someone asked where was the Dolce feeling in this... (accusing that there was no sexiness) I don't know how to make it sound easy: but let's play make believe for a second, and think that this young, great looking couple, is having a bunch of kids. And besides their family looking adorable, it's nearly impossible to exude sexuality when around the wee ones.
that's for the "real" part.
the Dolce part, for me, has become indissolubly tied with the family vision as we see in their ads lately. The normal house, the "beauty at all ages" imagery, the focus doesn't fly around on the concrete architecture, the lavish nature or some crazy colorful backdrop. The focus is on the picture's characters. You can almost tell a story just by looking at one of those images...
And it's a warm story of love! As opposed to the Hilfiger family where the only distinct feeling I get is "ca-ching! Check out my bling! I'm preppy, I'm hot, I'm rich and you're not!"