FFW Mag! 2007 : Caroline Trentini by Jacques Dequeker

thanks in advance Leonardo for scanning Caroline The Great ;)
Yes, of course, I will scan all editorials!!! ^_^

You're a legend!:flower: How much does this magazine cost and where can I find it? I'm not a huge fan of Caroline but the editorial posted is the best work I've seen in a while!
i like the cover and ed, i think it is not bad!
Editorial: "O Último Mergulho"
Model: Caroline Trentini
Ph.: Roberto Wagner

Scanned by me

^^ Thank you for the editorial! The 6th spread is beautiful. ^_^
So in other words,it's the pefect magazine straight down from heaven:lol::heart::heart:
i hope this shows up on Ebay!!:cry:

I have a lot of this here in my house.. so if you and if another tfs member would like to trade this special editiosn of FFw MAG! I'll love it! ^_^
You're a legend!:flower: How much does this magazine cost and where can I find it? I'm not a huge fan of Caroline but the editorial posted is the best work I've seen in a while!

Here in Brazil costs R$ 18.90, in dollars, something around $ 10.73. I don't know if the magazine is sold outside the country, I believe that through Ebay, or the matheus_s here on top, you can get one magazine!!! ^_^
^Yes I have a lot hahhah. and I'm here to remember that if anyone here wants to trade this magazine for one other I'm waiting your messege on my profile page!
Avatares de Fumaça
Ph.: Jacques Dequeker
Writer: Jackson Araújo
Stylist: Paulo Martinez

[Imagens from my own computer / SPFW]
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Was Daiane Conterato ever featured in any issue of FFW?
Please make sure always to create a thread dedicated to this magazine once it comes out!
I went through the older issues at the site you linked me to and the content was very impressive.
Was Daiane Conterato ever featured in any issue of FFW?
Please make sure always to create a thread dedicated to this magazine once it comes out!
I went through the older issues at the site you linked me to and the content was very impressive.

Yes she made the 4# Issue!

Ohh.. Next january will get out the 7# issue. And I of course will post it here!:woot:
I'm sooo happy i'm getting this mag!!! :buzz:
FFW Mag! #6
Oceano Índigo (Just a spot of it... )
Ph.: Gui Paganini
Stylist: Daniel Uêda

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FFW Mag! #6
Curta-Metrage (Just a spot of it... )
Ph.: Rogério Cavalcanti
Stylist: Paulo Martinez

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