It's not that Cory Kennedy is an unlikely It girl, it's just that she's an unlikely California It girl, to some. Perhaps they prefer the ditzy blonde surfer girl, well LAist, and clearly everyone else cool, is down with the scrawny fun sixteen-year-old who always seems pleasantly wasted.
When Hef talks about Girls Next Door, Cory is the type that we'd like to have.
As seen on, Cory is clearly always up for a party and her expressive looks always make for great photos. Over the years we've seen her eat, drink, dance, smoke, and become friends with the biggest names in teenage partying.
Simply go to her blog and watch her hang out with LL, Mischa, and the usual suspects. The rumor's she is Vincent Gallo's girlfriend, but what girl would stand for her bf announcing to the world that he will make love to any woman for $100k?
Anyways, we keeed because we love which is why we proudly present to you Cory Kennedy's Top Best Things about LA in 2006, after the jump...
10. friday nights at teddy's (the roosevelt hotel)
9. - photographer mark hunter's website, and his adventures with young culture around the world
8. Blackberry phones
7. Steve Aoki - steve aoki is my big brother and one the hottest dj's around & an entrepreneur to a record label called Dim Mak
6. Vincent Gallo
5. sunday nights 'banana split' at LAX
4. eat well restaurant in silverlake
3. JEREMY SCOTT- brilliant designer
2. my dog lu lu
1. my mom jinx