Diane Von Furstenburg Sued


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Jun 13, 2004
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ONE of the journalists injured by a falling bank of lights during Diane Von Furstenberg's show during New York Fashion Week is now suing the designer. Several fashion mavens, including The Daily Telegraph's Hilary Alexander, in the front row escaped serious injury when the lights fell, bringing the spring/summer 2006 show to a dramatic and premature end. Karen Hanes Larrain, who suffered concussion and three cuts which required 30 stitches, is now seeking unspecified damages for pain and suffering and to recoup her medical bills, according to her lawyer. Von Furstenberg's rep said that the designer, who was reportedly in tears at the scene as she personally tried to help those injured, had offered to pay all subsequent medial bills. "We offered to take care of the bills for everyone who went to the doctor or hospital. [Larrain] didn't get back to us because this suit was underway." (September 26 2005, AM Vogue.com)
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Oh no ... I wondered what Vogue.com meant by "despite all the drama ... DVF was still hot ..."

Now I know.
That's so tacky ... it was completely apparent that DVF was going to do the right thing.
:rolleyes: Saw this one coming. Sue this, sue her, sue them, sue him... cash, cash, cash.
mdankwah said:
Karen Hanes Larrain, who suffered concussion and three cuts which required 30 stitches, is now seeking unspecified damages for pain and suffering and to recoup her medical bills, according to her lawyer. Von Furstenberg's rep said that the designer... had offered to pay all subsequent medial bills. "We offered to take care of the bills for everyone who went to the doctor or hospital. [Larrain] didn't get back to us because this suit was underway."
Unspecified damages?? :blink: :doh: That is so tasteless. Why not just send her your medical bill and be done with it instead of trying to strong arm ridiculous amounts of money out of someone for an accident :unsure:
Oh dear, i would slightly understand sueing if DVF had shown no compassion or anything, but thats very sly and tacky, always after money.
i'm sure diane and her producers had insurance....
it's not like diane is a pauper either...
her husband is HUGELy wealthy as well...

and the poor girl was smacked in the head by a huge flying metal light...
i'd be pretty traumatized by that i think...
she certainly deserves some compensation for that ...imo...

and unspecified amount just means...'none of your business'...:wink:
i've never sued anyone so i don't know but... doesn't this mean that she has tried to ask for an amount that she felt was fair compensation but that dvf wouldn't pay that amount? therefore she had to sue?

not sure...but i guess it sucks for anyone involved..since it was an accident
jenn said:
not sure...but i guess it sucks for anyone involved..since it was an accident

and it will especially suck since its going to be all over the papers
I'm confused :huh: Am I misreading the article or does it say that Diane was suing the injured journalist first? Does that make sense and if so, does anyone know what DVF was suing for originally?
no curious...
it;'s just the title of the article with no puctuation...

Von Furstenburg Sued
One of the journalists injured by falling banks of lights...
jenn said:
i've never sued anyone so i don't know but... doesn't this mean that she has tried to ask for an amount that she felt was fair compensation but that dvf wouldn't pay that amount? therefore she had to sue?

not sure...but i guess it sucks for anyone involved..since it was an accident

DVF's spokesperson seems to be saying that they asked everyone to send them their doctor's bills, and instead this one sued. DVF was the complete opposite of a jerk about it ... my philosophy is that you talk directly to the person you have an issue with before you do anything else. I think this suit demonstrates, at the very least, a lack of maturity and interpersonal skills.
i think it's just 'business'...no?...

i mean...i don't think she's sueing diane personally...
she is sueing the company...
which did not safeguard their invited guests...

apparently the lights were swaying a lot before they eventually came down...
someone could have easily been killed...
it wasn't good...
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OK, the swaying wasn't reported in the stories I've seen ... that does start to look like negligence ... I can also understand how they might feel "the show must go on" ... since fashion week is so crowded and everyone so impatient ... I wonder if her husband/SO/mother/sister/father/brother is an attorney ...
Aaaah... I see :D Thanks for the clarification, Soft! I didn't think that made any sense :lol:

Thank goodness I'm not doing anything too thought provoking today. A bit fuzzy :wacko:
fab_fifties_fille said:
Oh dear, i would slightly understand sueing if DVF had shown no compassion or anything, but thats very sly and tacky, always after money.

True, but 30 stitches and a concussion....C'mon, those medical bills have to be sky high...who would want to be left with those?
eeek..... ...poor diane.... she's not the ONLY one to blame in such a situation.... :doh:
Wow. I hope everyone is ok. Yeah...we live in a seriously overly litigious era. It's crazy.

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