Classical Music

I'm terribly ignorant about classical music, even thought my granfather was a tenor and a piano teacher (my mother grew up listening to classical music and opera all day long but she never liked it).
At school I played various instruments since I was 6 and learned about solfeggio and anything music related, then I studied traverse flute for few years.
Now it's been like 7 years I don't touch an instrument but I still remember how to play and how to read music.

I love Mozart's Rondò alla Turca and In The Hall of The Mountain King by Edvard Grieg
Can anyone recommend me a nice version of Dvorak Symphony no.9? Karajan? Fricsay? Ivan Fischer? or any other conductors... which one is your favorite, may I ask?
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I've started listening to a lot of classical music lately, but I'm still pretty ignorant about most of it. :ninja:
i've been searching for more Debussy ..nothing yet that can match the excellence of Prelude to the Afternoon of A faun or Clair de Lune.. I recently listened to a bunch last night but was a bit unhappy that they are all piano.. Is there a way to find the ones that are more like the 2 songs i like?

for just piano i love Chopin..
-Debussy 'Beau Soir' and 'La Mer'
i was able to get a copy of beau soir but la mer seems to be a set of songs/album.. is there one you recommend the best? :P
A thread for classical music!:woot::rolleyes:
I am not terribly savvy with piano playing, but I do know I prefer music in the Romantic era. I've been having to play Bach all along, and it's just not my fav!
I'm going to play Gabriel Fauré for my upcoming exam.
Classical era for the win :flower:. The order and the storminess lying in musicality of that time are a marvel. Romantic era is treat for souls. I never have enough of Liszt and Brahms, Chopin's music is a loyal old friend of mine.

Classical music under the influence of jazz like Shostakovich is worthwhile to me.
My grandmother used to be a piano teacher so I've been confronted with classical music since childhood, and have loved ever since (though I vehemently refused learning to play the piano as a child. Something I regret now.)

I have some kind of an obsession with Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. I even could play it by memory, but just some of it, not the whole piece.
I occasionally listen to Grieg (Peer Gynt), Tschaikowsky (The Nutcracker, Swan Lake) and Camille Saint-Saëns (The Carnival of the Animals).

But I also love the combination of Metal and Classic, usually refered to as Symphonic Metal.
There are Bands like Therion and Epica who have done covers of classical pieces accompanied by a real orchestra:
Epica - In The Hall Of The Mountain King
Therion - Dvorak Symphony no.9
I've never been a classical music fan, but today I finally gave in and bought at a secondhand shop a Tchaikovsy cd, I'm quite suprised by the fact that I like it, and that I didn't need a couple of listings to enjoy it.

I think a new world just opened up here :wink:
My grandmother used to be a piano teacher so I've been confronted with classical music since childhood, and have loved ever since (though I vehemently refused learning to play the piano as a child. Something I regret now.)

It's never too late. :flower: I am being classically-trained right now, my senior year of college. ^_^ I've played the piano for the majority of my life. Right now, I am learning Chopin's Polonaise in G Minor. :wub:

My big favorite is Mozart. I love everything of his I have ever played. And plus, one of my favorite parts of being classically-trained is unearthing so many more names than just the usuals: Hayden, Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin, etc. I couldn't dish them out by name right now, but it expands my classical music knowledge. :smartass::lol:
^That's great, papa. A girl that can play the piano is a major turn on. Good luck with Chopin.

I've never been a classical music fan, but today I finally gave in and bought at a secondhand shop a Tchaikovsy cd, I'm quite suprised by the fact that I like it, and that I didn't need a couple of listings to enjoy it.

I think a new world just opened up here :wink:

Tchaikovsy is freaking amazing !! one of the best. Classical music makes me feel pure, I don't know how to explain but it's a really good feeling.
i played piano for ten yrs... i was great. then i just stopped cos the situation in my country was awful, and i saw no future... so piano is the love of my life. i regret every day for listening to stupid stories and not believing. now i can't play. it breaks my heart to play for fun, cos it was suppose to be my job...

so, if u have doubts,or if someone you love has any doubts, tell them not to quit. you cannot go back. its like u had a great love story and u cannot repeat it. there is no replay in life. just sad truth.
so, if u have doubts,or if someone you love has any doubts, tell them not to quit. you cannot go back. its like u had a great love story and u cannot repeat it. there is no replay in life. just sad truth.

m.j. that's lovely. :heart:-_-

Most people grow up hating to practice but when we realize how lovely and fun it is to learn and to impress people with, it's worth everything in the world. Even I want to throw my piano books across the room and kick and scream and turn my piano into kindling wood, but it all pays off! ^_^ Practice makes perfect.
Papa_levante you're right. I started very late at 12 but still embrace it though Im a slow piano learner and that saddens me most of the time :(.

But I enjoy listening and can feel classical :flower: which I consider a compensation ^_^
Lately everywhere I go they seem to play Vivaldi, I don't mind but it's strange being haunted by 'The Four Seasons'.

Last week I saw a ballet on television, and ballet doesn't really do it for me but the music they used really did. I happened to be Bach, but unfortunatly I have no idea what it was called. Anyone got some recommondations what to try by Bach?
I don't know about Bach composing ballets, but if it's simply 'dances' maybe you heard the French or the English Suites.

If you want to listen to Bach I'd recomend you to start with the Cantatas, but there's such an insane amount of them that you'll probably get overwhelmed, so... you could try Matthaus Passion for example, I like Harnoncourt's version. The harpsichord concertos are really beautiful and accesible as well, No. 5 for example, maybe you could try the Glenn Gould version. But anyway, I suck at making recommendations, I'm sure someone else will be able to help you better than I :lol:

And I agree with you about the four seasons, it's just one of those things that's been really badly treated by the media (and street musicians) and now I can't listen to it normally. It's a shame.
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someday i'll be able to play too, soon :stuart:

only ones i know of Bach are toccata & fugue in d minor, and suite #1 for cello in g-major. probably not ballet o_o;
i found one more, thanks to paradeyes..


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