her personal life. that's why she's already back in the studio. she said the next album she would be stripping down again...the songs will be very personal.

i'm so excited and i'm sure it will be out late 2011/early-mid 2012. *wishful thinking lol* but i doubt that RCA would let her take a long break after bionic's performance..i think a big problem with Christina (time wise) was Jordan, although i'm very sad they're over, i really think it's due to the fact that Christina has so much drive left in her to do more, whereas Jordan doesn't seem to have much at all. i think now that he's out of her life, she'll be working a lot more. during xmas, she said she'll be reading over a few scripts for new movies and then in january, she'll start seriously recording for her new album. im really excited for this new 'tina. i hope she sticks around for a long time :smile:
That's actually an interesting aspect i hadn't thought about! X-Tina never struck me as the kind of woman that would just lean back and be a mommy without working her butt off at the same time. So it was weird that she was absent for so long and came out with Bionic without really even promoting it. It's good to see she's back on track and being so passionate about Burlesque and the upcoming album ^_^
I just love her performance on Ellen... it's the best she's ever done in a long time! Her voice is beyond amazing! The interview is very good and warm as well. Ellen always has such a homy and nice interviews... :smile:
And I like her dress on Conan! :smile: Can't wait to see the movie! :smile:
Christina was interviewed by people magazine about her divorce.

"I Knew I Had To End It."
The Burlesque star opens up about her painful decision to break up the family life she had with her husband, Jordan Bratman, and their son max--and why she still belives in love
By Ulrica Wihlborn

Looking at photos of herself from August, halfheartedly sipping champagne with Jordan Bratman on a yacht along the Italian coast, Christina Aguilera has the same reaction the rest of the world did. "You could definitely tell we were unhappy," she says. In fact, the pop star's nearly five-year marriage had been in rough waters for months before then. Problems surfaced when Aguilera--whose own parents divorced when she was 7--returned from filming the musical Burlesque in March. "When I got back into my normal life, it didn't feel quite right," she says, adding that the couple, who wed in an estimated $2 million bash in California's Napa Valley, tried to make it work for their son Max, 2. Now the Grammy winner, who turns 30 Dec. 18, is opening up about the year of heartache that led to her agonizing choice to file for divorce and break up her family. "When you're unhappy in a marriage, your children are the ones who suffer," she says. "That's the last thing I wanted for my son."

"Jordan and I had amazing moments. We'll always have a special love. But we're better apart."

How were you feeling on Oct. 14, the day you filed for divorce?
Things were so unhealthy and unhappy for both Jordan and me, I knew I had to end it. It wasn't good for us, and it wasn't good for Max to witness our arguments. Children can feel when things aren't right in the home. I had bouts of extreme anxiety. I really didn't want to hurt Jordan, and I felt torn about splitting our family up.

You met Jordan at 21 and married him at 24.
At the time, it felt absolutely right. Jordan and I were best friends first, and then it grew to be more. He represented stability and love and safety--qualities I never got from a male figure growing up. I felt we could share the rest of our lives together. I wanted to marry someone who would be a good father. And he is.

When did things go wrong?
We were great the first year after Max was born. Jordan was amazing. He was the first to change Max's diaper. Then things turned. I was nurturing Max and felt independent in that relationship. Then I went right into filming Burlesque [in fall 2009]. As a musician, you're with your posse all the time, and during the movie I removed myself from mine. So I had an independence I'd never felt before. I was growing leaps and bounds daily. I went from being a girl to a woman.
When I finished filming, I didn't feel right in my own shoes [at home]. I had a lot of things sturring inside of me that I felt were being suppressed. We tried to work on the marriage and figure out a common ground. But the problems were obvious.

Like what?
There were moments of disconnect. Jordan was always a supportive person, but "supportive" can take on different meanings. He represented safety for me years ago. But our relationship changed. I've grown as a woman and he's grown as a different person. We were both looking for different things. We weren't right for each other. I couldn't face living another five years [together] and feeling that I wasted [that time] being unhappy.

Did you try to save your marriage for Max's sake?
Absolutely. We went through a period of trying to reconnect and spend more family time together. We took that trip to Italy together. But at the same time, I knew Max would benefit from us separating. He'd be happier to see both his parents happy."

Your parents divorced when you were 7. Did that affect your decision?
I come from a home filled with a lot of tension. My parents were not right to stay together [as long as they did]. It's not good for kids to grow up with the [constant] arguments. I knew what I was doing was the right thing for my child because I strongly believe it's better to have two homes filled with love than one filled with tension. That's one thing I learned as a child.

What was it like growing up in that environment?
My mom tried for years to stay in a marriage that she was not happy in. I would watch her torture herself emotionally. By staying in a marriage that's not right, you're making your children take on such a responsibility. There's guilt. There's shame. I was happy with my mom's decision to get divorced. I was an old soul in that way. I felt more loved and secure once they were separated. When things didn't feel right in my own home and it wasn't the happiest place for Max to grow up in, it was time to move on.

Have you and Jordan been able to remain friends?
For Max's sake, we keep in communication and try to be as civil as possible, but there's some pain. There's discomfort when we're together. But I know in my heart we'll find some sort of ground where we'll eventually laugh together again and be okay for Max.

How emotional has the split been?
I definitely cry. I've mourned. I don't think I'd be human if I didn't have moments of sadness about the way things turned out. You look at pictures of happier times and it's hard. The visions I had of my family life won't be that way. But I can try to treasure those memories and create other memories and dreams for myself.
I've had a strong support system around me. I realized that for a long time during my marriage, I was alienating myself from a lot of close friends. I rediscovered that during this period in my life.

Has Max seen you cry?
I keep my tears away from my son. I don't want him to feel anything I'm going through.

What do you do to help him cope?
It's hard to explain to a 2-year-old what exactly is happening. We didn't want to make a big issue out of it. It didn't need to be. We say, "Tomorrow is Daddy's day," or "Tomorrow is Mommy's day." He's adapting really well. I try to make him feel as loved and adored as he is. Every change I get, I squeeze him a little harder, give him more kisses and try to make him feel as special as he really is to me. He's a happy, happy boy. He's a really funny guy. I want to be the first person he sees when he wakes up and the last before he goes to sleep. I still have his baby monitor. My heart just melts whenever I watch him sleep.

What do you love to do together?
We got to the zoo. And he loves pretending to make Mommy's coffee. It's so very cute! So for Christmas I'm getting him this children's coffeemaker.

You've been out in Los Angeles and New York City with a new man, Matthew Rutler, a set assistant on Burlesque. How dies it feel to be dating again?
Matthew is a special person. We had a really strong friendship on the movie. He's the kind of person you could spend hours on the phone talking to and all of a sudden it's daylight. Once I filed for divorce, we started dating. I'm not trying to jump into anything, I just left a five-year marriage. I'm taking it slow and trying to be happy.

Are you in love?
There's a love there, yes. I'm having fun, I'm dating and it's something I haven't had in a really long time.

Do you still believe in love and marriage?
Wholeheartedly. I know one day I'll be able to feel that again for someone. That idea will never die."


"I was sad Jordan and I weren't able to reconnect," says Aguilera. "But I knew in my heart things needed to happen the way they did."

(1) Her dream day: "In that moment it felt right," says Aguilera of her 2005 wedding. "I can't look back and have any regrets.
(2) That ill-fated trip to Italy: Aptly enough, on their unhappy Aug. 28 boat ride, she says, "the water was so rocky we were almost thrown overboard."
(3) Happier times: "I thank God for the love we shared, because we created Max, and he's the best gift I've ever received," she says.
(4) Family support: The singer's mother, Shelly Kearns, and half-brother Michael were at her side when she got her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Nov. 15, the day of her Burlesque premiere.

Her new boyfriend: "He's such a great guy," she says of Matthew Rutler. The two visited his mom at his family home in Rhode Island Nov. 27.

Movie magic: "I was a newcomer in a whole world," she says of filming Burlesque. "I wanted to leave everything I'm known for behind."

"I feel stronger, wiser and more at peace with myself. It can only get better from here."

"I'm really excited about turning 30," says Aguilera. "It's a new chapter in my life."

I feel like anyone who followed her as a fan could have guessed these things. I definitely noticed a change in their relationship after Max was born. It's like he become her everything and she never really talked about Jordan anymore.

I'm so excited for what this new sence of independence will bring her. I feel like she relied on Jordan a lot and gave him so much because she never had that kind of positive male attention in her life. When she realized she could do things on her own and be her own person; it unfortunately caused her to grow out of love with him.

I hope she keeps this more natural makeup look. I have loved her last few photoshoots because of it. Her hair has been looking a lot better in the recent candids also! BURLESQUE promo is about to start up again next week, so I'm curious to see whats going to happen look/style wise.
^They also weren't seen out together as often as they had in the beginning. It's sad to see her marriage fail but she's a strong woman and hopefully she's happy.
She always looks so great with white hair and make-up-less look.
Christina Aguilera & Matthew Rutler: Tokyo Twosome

Just Jared
Christina Aguilera & her boyfriend departing LAX Airport - December 3, 2010 (

I wish she would take a queue from how magazines style her. She looks so fresh faced and young.
^ I quite like....every thing she is wearing in the latest candids with Matt, especially the boots :smile:
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