Her line is supposed to be out today, but I haven't found it online yet. Lagarconne doesn't have it up yet, nor does Revolveclothing (which carries RVCA in general).
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Okay, I found this at fashionologie.com from Coutorture.
Edited to add:
Okay, I found this at fashionologie.com from Coutorture.
THE MODELIZER —Erin Wasson's debut collection for RVCA was supposed to hit stores yesterday — including online at La Garconne — but so far, it's nowhere to be found. According to RVCA, there's been a week delay for unspecified reasons. Erin, meanwhile, is already at work on her Fall 2009 collection, which debuts during New York Fashion Week — fittings, lookbook shoots — and hopes to stay with the brand for the long run: "RVCA feels like we are this f*cking fun little tribe that is making something happen. And there’s more to come."
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