sorry i know i'm terrible. such a delay
and it is a half of it, the rest i will translate for tomorrow i promise
sorry once again
Sorry for grammar/style/spelling mistakes. Some parts I shortened and made simpler.
Flower: lily
Music: hip hop
Book: Oscar Wild “Dorian Grey’s portrait”
Fragrance: “Prada”
Wardrobe: Miu Miu, Azedine Alaia, Lanvin.
Color: black
Zodiac sign: Fish
Movie: “The Real Romance” (director: Quentino Tarantino)
Actress: Meryl Streep
Actor: Al Pacino
Why did you participate in contest “Miss Photo Baltic” before a few years?
I was curious. I went there with a friend. It was Carmen Kass who had idea of this contest. I won in Estonia. Firstly it didn’t make any real change because I had to finish school. When my last exam was done I went to NY. The first trip to Milan was very unlucky, I was wearing _____ (how is in English those things which Ugly Betty wears on teeth?) so agencies’ bookers even didn’t waste their money on making my photo album.
What could you say about NY?
Nice city. Searching new, interesting faces, Milan prefers commercial faces. First impression about NY was negative though: grey, moody buildings and I didn’t speak English well so I missed home. I planned to be there 2 months but I was 7 instead. My booker, named Mohamed was incredibly unpleasant guy, he thought I was well experienced and complained that I looked bad. he gave me a map and addresses. First try out was somewhere by Chinese blocks, everything looked like mazes for me, I was completely lost and confused. My agent shouted at me like crazy. I felt that I am doing not what I really want to do in life, I didn’t get joy, I regretted that I didn’t enter to university so much..I was living in a flat with 3 Brazilians (one of them was with her mother), norwegian and dane. All were very incommunicative and inhibited. Flat was very small I even didn’t get a place where to put my stuff. Fortunately I used to come back there just to sleep. First of all I worked not really prestige but interesting work – I was fitting to Vera Wang. This designer and her 5 people team made me very good impression..
Who helped to deal with it?
[FONT="]My college, who made incredible career – Carmen Kaas She helped me and with advices how and with whom t communicate and she gave me clothes as presents, at one moment she even borrowed her flat to me. She was like my psychologist because she taught me don’t get deeply if someone shouts at you or calls fat. She warned me don’t take poorly paid work (but for me 3 000 $ looked big money at that moment). Carmen herself is not typical model, at first sight she looks rough but she was very close to me. I met het at the sunset of supermodels when Carmen
[/FONT] herself wanted to quit modeling because models were poorly paid. The most interesting thing is that the most unpleasant people are not designers but their assistants. Everything started to go well through first fashion week when Marc Jacobs invited me to the show, later and other designers started to invite me.
What was you’re the most important job which brought the biggest success?
It was Versace campaign with Steven Meisel (he shot me 7 times, among you and Italian Vogue with Karen Elson). I remember for one photoshoot there was closed one block for all week. After photoshoot we drank Champagne with Donatela . First meet with Steven Meisel was very interesting, from outside and set he looks like Johnny Deph. A little strict and very creative. Firstly Rumors have it that you can’t talk to him and that he locks models in one room and doesn’t allow even smoke or drink coffee. But it wasn’t truth I saw not a monster but a little bit complexed, very shy person avoiding to communicate with strangers. During second meet he asked about my origin and Litghuania, during 3rd meet we drank coffee and smoked together. Mario Testino is absolutely opposite than Meisel. He feels a star in every step – he doesn’t let to forget it. I shot Valentino red with him. He was late so bad, when he came he just clicked few times camera’s button and said “let’s go eat”. he is very impulsive and vital.
How much fashion world is effected by supermodels era now?
My generation looked with a jealousy to leaving of supermodels because they were paid very well. When they went away they like brought and all honorariums and left just crumbs for us. Clients were very happy about it though – they save much and avoid caprices. Girls from eastern Europe made a big effect in fashion world. Star lives in 5 minutes in fashion world today. Good first impression, reputation and communication are very important now. Today I already don’t have to run with photos to try-outs I know clients and they know me. Just before show I always fit clothes and check if I don’t gain weight. Scandals in Spain for models’ weight didn’t make effect for fashion world – here it is still crazy cult of slenderness. Designers, especially in Paris hate models who have bigger breasts. One time before Balenciaga show I fitted pants and I couldn’t zip it… next day we had to gather to upcoming show but I already didn’t need to go there. That’s how you lose a job in fashion world…
(To be continue)