From NewYorker.com
This is a really interesting article on Claire. The writer talks to her parents, former teachers, friends (and of course Claire!) and includes some interesting little tidbits. For example, Alicia Silverstone was originally the frontrunner for the role of Angel Chase in My So Called Life. When Claire auditioned they liked her better- they said that Alicia was too pretty and that would impact how the character experienced the world. (Personally I think that Alicia is pretty in a conventional sense but Claire has a unique beauty. And she has the ability to look plain in one role and luminous in the next.( Anyway Claire was hired in spite of the fact that Alicia was 16 and an emancipated minor- meaning she could work long hours on the set. Claire on the other hand was 13 and would have to have on set tutoring and a limited number of hours. But they liked Claire so much that they reworked the show to focus on the other characters, cutting down on Angela's screen time and keeping Claire's hours on set in accordance with child labor laws.
Read the article for more (did you know that Michael Cunninngham- author of The Hours and screenwriter for Evening- officiated her wedding?).