Dylan Farrow (daughter of Mia Farrow) accuses Woody Allen of sexual abuse

^ Oops I guess it's too late for me to edit that so I have to post again.

Update: apparently it is too late for Dylan to renew charges - the statute of limitations ran out a while ago.
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I read a piece this morning on separating art and artist; will post the link here for those who want to read it. The woman who wrote is Peggy Drexler, Ph.D., a research psychologist, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Weill Medical College, Cornell University


Thanks, that was an interesting read. One of the film blogs I follow, Rope of Silicon, also posted an article on separating art from the artist. It highlights both Woody's recent allegations and PSH death. The comments are quite good also:

The is a very tenuous comparison and one that the author of the piece acknowledges. PSH suffered from a disease and he had no agency there. He was a victim and it ended in tragedy but his disease and death won't be, and should not be, what defines him or his art. Same with Paul Walker and Tony Scott and Cory Monteith. These people were victims either to a faulty car or demons in their life. They had no control in the situation they found themselves in.

Woody Allen had agency in his situation and he had power. That is the fundamental and important difference.
Looks like an interesting link Rose n Toast - am still at work but will read it later. I did quickly scroll to the comments and I noticed the very first one brings up Michael Jackson - he's a perfect example of this conundrum! How many people love and appreciate his music but are very leery of the lifestyle he seemed to lead personally. He was accused of sexual abuse *numerous* times and settled out of court with huge amounts of money, and yet people still listen to and praise his music all the time. It's a relevant example.

It sounds like pixie makes a smart distinction with PSH, but I need to read the article first, obviously, before I can comment further.
Rose n Toast, interesting article; it does seem to separate PHS' situation from Allen's, at least superficially, but it uses both as differing examples that unite a broader issues. Art vs Artist.

By the way, I am totally impressed by how civilized the comments are following the article. Indeed, I'm bookmarking this blog for future reference on film-related info. I don't really have a good film blog a.t.m. (read the usual Indiewire, Sundance, Criticwire, etc.) so thanks again for the discovery...:flower:
One thing that upsets me about this whole thing is that there are so many people who are trying to get rid of Dylan's voice as a victim, they are trying to get rid of her agency to speak out about it. So many people who experience sexual abuse are never able to speak out so for one to do so, it is a huge, huge thing. Personally, I think Dylan is telling the truth, why go through the trouble of telling a lie and then having to stick with it for years and years??? It's not worth it. But also, other evidence in Woody's life seems to indicate that he's a bit obscene. I feel so much for Dylan and her family, to have to experience such a thing, it is just horrific. And then on top of this, to have the media shame and blame you in such a way, what an awful thing.
One thing that upsets me about this whole thing is that there are so many people who are trying to get rid of Dylan's voice as a victim, they are trying to get rid of her agency to speak out about it. So many people who experience sexual abuse are never able to speak out so for one to do so, it is a huge, huge thing. Personally, I think Dylan is telling the truth, why go through the trouble of telling a lie and then having to stick with it for years and years??? It's not worth it. But also, other evidence in Woody's life seems to indicate that he's a bit obscene. I feel so much for Dylan and her family, to have to experience such a thing, it is just horrific. And then on top of this, to have the media shame and blame you in such a way, what an awful thing.

Adding to that, it's unfortunate PSH's death was so untimely, as there would have been more spotlight on Dylan's letter. And more potential chance for support.

By the way, I am totally impressed by how civilized the comments are following the article. Indeed, I'm bookmarking this blog for future reference on film-related info. I don't really have a good film blog a.t.m. (read the usual Indiewire, Sundance, Criticwire, etc.) so thanks again for the discovery...:flower:

No worries - Rope Of Silicon does have a pretty civil comment base! Bit off topic, other than the ones you mentioned, I also follow The Film Experience and And So It Begins... religiously. The latter looks at more past films/actors, whilst TFE has a bit of everything.
The response has been disappointing, albeit expected. The last straw for the Farrow side obviously occurred with the Golden Globes' Woody Allen tribute. It can't merely be a family matter, as long as this issue involves society's commendation of abusers.
Innocent until proven guilty also doesn't mean people can't make a judgement call. All it means is that Woody Allen has/had the right to a fair trial in a court of law (rather than, you know, an unfair trial or just being thrown in jail...) The courts do such a terrible job with sexual abuse cases that I'd hate to leave it up to them... Victims rarely want to speak out, for various reasons -- including the issue of a trial that scrutinizes aspects of their character that should never be called into question. (Since Dylan was a child, Mia Farrow might take most of the blame, but still.)
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Whoops, according to Alec Baldwin, having opinions on the internet weights a trial unfairly. Anyway, I'm pretty sure it's too late for this case to be tried.
One thing that upsets me about this whole thing is that there are so many people who are trying to get rid of Dylan's voice as a victim, they are trying to get rid of her agency to speak out about it. So many people who experience sexual abuse are never able to speak out so for one to do so, it is a huge, huge thing. Personally, I think Dylan is telling the truth, why go through the trouble of telling a lie and then having to stick with it for years and years??? It's not worth it. But also, other evidence in Woody's life seems to indicate that he's a bit obscene. I feel so much for Dylan and her family, to have to experience such a thing, it is just horrific. And then on top of this, to have the media shame and blame you in such a way, what an awful thing.


Agreed. People seem REALLY keen to stick to the "we don't know what went on in that attic!", "innocent until proven guilty" mindset for Allen. Anything to throw doubt onto Dylan Farrow. Idk how much more explicit you have to get than repeating the same story since you were 7, and writing such a frank, open, detailed letter to get people to believe you. Does she have to provide photographic evidence of him assaulting her?

If Woody Allen was NOT a famous director, everyone would be calling for his head right now.
He did marry his daughter, I think that's enough said. What he did amounts to child grooming if not worse. It does not take such a leap of imagination to believe Dylan, i do.
^If we need any more view into Woody Allen's mind...

Acclaimed director Woody Allen loves the paternal feelings he has towards his young wife Soon-Yi Previn, and insists the massive age gap between them defuses any conflict in their marriage. The 69-year-old sparked an international scandal when he split up with his long-term partner Mia Farrow in 1992 after falling for her adopted daughter. Allen later married Previn, 35, and the couple have two children. Yet, the Manhattan filmmaker is unabashed when he admits that his relationship with Previn is paternal and he enjoys the power his successful life gives him in their relationship. He says, "(Our marriage) has a more paternal feeling to it... I love to do things to make her happy. She loves to do things to make me happy." Despite the controversy it caused, Allen has come to view Farrow's discovery of his nude photographs of Previn as "one of the great pieces of luck in my life". He adds, "All the women I went out with were basically my age. Now, here, it just works like magic. The very inequality of me being older and much more accomplished, much more experienced, takes away any real meaningful conflict."

Wenn magazine, 2005
^If we need any more view into Woody Allen's mind...

Wenn magazine, 2005

Oh God...
The bias in this story is absolutely disgusting, my jaw almost dropped when the Daily Beast article dismisses Soon-Yi as simply the "girlfriends step daughter" conveniently omitting the fact that Woody and Mia did have children together and Soon-Yi grew up as the sister of his offspring, not to mention the tiny detail that he met her when she was 9 or 10.
Oh God...
The bias in this story is absolutely disgusting, my jaw almost dropped when the Daily Beast article dismisses Soon-Yi as simply the "girlfriends step daughter" conveniently omitting the fact that Woody and Mia did have children together and Soon-Yi grew up as the sister of his offspring, not to mention the tiny detail that he met her when she was 9 or 10.

He's probably groomed her for so long. He's disgusting to a tee. Has she ever really "spoken out," not a bunch of he said, she said from his camp, but actually spoke? And every time I hear Woody Allen and his children mentioned I think of those pictures of him some years ago with his two daughters (funny how he only has daughters) and they looked absolutely disgusted themselves. I hope he hasn't done anything to them too.
Apparently there is a way that he could still be prosecuted:


Although a trial never guarantees anything, as we saw with O.J. Simpson or Michael Jackson or even Polanski, and maybe it's not something that Dylan Farrow would want to put herself through. But you never know because her voice is strong in her open letter and it's possible it could bring some kind of closure for her.
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I try not to comment on these cases because we as the public rarely know what actually happened. It's awful for someone to have been abused. Even worse for the victim to feel like nobody takes his/her words seriously. It's equally awful to have these accusations brought up against you and the public immediately jumping on the blame game. I believe Cate Blanchett's statement may have been criticized, but I'm going to borrow it. I hope these people find peace and resolution.

Also, for people commenting here, I strongly recommend a Danish movie that came out in the US last year, The Hunt. Incredibly well movie that's especially relevant here.
^I feel like "the public doesn't know exactly what happened" and "presumption of innocence" are just politically correct ways of siding with Allen in this case.

If Woody Allen was not an acclaimed, wealthy white director, would people be exhibiting such restraint towards Dylan Farrow's claims?

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