FKA Twigs Sues Shia LaBeouf for Sexual Battery


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Article from New York Times (link to article +full article pasted here)
By Katie Benner and Melena Ryzik, December 11, 2020

"Just after Valentine’s Day in 2019, the musician FKA twigs was in a car speeding toward Los Angeles. At the wheel was her boyfriend, the actor Shia LaBeouf. He was driving recklessly, she said in a lawsuit filed on Friday, removing his seatbelt and threatening to crash unless she professed her love for him.

They were returning from the desert, where Mr. LaBeouf, the star of “Transformers,” had raged at her throughout the trip, FKA twigs said in the lawsuit, once waking her up in the middle of the night, choking her. After she begged to be let out of the car, she said he pulled over at a gas station and she took her bags from the trunk. But Mr. LaBeouf followed, and assaulted her, throwing her against the car while screaming in her face, according to the suit. He then forced her back in the car.

The gas station incident is at the heart of the lawsuit that says Mr. LaBeouf, 34, abused FKA twigs physically, emotionally and mentally many times in a relationship that lasted just short of a year. Her aim in coming forward, she said in an interview, was to explain how even a critically acclaimed artist with money, a home and a strong network of supporters could be caught in such a cycle.

“I’d like to be able to raise awareness on the tactics that abusers use to control you and take away your agency,” FKA twigs, 32, born Tahliah Debrett Barnett, said.

Mr. LaBeouf responded Thursday to the concerns raised by Ms. Barnett, and a second former girlfriend who has accused him of abusive behavior, in an email that broadly addressed his conduct.

“I’m not in any position to tell anyone how my behavior made them feel,” he said in an email to The New York Times. “I have no excuses for my alcoholism or aggression, only rationalizations. I have been abusive to myself and everyone around me for years. I have a history of hurting the people closest to me. I’m ashamed of that history and am sorry to those I hurt. There is nothing else I can really say.”

The lawsuit, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court, says that Mr. LaBeouf knowingly gave Ms. Barnett a sexually transmitted disease. It accuses him of “relentless abuse,” including sexual battery, assault and infliction of emotional distress.

Mr. LaBeouf and his representative did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the lawsuit.

Karolyn Pho, a stylist who is another of Mr. LaBeouf’s former girlfriends, described similarly tumultuous experiences to The Times, some of which are also outlined in the lawsuit. Once, the suit says, he drunkenly pinned her to a bed and head-butted her, enough that she bled. Afterward, she began to grapple with the idea that he was abusing her. “So much goes into breaking down a man or woman to make them OK with a certain kind of treatment,” she said in an interview.

Presented with a detailed account of the claims that the women made against him, in interviews and subsequently in the lawsuit, Mr. LaBeouf, responding in a separate email, wrote that “many of these allegations are not true.” But, he continued, he owed the women “the opportunity to air their statements publicly and accept accountability for those things I have done.”

He added that he was “a sober member of a 12-step program” and in therapy. “I am not cured of my PTSD and alcoholism," he wrote, “but I am committed to doing what I need to do to recover, and I will forever be sorry to the people that I may have harmed along the way.”

Mr. LaBeouf has a long history of turbulent behavior. He has been arrested several times on charges that have been dismissed, including assault and disorderly conduct, according to newspaper reports and public records. In 2015, strangers recorded video of him arguing with his girlfriend at the time, the actress Mia Goth, telling her, “This is the kind of thing that makes a person abusive.” After the men recording Mr. LaBeouf gave him a ride, he told them: “If I’d have stayed there, I would’ve killed her,” according to the video.

Ms. Barnett said Mr. LaBeouf would squeeze or grab her to the point of bruising. But she did not go to the police, she said, first out of a misguided concern about harming his career, and later because she thought her account would not be taken seriously, and it would be futile.

Though many states have laws that treat gender-based, sexual or domestic violence as a civil rights violation, tort suits of the kind Ms. Barnett is pursuing, with a daunting account of painful moments, are relatively uncommon; most often, allegations arise amid divorce or custody proceedings, or while seeking orders of protection. But there has been a slight uptick in civil claims since the #MeToo movement, amid more attention on the complex nature of abuse, said Julie Goldscheid, a law professor at CUNY Law School who studies gender violence and civil rights.

Three women die each day at the hands of their abusers, according to the National Organization for Women. The pandemic has exacerbated dangerous situations by forcing partners to stay without interruption in close quarters, law enforcement officials said, and hotlines around the world have reported an increase in calls for help.

In the lawsuit, Ms. Barnett describes how she met Mr. LaBeouf in 2018, when she was cast in “Honey Boy,” a mostly autobiographical film he wrote, and they started dating after the movie wrapped. The early days of their relationship were marked by his “over-the-top displays of affection,” she says in the lawsuit, which helped earn her trust.

In an abusive relationship, there’s often a “honeymoon phase,” as some experts call it, that builds intimacy and sets a benchmark for how happy the romance could be. It serves as a powerful lure; though flashes of bliss may remain, they are meted out through increasingly controlling demands and impossible standards of behavior.

In the lawsuit, Ms. Barnett and Ms. Pho said that Mr. LaBeouf did not like it if they spoke to or looked at male waiters; in an interview, Ms. Barnett said she learned to keep her eyes down when men spoke to her. She also stated in the suit that Mr. LaBeouf had rules about how many times a day she had to kiss and touch him, which he enforced with constant haranguing and criticism.

Mr. LaBeouf convinced Ms. Barnett to stay with him in Los Angeles, she said, rather than move back to London where she and her professional circle lived. It was a step toward her isolation, she said. And he would often say that her creative team used her, a message that eventually led her to doubt them.

But living with him became frightening, she said. The lawsuit says that he kept a loaded firearm by the bed and that she was scared to use the bathroom at night lest he mistake her for an intruder and shoot her. He didn’t let her wear clothing to bed, and would spin a trifling disagreement — over an artist she liked and he didn’t, for example — into an all-night fight, depriving her of sleep, the suit says.

The situation came just as she was completing what became her most critically lauded album, “Magdalene.” Ms. Barnett said she found herself in stasis, struggling to fulfill her professional duties, and confounding her friends and colleagues. “Twigs is always the driving force behind her career — always a step ahead of everyone else,” said her longtime manager, Michael Stirton. “This was an extreme change in her personality and character.” The album’s release was delayed multiple times, and a tour was rescheduled at great cost, Mr. Stirton said, as Ms. Barnett receded. “I could speak to her,” he said. “But I couldn’t reach her.”

As Ms. Barnett grew more isolated, she said she felt as though her safety nets were unraveling. The gas station incident had happened in public, she said, and no one stepped to her aid; an early attempt she made to tell a colleague was brushed off. “I just thought to myself, no one is ever going to believe me,” she said in an interview. “I’m unconventional. And I’m a person of color who is a female.”

Slowly, with the help of a therapist, she began to strategize her exit. While she was packing to leave in spring 2019, Mr. LaBeouf turned up unannounced and terrorized her, according to a sworn statement from a witness, her housekeeper, in the lawsuit. When Ms. Barnett wouldn’t leave with him, the statement says, he “violently grabbed” her, picked her up and locked her in another room, where he yelled at her.

Escaping him began to seem “both difficult and dangerous,” the lawsuit says. And even as she grew in resolve, she felt overwhelmed, she told her therapist, in an email The Times has reviewed. Though she had the means, it took several attempts for Ms. Barnett to extricate herself, she said in an interview. And it was only afterward that she realized how broken down she had become.

“The whole time I was with him, I could have bought myself a business-flight plane ticket back to my four-story townhouse in Hackney,” in London, she said. And yet she didn’t. “He brought me so low, below myself, that the idea of leaving him and having to work myself back up just seemed impossible,” she said.

In her lawsuit, Ms. Barnett said she plans to donate a significant portion of any monetary damages to domestic-violence charities. “It was actually very expensive, and a massive undertaking of time and resources, to get out,” she said in an interview.

Her status makes her situation unusual, she said. But she wanted to share her story because it was otherwise so common.

“What I went through with Shia was the worst thing I’ve ever been through in the whole of my life,” she said. “I don’t think people would ever think that it would happen to me. But I think that’s the thing. It can happen to anybody.”"
excerpts from Variety below (by Elizabeth Wagmeister, December 11, 2020) (link to full article + the entire lawsuit)

"The lawsuit lays out a slew of horrific allegations, painting a lurid picture of LaBeouf, an artistically outlandish artist, whose work has been praised, despite a long history of legal issues often overshadowing his career.

The musician was once woken up by LaBeouf towering over her, violently squeezing her arms against her will and choking her, according to the lawsuit. The alleged incident occurred during a trip to celebrate Valentine’s Day in 2019. As he was strangling her, the lawsuit claims, he was whispering, “If you don’t stop you are going to lose me.” After the alleged incident, LaBeouf became manic while driving back to his home. Barnett tried to get out of the car, as he threatened to crash the car, unless he professed her “eternal love” for him, and though he briefly stopped at a gas station, he “violently attacked” her, throwing her against the car, screaming in her face and attempting to strangle her, before forcing her to get back in the car.

When filming “The Tax Collector,” LaBeouf got so into character, according to the lawsuit, he took on the role of a gangster in real life, and claimed to drive around Los Angeles, shooting stray dogs dead, so that he could get into the “mindset” of a killer. Barnett, an animal lover, was “profoundly disturbed and terrified.”

LaBeouf also demanded she slept naked, and forced her to watch documentaries about murdered women before going to bed, per the public filing. LaBeouf apparently was paranoid and suffered recurring delusions about gang members breaking into his home, so he slept with a loaded rifle at their bedside, but insisted on keeping the front door unlocked. Barnett, feeling “trapped” in their shared bed, fearful he might accidentally shoot her if she stood up, would often text friends in the middle of the night to devise an escape plan.

LaBeouf continuously belittled his then-girlfriend, and is accused of having frequent rage and bouts of jealously, even accusing her of dwelling on her former fiancé, actor Robert Pattinson, the lawsuit states. LaBeouf was so possessive, he would count the number of kisses she would give him on any given day, and berate her if it wasn’t enough.

The plaintiff’s attorney, Bryan Freedman, tells Variety that he and his client tried to resolve the matter privately “on the condition that Mr. LaBeouf agree to receive meaningful and consistent psychological treatment.” In a statement, the lawyer says, “Since he was unwilling to agree to get appropriate help, Ms. Barnett filed this suit to prevent others from unknowingly suffering similar abuse by him.”

The suit alleges that LaBeouf admitted to the Valentine’s Day incident when he forcibly slammed the musician against his car and attempted to strangle her, telling “another woman, whom he was cheating on Tahliah with at the time, that he had dragged Tahliah out of his car by her collar.”

This past September, LaBeouf was charged with misdemeanor battery and petty theft for an altercation with a man in June 2020. In 2014, he was arrested at Studio 54 in New York City for public drunkenness and disorderly conduct. After the incident, the actor voluntarily entered treatment for alcoholism. In 2017, he was arrested in Savannah, Georgia for public intoxication, disorderly conduct and obstruction with camera footage showing the actor making racial remarks to a police officer, during his arrest, which he later apologized for, citing his alcohol addiction. He was sentenced to a year of probation and to seek therapy to manage his anger and substance abuse issues."​
I've noticed some people trying to faintly excuse his behaviour by bringing up his rough childhood which, yeah no. Good on her for speaking up, and I must say I'm shocked she even put up with it as long as she did.
Way back in 09 Shia already showed people who he was when he dated Carey. They just chose not to see. What puzzles me is that he is always in these flings/relationships that seem so intense. Either all loved up in public or having a lover's tiff for the world to see. As an outsider, I just don't see what's so appealing about him?!?

And so the Gemini PR machine takes another L.
I've noticed some people trying to faintly excuse his behaviour by bringing up his rough childhood which, yeah no. Good on her for speaking up, and I must say I'm shocked she even put up with it as long as she did.
Way back in 09 Shia already showed people who he was when he dated Carey. They just chose not to see. What puzzles me is that he is always in these flings/relationships that seem so intense. Either all loved up in public or having a lover's tiff for the world to see. As an outsider, I just don't see what's so appealing about him?!?

And so the Gemini PR machine takes another L.

The whole “oh no wonder he behaved that way. He had a rough childhood. He suffered from mental illness” argument is always thrown around whenever someone tries to speak up about their experience with an abusive spouse. It’s like we have to sympathize with the abuser first as a priority instead of the one receiving the abuse. Downright disgusting imo.
I've noticed some people trying to faintly excuse his behaviour by bringing up his rough childhood which, yeah no. Good on her for speaking up, and I must say I'm shocked she even put up with it as long as she did.
Way back in 09 Shia already showed people who he was when he dated Carey. They just chose not to see. What puzzles me is that he is always in these flings/relationships that seem so intense. Either all loved up in public or having a lover's tiff for the world to see. As an outsider, I just don't see what's so appealing about him?!?

And so the Gemini PR machine takes another L.

All of this ... also sorry to Geminis, but you guys are unnerving. I dated a Gemini and ... my God. Feel really bad for FKA Twigs !
^ you make them sound like water signs! aka. a one-way journey to hell. These two are air signs, they should've had a decent, perfectly aloof relationship.. the real problem here comes down to two words and Tahliah (having dated [another gemini] actor before and spent long enough in the industry) should've known: CHILD ACTOR :sick:. As soon as someone tells you they've been acting since they were kids.. run for the hills.

He sounds pure trash.. killing dogs to get into character and not disclosing his STDs (and going as far as.. putting foundation on his d***??!).. ugh, they better give him jail time.

I did see some of these tweets blaming her.. and like 'oh and your music's bad'.. then you look at the rest of the profile..~nativist~ on their bio, some Slayer poster on the wall of their last selfie.. but by all means tell us some more about "bad music"... :lol:
didn't realize he's dating margaret qualley now, there are pictures of them making out against a car from today... cool cool
Yikes, my opinion of Margaret Qualley just went down the drain. Don't care for her anymore and she better not appear in any more Chanel ads!
So she's dating a guy knowing it was just revealed that he tortured his former girlfriend and gave her an STD (disgusting, but can this even be criminalised?)? Sorry, but there will be no sympathy from me if she too comes forward in the coming months with allegations. And that's bound to happen when you look at his rap sheet, it seems most of his girlfriends came away with some sort of drama. Women like her prove that abusers will always thrive.

That's on a personal level. On a greater level, didn't she pause to think what sort of message this would send for victims and abusers out there? She's technically the first one to openly give him a pass. See? Can't have been that bad if he's dating again....

Oh and while we're at it, she should stop bringing up her dancing background because she danced for less than one year in her tweens then stopped. It's the equivalent of someone going to salsa classes at the community centre every now and then. It's not that deep. Besides, I very much doubt the dance community would want to claim someone as tainted as her.
Which Gemini hurt you Benn :rofl:?

I don't mind if Chanel and Dior drop Lily Rose-Depp, Margaret Qualley and Johnny Depp. I have no desire to buy whatever they selling.

As for Margaret, I seen girls/women like this all the time. "Good girl" dating a notorious f***boy thinking they can change him. "Sure Jane". It's always entertaining to witness this kind of relationship go down hill because everybody know it's DOA from the get go anyway.

I wish FKA twigs all the best on finding her inner peace and health. Because not only she have to deal with the mental trauma but also STDs. Can not believe Twitter have the nerve to blame her and try to defend this POS. Another reason not to use this toxic app. The only toxic I am allow in 2021 is "Toxic" by Britney Spears
Which Gemini hurt you Benn :rofl:?

I don't mind if Chanel and Dior drop Lily Rose-Depp, Margaret Qualley and Johnny Depp. I have no desire to buy whatever they selling.

As for Margaret, I seen girls/women like this all the time. "Good girl" dating a notorious f***boy thinking they can change him. "Sure Jane". It's always entertaining to witness this kind of relationship go down hill because everybody know it's DOA from the get go anyway.

I wish FKA twigs all the best on finding her inner peace and health. Because not only she have to deal with the mental trauma but also STDs. Can not believe Twitter have the nerve to blame her and try to defend this POS. Another reason not to use this toxic app. The only toxic I am allow in 2021 is "Toxic" by Britney Spears

Not a single one actually, lol. Just works on my t*ts because as the twins we already have a bad rap sheet (see Salvatore's post, lol), and then there's Shia, Kanye, Trump, Jolie etc. Can we catch a break, lol?!!

Maybe you're right, maybe she thinks she can change him. But I mean, it's not as he just cheated on FKA, it goes far beyond that.

^ you make them sound like water signs! aka. a one-way journey to hell.

Oh, but not the oh-so-sensitive and sentimental water signs who couldn't hurt a fly. :lol: Astrology's biggest lie, btw.
^ trait descriptions probably submitted by Charles Manson and OJ Simpson..

(disgusting, but can this even be criminalised?)?

Oh and while we're at it, she should stop bringing up her dancing background because she danced for less than one year in her tweens then stopped. It's the equivalent of someone going to salsa classes at the community centre every now and then. It's not that deep. Besides, I very much doubt the dance community would want to claim someone as tainted as her.
If you knowingly transmitted it in California, hell yeah (link).

lol but Margaret did years of ballet, even did a summer intensive at ABT (and yes a summer intensive doesn't mean much but ABT does!). I don't know but poor girl, now she's got one short-term problem and a lifelong one.. the guy and... yeah.
If you knowingly transmitted it in California, hell yeah (link).

lol but Margaret did years of ballet, even did a summer intensive at ABT (and yes a summer intensive doesn't mean much but ABT does!). I don't know but poor girl, now she's got one short-term problem and a lifelong one.. the guy and... yeah.

It sounds like it's similar to UK law - it's only a crime if your partner catch an STD and you haven't disclosed it to them. So in FKA's situation, she's got a case. And since he already admitted to everything I guess this will be settled out of court.
Yikes, my opinion of Margaret Qualley just went down the drain. Don't care for her anymore and she better not appear in any more Chanel ads!
So she's dating a guy knowing it was just revealed that he tortured his former girlfriend and gave her an STD (disgusting, but can this even be criminalised?)? Sorry, but there will be no sympathy from me if she too comes forward in the coming months with allegations. And that's bound to happen when you look at his rap sheet, it seems most of his girlfriends came away with some sort of drama. Women like her prove that abusers will always thrive.

That's on a personal level. On a greater level, didn't she pause to think what sort of message this would send for victims and abusers out there? She's technically the first one to openly give him a pass. See? Can't have been that bad if he's dating again....

Oh and while we're at it, she should stop bringing up her dancing background because she danced for less than one year in her tweens then stopped. It's the equivalent of someone going to salsa classes at the community centre every now and then. It's not that deep. Besides, I very much doubt the dance community would want to claim someone as tainted as her.
In her defence, she could very much be a victim as well. There is a pattern of behaviour with Shia - most, if not all of his past girlfriends were co-stars (Mia, Carey, FKA, Megan, Sia, Kathryn Pho and now Margaret). I remember reading once that he shouted at Carey Mulligan at a screening of An Education when they dated.
Anyway, they're over. But it seems not because of the FKA story. Margaret has really shown her true colours with this episode.

Margaret Qualley and Shia LaBeouf Are No More

Perhaps after Margs had a chat with her publicist, up-and-coming actress Margaret Qualley and Shia LaBeouf have reportedly broken up. This comes about a month after FKA Twigs filed a lawsuit against LaBeouf, accusing him of sexual assault and emotional abuse. Her claims about his behavior were backed by several other women.

Prior to today, it appeared that Qualley and LaBeouf were going strong, against all odds. In fact, they deliberately posed for a series of PDA-filled paparazzi shots over the course of December, even though the Twigs story had just broken and (understandably) almost entirely turned public opinion against the actor.

According to People, the split happened this past Saturday, because the couple are at "different places in their lives." Qualley is said to be "aware" of the backlash she and her career were facing for sticking by LaBeouf, who disputes FKA Twigs' allegations. But it seems like this wasn't the real reason for the break up. Rather, Qualley is apparently "ready to get back to work" and will soon fly to Canada to shoot a movie with Margot Robbie.

If this really is the end, we can look back on a brief but action-packed romance, that included Qualley and LaBeouf appearing as lovers in Qualley's sister Rainsford's music video for "Love Me Like You Hate Me," which appears to have been removed from YouTube.

Some trivia: It's rumored that Olivia Wilde originally helmed the "Love Me Like You Hate Me" video, but removed her director credit when she and LaBeouf quarreled during the shooting of her upcoming feature film Don't Worry Darling. (As we all know by now, LaBeouf quit the movie and was quickly replaced by one Harry Styles. Styles and Wilde are now dating. Hollywood is wild.)

The FKA Twigs lawsuit against LaBeouf was filed in early December. Read more about her allegations here, and find domestic violence resources here.

So now Shia is denying everything which, if you admit that you've had an aggressive upbringing and admit that it affected your past relationships, how can you expect anyone not to believe Twigs? :rolleyes:

Unpopular opinion, but I have to say it feels unreal to see Twigs on Gayle King, only stumbled across the interview on YT. This is so far removed from the fiercely private persona she cultivated over the years. I dunno, I feel like what she has done so far, the NYT interview would have been enough. But to then go on this media junket, the Elle fashion cover, the Gayle King interview. I'm sensing a lot of naivety here. I do get that her talking about it publicly will bring awareness which is needed but at the same time she's almost sacrificing herself by basically throwing herself to the wolves because along with this will come intense media scrutiny, the tabloids, the paps etc. And for many of the general public this will be the way they're getting introduced to who she is which also means that her public persona and everything she'll do going forward will be defined by this or viewed through a sort of 'victim' lens which I think is awful. I can also see every interviewer asking her about this for the next, I dunno, 10 years at least.

Hope this is the end, no more interviews or appearances please. That Gayle King interview showed that she's still desperately in need of therapy, that she should to take care of herself first. You can't rush to help others if you're not in a good space.

Oh and Margaret Qualley? Save it! Nobody cares.


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