Dior "J'adore" Fragrance : Tiiu Kuik

I think she looks really pretty with the lighting and all but I totally agree, new model, new concept. Carman's ad has been around for so long that it does just look wierd to have a new model in it. Tiiu is beautiful, but they should have changed the concept for the ad.
I love Tiiu, but there is something off about that particular ad.
Originally posted by AlmostFamous@Feb 28th, 2004 - 3:54 pm
Her face is always saying something along the lines of...">>>durrrrrrr<<<".
hahaha! :lol:
Originally posted by Erzébeth@Feb 28th, 2004 - 7:23 pm
ahhh, it just looks awkward! they should have completely revamped it, rather than make tiiu a carmen look a like :( i don't understand why these companies replace models but style them exactly like the last one!
I agree, they could have at least changed the pose and the styling, I mean this ad just looks like a parody

I love tiiu, she's absolutely gorgeous, in fact I like her more than I like carmen - but this is just wrong :unsure:
Originally posted by PradaP@Feb 28th, 2004 - 4:12 am
I actually thought this was just a joke at first, because it looks as if they photoshopped Tiiu's head onto Carmen's body :blink: :lol:
haha, i gotta agree with you on this one!

I love Tiiu and all, but she just doesn't do it for me here. :doh:
sory, but as much as I still love Tiiu. This picture sucks!!! :blink:
:unsure: It makes you wonder if the money she got for doing this ad wiil be enough to make up for the backlash it will cause. In Carmen's ad, her look says"I just love this perfume it makes me fell so sexy". In Tiiu's ad her look says "I'm to good to be sitting in this stuff" and I think that's the difference.

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