Fine Arts major trying to break in fashion--I have a few questions


Mar 11, 2006
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I am studying for my BFA as a fine arts major at a city school in NYC but I want be a designer. I have a few internships under my belt; right now I have been interning with a stylist for almost a year and I have a summer internship with a women's clothing line. And last summer I did a internship with a men's clothing line.
I am also taking illustrator and photoshop classes at FIT in the continuing education program.

1) I was just wondering if it is a lost cause because when I look at the requirements for working for Polo and others well like that you need a 4-year degree from a design school is that set in stone? Or is there a way around that? Is a 4-year fine arts degree just as good?
2)what do I need to know in order to compete with people who have actual design degree? What classes should I consider taking?
3) And how do I go about making a fashion portfolio?

Thanks for reading...:flower:
For most big designers your going to need a degree- I don't think there is any way to get around this. However, in nyc there are tons of small boutiques and shops always looking for new designers. There are also a lot of websites that you could sell on. If you are just looking to take a few classes I would do these: sewing, draping, flat pattern design, and a general apparel design class. There is also a class at fit for portfolio building. I took it my summer before applying to college and I got into every art school I applied to. The course is tought by people who look at thousands of portfolios a year. I think this would be really helpful to you. Good luck!

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