I'm no expert on this topic but isn't Prada a much bigger company than Balenciaga or Givenchy? Prada is its own company too, whereas Balenciaga and Givenchy are brands within a larger company (Balenciaga is owned by the Gucci Group, and Givenchy is owned by the Louis Vuitton group). This might affect their model aesthetic.
I'd never thought about it this way, but maybe this can be related to their model choices… very interesting aspect to consider.
Now, about what Mullet said of the Prada look, that she doesn't think there's such a thing as a physical Prada look... well, I don't know for the girls, but when I first discovered Prada years ago (actually I think I was just discovering fashion, so you can imagine my theories back then

), I started noticing there were certain physical patterns shared by most of the boys that Miuccia uses for the Prada shows and campaigns.
One of the first men's Prada ads I remember seeing was the one for Fall/Winter 2007. The cast was a group of 4 or 5 boys, but for me, the edgy and angular faces of Nick Snider and Rogier Bosschaart outshined the others in every shot they appeared together:
Prada Menswear F/W 2007
prada.com/Posted by Ed at modelhommes.com
Then I saw some even older ads featuring one of the brand's favorites, Eddie Klint (who btw opened the show for more than 3 times if I'm not mistaken), and I thought he and Nick quite look alike physically speaking, since both are lean and tall guys with similar bone structures, and also they don't exactly have that type of "handsome-Hollywood movie star classic look" owned by most of the guys that brands like CK and Versace usually cast.
Prada LG Phone F/W 07
Later, it came F/W 09's campaign featuring that blonde mysterious boy (I still don't know his name

) and when I first saw his large nose and ears, I instantly thought of the way Rogier looked on his Prada Infusion d'Homme F/W 08 ad. At this point, I really started believing there was a certain physical pattern Prada followed when casting boys.
Prada Menswear F/W 2009
Prada Infusion d'Homme F/W 08
Also, there was the fact that I constantly read, and even have heard from some male models videos in which they joke about the fact that if they want to have the chance to walk Prada, they need to be... not too muscular; in other words, not as hunky as the Calvin Klein or Dolce boys, who most of time are styled in order to look sexy on shows and campaigns. I started noticing then that Prada boys were nothing like that. Even you can say they can be quite the opposite of that aesthetic.
By looking at the casts of several Prada shows through years, even though there are several boys with different aesthetics in all of them, you can tell that many of the boys who actually are regular walkers share some of these distinctive features, that imo, make me relate them to a physical Prada look: they're always less muscular than most of the other guys on other shows, and they usually have those strong facial features that make them interesting to look at and help them to give an image of exclusiveness and distinction to the brand:
Now, when I saw the actors they casted for their last show, I couldn't help noticing how their aesthetic choices were very similar from many of their model choices in the past. I mean: Adrien Brody and Jamie Bell... they somehow share some physical features that suggest mysteriousness, cool quirkiness, elegance, and all those characteristics that make Prada boys look very high fashion.
So, for all these reasons, sometimes I like to think that there's actually such thing as a physical Prada look... at least for the boys

(and when I say this I don't mean that all Prada boys have always looked that same way. There are actually many Prada boys that are most likely to be compared with a more classic handsome look from movie stars, like for example the most recent openers from the past shows: Arthur Gosse and Benjamin Eidem). I know that in the case of the girls, their aesthetic choices are even more varied, but I still think all Prada models, regardless of their gender, are best known for their distinctive/not so traditional look and this is the reason why I think that very unique-looking girls like Kelly and Sasha are perfect to represent the brand aesthetically speaking: