Teri Hatcher speaks out about childhood sexual abuse

Well, it is kinda weird that one would pose half-naked on a cover of a magazine that reveals you were sexually abused.

Does the nakedness represent sexuality or is it symbolic of her 'baring her soul'? :blink:
poor girl....

i hate when celebs "go public"... like they want to share with the "entire world".... :rolleyes:
Anastasia said:
Some women who are sexually abused as children become prudish, as a way of coping, some become extremely promiscious. Everyone reacts differently, and the mind is capable of doing some very strange things. While I think the cover picture was chosen by the editors to titillate all the pervs out there; I hope that none of the people criticizing Hatcher for her roles/photographs, or calling her abuse alleged just because her behavior doesn't fit into their narrow minded, self righteous view of what sexual abuse survivors SHOULD act like, never have to experience sexual abuse/assault themselves, or have it happen to their daughters, sisters, wives, or friends.

Unless you have personally been through it yourself you have NO IDEA what the hell you are talking about, and have NO RIGHT to judge how someone reacts to those circumstances or lives their life afterwards.

Here here!!
Karma for you
This may not come out right but, if this is ture, than it's a bit wrong-ish for her, not to judge, (sorry that she went threw that) to put clooney anywhere on par with a molester, saying as if he's the reason for coming out or as if she was getting out of a relationship with a molester or something (i.e. michael jackson) (allegedly, don't know if he's guilty or not, for you mike fans)
I think that what happened to Teri is obviously really horrible but I think it got waay too much press.
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Actually... She came out with this story in order to help with the defense of a young girl who stated her offender was the same man that had sexually abused Teri as a child... Teri said this herself... Clooney had nothing to do with this, and I think it's ridiculous that they try to tie that in.

It's very unfortunate, and at first I was a little disenchanted by the fact that Teri went public with this... but I learned that she did it for an exceptional reason, and I see that it must be soo very tough.
i don't like how the article tries to make her look like she just wanted to send a "look what you have done to me"-message to george clooney after their break-up, or rather make clooney look like he did something comparable to what her abominable uncle did to her. (i know, the article did not say anything like that explicitly but somehow it just sounds like it. maybe i'm misreading it.)
Well, I have no idea what happened between Teri and George, but I can certainly see how a woman could perceive the two events as connected--both involve being used sexually--one was legal, the other was not, but both were painful.

This type of abuse is particularly pernicious because it takes something positive and joyful and deeply instinctual and creates incredibly negative associations with it.

You can heal from abuse, but the scars are there for a lifetime. If you have a bad knee and someone accidentally slams into your knee ... can you see how it's related?

I'd also like to say that I do think it's possible to empathize with someone who's experienced this type of abuse even if you haven't had the exact same experience.

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