Game of Thrones

lol Phuel. I think Arya took a few souvenirs in the form of faces from the wall when she left Black House, White Market. That's the only way I can imagine her surviving on her own throughout the Riverlands that's now Lannister territory.

And meat pies aren't big in the US...but after watching that scene, I have become fascinated by them and I want to eat a meat pie.
I feel like if I have to stop watching shows because of inconsistencies, I would end up watching only documentaries :lol:
I just thought the next season would be out in April like the previous ones, and not July! ;)
was it true that they had trouble with locations because of Brexit? or was all that expeculation?
was it true that they had trouble with locations because of Brexit? or was all that expeculation?

No, the production was pushed back to film more scenes in the north. Its Winter in westeros so they need more of their locations to be "wintery".
For the 5 people on this forum that watches this show, the new season 7 trailer:

Looks like a solid cast of characters and things will actually happen this time... No more silliness like the Sand Snakes and their mother/aunt/don't remember her name diva, that weirdo waif-person that hates Arya for no reason, no more sit-and-snark filler, no more time-wasting monologues from Tyrion please...

(Arya got really... plump...)
It was a good episode imo. Ed Sheeran felt like jumping the shark though, I read it was like a gift to Maisie but still...
The show brought winter to my country, now it´s really cold :cry::lol:
he was definitely on screen for way too long, didn't really need to hear him talk, just sing.
So sad to see Wun Wun like that :(
I have so many different emotions about the episode, from pure bliss to what the hell.
Where is Gendry?! I thought we'd find out by now.
That Arya scene killing th Freys was too awesome.
Sansa is finally going to (hopefully) rid herself of Littlefinger.
Solid debut for the Season.

The leanness, the strong and expansive visuals, the quiet momentum… all reminds me of the 1st episode of Season 1, which was the one that hooked me in. With only 7 episodes, I’m hoping the rest of the Season will continue with this brand of less-dialogue-is-more storytelling. So far: Gorgeous visuals and an uncluttered, and still full-body story.

Loved the Sam montage LOL But what really got the grandeur of this world going was from the moment a certain somebody with dragonscale enters the story…

(Please don’t ruin this strong momentum with the goofy Sand Snakes and their Cinderella’s-evil-stepmother aunt…)
^^^ Euron is… oddly damn hot this Season. Like— sleazy, dirty, greasy hot. That handlebar moustache and shorter hair… Reminds me of Franco Moschino.

And Missandei is achingly drop-dead gorgeous in her black leather armor-dress; looking like some GoT Celine model.
They are, but only because I watched those behind the scenes vids too. It's hard to focus on them during the actual scenes, there is so much going on.
The first episode satisfied my thirst. The first scene had me screaming YASSSSSS, get em girl!
I could have lived without Samwell Tarly's scene, I nearly puked.

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