Department Store Fashion

Reviving this thread, as I'm in the same boat as the original poster. Does anyone else shop predominately in department stores (particularly those like Macy's, Dillards, etc)? I'm also limited due to budget and location, and it's hard to both avoid the impulse markdown buys and to try and create looks that aren't on everyone else.

What's your strategy?

Those are pretty much the big 2 department stores in my town as well. Dillards and Macy's tend to carry pretty decent things. Most of the HF stuff you want come in fragrances or skin care products. I find the shoe selection to be a lot better than just mall stores. The mark downs aren't the best, but you will at least find something other than Rocket Dogs. (Hate 'em!) What I don't like is that it's either a kids' department or women's department. There isn't a distinct teen section and when there is, it is mostly directed towards middle school youth.

I don't really have a strategy for shopping at department stores. Most of the stuff I score is in clearance sections and you really have to look hard. I love the sales at Dillards the most because they mark down to very reasonable prices. ^_^ I think one of the bigger names they carry is Gianni Bini, and the shoes and clothing from that company aren't half bad. It's just waiting til they are marked down.
^ Is that their private label?

One thing you could try is shopping for accessories (things you don't have to try on, or that don't have to fit precisely) online, to liven up the department store fare ...

One unfortunate thing about Dillard's is that their customer service is absolutely deplorable :ninja: I stopped shopping there some years ago for that reason ... well, I only darkened their doors for Prescriptives Custom Blend, and now (next month) that will be gone :cry:
^ Funny enough, the service for Dillards here is pretty nice. We do have a newer Nordstroms and Saks, but unfortunately, the service at both is deplorable. The SAs seem to think that they're better than everyone shopping there and are outright rude to customers. It's a real turn off.

The accessories idea is a good one. I have a hard time shopping for clothes and shoes online and finding things that fit, so trying to get fun scarves and jewelry might be the way to go.
I dont mind department stores... depending on the store... they are fine if you want fashion basics... or a great place to sample off the peg ranges of a number of designers if you are not sure what you want rather than trapsing round individual stores...

It's all about what you class as a department store... Like we have a shop in the uk called BHS... which yes is a department store... but it is awful! Where as you then get Frasers, Harvey Nichols, Harrods, John Lewis etc... which are perfect... higher end... nice stuff etc! Then you get borderline ones like Debinhams... which can be good but equally grim!

I find sales in department stores like a cattle market however and do keep well away... but with everyone its horses for courses... some people like going shopping when its busy... others... including me hate it!

What I would say however is department stores can be that bit cheaper... and depending on the store no more downmarket than going into individual stores either... to a point!

In many cities the department store is the only place you can get high end fashion so there is no choice!

I very rarely buy clothes from department stores, though I like Fenwicks and House of Fraser for cosmetics/toiletries etc. WP Browns in York has a good sewing/knitting department and I got an overlocker from there. I also use department stores for gifts and cookware.
I actually have no idea if Gianni Bini is Dillard's private label, but I really don't think so. I do think that Dillard's carries most of their shoes.
^ If you go to and click Store Locator, it doesn't work, but it takes you to a Dillards URL ;)
^ Hah, I clicked Store Locator too and the link was broken. :lol:

I do like your idea about searching for accessories only. Dillard's doesn't have the worst selection in the world either. I think they actually do have a teen section now that I think about it! :woot: Some of it is decent but it seems much too "tweeny" for me to buy.
What I like to do is save up for the more expensive items. My taste tends to be for the more expensive items and its not because of label its because of the fit. So instead of settling for a cheeper item you should save for something you really enjoy and want.
Another idea is to shop on vacation ... and make sure you go someplace with better shopping than where you live :lol:
I love shopping when on holiday... It's always a success as you get so used to what's in in th shops in a particular season... and when you go into shops on holiday... its sooo different...

I found that recently on a wee trip to bordeux in the October holiday... was just sooo refreshing!


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